Sunday, March 4, 2018

Jenelle Evans: PROOF She"s Been Fired from Teen Mom 2?!

Jenelle Evans … well, she’s not doing so hot right now.

For those of us who have kept a close eye on her over the years, it’s pretty easy to see that she seems to be heading for a meltdown.

To be fair, a meltdown would be understandable — her life is falling apart in a major way right now.

She’s probably settling into the reality that she’ll likely never get custody of Jace, and her admission that she did drugs while pregnant with Ensley got a whole, whole lot of attention.

They way she worded it in that interview, it sounded like she thought she’d be praised for being honest, or like she’d get sympathy for her health problems.

Obviously, things didn’t turn out that way.

Let’s see, what else is going on with Jenelle … oh, right, that thing where she’s most likely going to be fired from Teen Mom 2.

If you follow all that delightful Teen Mom gossip, you probably know the story by now — David Eason shared a photo of Jenelle with a rifle just after the Parkland school shooting, and he reacted poorly when people suggested he take it down.

In the middle of all the debating about guns, he started making some homophobic and transphobic remarks.

The things he said were really disgusting and offensive, and the next day, MTV fired him.

Even though he was fired, sponsors still kept pulling ads set to air during the show, and there’s been serious talk that Jenelle will be fired, too.

We haven’t heard anything official one way or the other, but it’s not looking good.

Reports have claimed that filming was nearly done for the upcoming season anyway, and that the crew had gotten enough footage of Jenelle that they were able to wrap up completely.

Other sources have said that if MTV does make the decision to keep her on the show, certain crew members will refuse to work with her.

Meanwhile, Jenelle and David keep making things worse and worse.

They’ve been sharing photos of Kaiser and Ensley playing with toy guns, which is just remarkably poor timing — that, or just a pathetic attention grab.

And this morning, Jenelle’s been behaving pretty strangely on Twitter.

At around 7:30 AM, she tweeted “Ensley will not be appearing on #TeenMom2 after this season. Keep up with me on IG for updates of the gorgeous little babe.”

She added that Kaiser wouldn’t be appearing anymore either, and “maybe Jace but idk,” but for some reason she deleted that tweet.

Someone replied that hopefully she won’t on the show as well, and she retweeted it, which is … od.

She actually retweeted a few similar messages, even one that read “Why just not cut Jenelle out all together and replace her with Barb! It would be so much more enjoyable to watch!!!”

Interestingly, one person told her “You bring the most ratings and the rest just live off your fame while you get bad press. If you leave them the rest of them will have to find jobs.”

“Well we shall see,” she responded.

OK, so there’s a lot going on here.

A popular theory is that she’s saying that she’s taking her kids off the show and being sassy about the people who think she should be fired because she actually already has been fired, but MTV hasn’t made a statement yet.

This way, she can make it seem like she’s quitting, or like she’s over everything anyway, because how embarrassing would it be if she sucked up to MTV and lost her job anyway?

Even if that’s not what she’s doing, she’s not making any sense anyway.

David’s not going to be on the show anymore, he won’t let her talk to Nathan directly, and she refuses to film with Barbara, so if she refuses to allow the kids to be filmed, what’s left?

Would we watch her try to convince producers that her life is going great? Would they film her getting on Twitter or just crying or … that’s it, we really can’t think of any other options.

Could this be proof that Jenelle is, by her own choice or not, officially done with Teen Mom 2?

Yes. Yes, it could.

And how upsetting/relieving/bizarre is that?
