Thursday, March 8, 2018

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14 Recap: The Hills Have Eyes

Haven’t the Riverdale kids ever heard of slasher movies?

On Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14, Archie, Betty and Jughead accompanied Veronica along to the Lodge lodge, and we think it’s fair to say they got more than they bargained for. 

Veronica was talking about the place like she was on some sort of real estate TV series, and it was obvious things were going to go off the rails when the youngest member of the Lodge family confirmed to Jughead the lucrative home was in an exclusive community without anything to distinguish the houses. 

The trip got off to an awkward start when a scorned Cheryl called Jughead to let him know about that kiss Archie and Betty shared earlier on Riverdale Season 2. While Jughead was mad because he opened up about his relationship with Toni, he agreed to move on from it with Betty. 

But then things took another explosive turn when the foursome got drunk on Veronica’s Jalapeno Margaritas. Jughead was getting progressively drunker and got mad about the kiss again. 

That’s when Queen Veronica stepped up to the challenge and locked lips with Jughead. Betty and Archie watched on from the sidelines, knowing full well that they had created a monster. 

This encounter helped Jughead and Betty relight the fire in their love life, and Betty found herself channeling Dark Betty to seduce her man. Archie and Betty were shocked when they could hear the sounds coming from the room. 

But Archie was mad … even though he did not want to admit it. He took his frustration out on some wood the next morning, swinging an ax while Veronica watched on from the sidelines. Then, she followed Archie into the woods and found him conferring with Hiram’s right-hand man. 

He was sent to watch over the teens because Hiram was worried there was pushback because of the murder of Papa Poutine. Veronica was livid and sent the man home. 

She and Betty decided to leave the house for a few to get away from the men, and that’s when they bumped into a cute sales assistant named Cassidy. Veronica swooned the moment she walked into the store. 

Back at the lodge, Betty yelled at Veronica in the aftermath of learning that Hiram was buying The Register in an attempt to control the narrative in Riverdale. This came a few scenes after Hiram bought Sunnyside Trailer Park. 

Archie sided with Veronica as Jughead and Betty hurled the insults their way. They were interrupted by a home invasion from the three masked men at the store.  Veronica managed to send a message to her father, and the phone started ringing. 

That was enough for the three men to run off into the woods, but the black hoods struck a chord with Archie, and he ran after them. Hiram’s goon helped him with one of them, but Archie was sent home. 

A gunshot rang out in the woods, and Archie knew the teenager was dead. He returned to the lodge. 

Meanwhile, in Riverdale … 

  • Cheryl revealed to Toni that she was once in love with a girl named Heather, but Penelope shut it down and called her “deviant.” Is it just us, or is Penelope the root of all Cheryl’s problems?

  • Chick threatened Alice and Betty’s life when he learned that Jughead knew about the murder in the Cooper household. 

  • Kevin and Josie learned the truth about their parents having steamy motel hookups and managed to come to an understanding by the close of the episode. 

  • Kevin served as the third wheel on Midge and Moose’s date, and things got awkward when Midge wondered how they met. 

Okay, Riverdale Fans. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Remember you can watch Riverdale online right here!
