Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Alaskan Bush People: Is Gabe Brown Having a Breakdown?

The Brown family is out of L.A. and reportedly filming Alaskan Bush People again … in Washington State.

But some fans of the show are worried about Gabe Brown, and see his recent behavior on social media as erratic — at best.

Is Gabe having a breakdown?

Recently, Gabe took to social media to defend his younger sister, Rain, against some now-deleted unkind comments.

Gabe wrote:

“God sees your face and knows your name how do you think you make him feel??”

That sure sounds … ominous. Until Gabe softens his words with the next line.

“He loves you and so do I I wish with everything I have actually.”

Again, Gabe starts to sound menacing without making any direct threats.

“We have had many wonderful friends in law enforcement God bless them for all they do to make life a safer place.”

This time, however, he takes things up a notch.

“I wish they were here on IG you wouldn’t have said half of the hateful illegal things.”

These words had some fans worried that Gabe is in a bad place, emotionally. Angry outbursts on social media can be a bad sign.

For contrast, look at the sorts of words that Gabe usually likes to share on social media.

Like when he celebrates International Women’s Day.

“Mister Cupcake and I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful national womens’ day it’s nice to take a moment out of our year to appreciate all the amazing women in our lives and throughout history which today I’m calling herstory have a great night everyone and God bless us all.”

Sometimes, he just gives positive shout-outs for his followers.

“Late night make me happy that feeling that everyone you love is fast asleep and safe waiting in the tomorrow for you to catch up it’s like the time inbetween and it’s all mine that’s how it seems anyway good night instafriends.”

His warm messages are a far cry from his heated messages to people who troll his sister.

“God bless us all and remember to make every tomorrow better love you all.”

It was only recently that Gabe Brown broke his social media silence with a triumphant return to Instagram.

And he didn’t return a moment too soon.

Rain, in her role as the Brown family’s unofficial spokesperson though she’s barely 15, had warned of an imposter pretending to be Gabe Brown online.

At the time, Rain had explained that Gabe wasn’t on social media at all because he was not having a good time or in a good place, emotionally. She’d warned fans that anyone pretending to be him was just catfishing them.

Unfortunately, not all fans got the memo.

Because when Rain showed off her “third wheel” status as Gabe made out behind her, fans accused Gabe of cheating.

Specifically, a number of commenters were shocked and revealed that they had been flirted with or seduced by “Gabe.”

Even after Rain’s warning and the situation being explained to them by other commenters, some remained steadfast in their belief that it had been Gabe Brown himself who wooed them over social media.

Others who had acknowledged that they were catfished still found the photo hurtful, because they believed that it was insensitive to them since their feelings had been played with.

Between all of that, existing issues, his mother’s recent recovery from cancer, and his family moving multiple times within the space of a few months, it’s understandable that Gabe Brown might be struggling.

But … is his behavior really erratic?

That’s hard to say. Sometimes, his posts aren’t as coherent as they could be … but plenty of people struggle to know what to say and how to say it on social media.

But it looks like he was just standing up for his little sister, Rain, who is only 15 and absolutely should not get the kind of hate that she does.

(Seriously, we cannot stress enough that she is a young teenager who is doing fans a huge favor by updating them on her life and her family at all, and should not receive hate or trolling for any reason)

Who wouldn’t go above and beyond to defend their younger sister from vicious trolls who should know better?

Gabe didn’t actually make any threats, he just … implied that he could potentially make a threat if he wanted to, but chose the high road.
