Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Jinger Duggar Posts Baby Bump Pic, Pregnancy Update

Fans may feel like they awaited news of a Jinger Duggar pregnancy for a decade or so, but really, it was only about a year between her wedding to Jeremy Vuolo and her announcement that she’s expecting.

Regardless, this is the most highly-anticipated new addition to the Duggar clan in quite some time, so it stands to reason that the family’s most obsesive followers are clamoring for updates.

Fortunately for them, Jinger is happy to give the people what they want.

That’s a photo posted to the expectant mom’s Instagram page earlier this week.

She captioned the image, “[Baby emoji] Vuolo #20weeks”

As you can see from the blackboard behind Jinger, Baby Vuolo is roughly the sizr of an artichoke these days.

You may be thinking to yourself, Well, that’s nice and all, but what’s a good produce analogy for the fetus’ size at 18 weeks? At 15 weeks?

Well, you’re in luck!

Jinger has been updating fans for several weeks and each post also works as a lesson in gestational development, as well as inspiration about what to get in your salad at lunch.

At 15 weeks, Baby V was roughly the size of an apple.

Three weeks later, she could’ve hidden behind a bell pepper.

Okay, so it’s not as thrilling as when Jinger wears pants on Instagram, but these are the posts that some Duggar fans live for.

And they’re especially poignant coming from Jinger.

Typically, Duggar women announce their first pregnancy within a few months of getting hitched.

In fact, it’s not uncommon for them to get down to the business of starting a family on their honeymoons. 

However, Jinger was married to Jeremy for over a year before she offered fans any sort of baby-making news, thus prompting all sorts of deeply offensive speculation about what might be taking her so long.

But Jinger has earned her spot as the family rebel, and she wasn’t about to start popping out little ones just because the fans demanded it of her.

But now that she is expecting, it seems she’ll be sticking with family tradition by offering regular bump updates, and for that, we thank her.

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