Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Teen Mom 2 Fans to Jenelle Evans: Delete Your Social Media!

Rumors that Jenelle Evans is pregnant seem to make their way around social media on a near-constant basis.

Thankfully, Jenelle doesn’t get knocked up quite as often as Teen Mom Twitter thinks she does, as it seems like she already has her hands full with the three children currently under her care.

But it’s not hard to see why fans aren’t always quick to believe Jenelle’s denials.

After all, Evans has lied about being pregnant in the past, and in general, she doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to telling the truth.

Of course, Jenelle has made it clear that she has no intention of being silenced by her haters.

As such, she’s continued posting on just about every social media platform on a daily basis.

(Seriously, it’s rare to see someone who’s this active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Twitter.)

And it seems her latest IG pic is more than just a standard bikini selfie.

It doubles as Jenelle’s way of letting the world know that there are no more little Evans-Easons on the way … for now, at least.

“They will say ‘she’s pregnant’.  #Summer #GoodVibes #Bikini #Rumors,” Jenelle wrote alongside the above photo.

We’re not sure why Jenelle thinks this photo would spark rumors that she’s expecting, but it seems that the caption is her way of preemptively addressing such hearsay.

In all likelihood, she simply felt like posting a bikini pic and realized a caption that mentions pregnancy would garner some extra attention.

And that’s fine.

Jenelle’s been in the game long enough to understand exactly how it works.

Besides, we’ll take something as innocent as a swimwear selfie over the other nonsense that she’s been posting lately.

As you may have heard, a photo of Jenelle shooting a gun sparked major controversy recently.

In fact, her husband, David Eason, was fired by MTV after issuing a hostile, bigoted response to fans who suggested that it was insensitive of Jenelle to post such a pic within hours of the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Now, Jenelle is free to express her political beliefs as she sees fit, of course.

But surely, even she can see how such a photo might not go over well on the day of unthinkably tragic mass shooting.

The incident served as yet another reminder that Jenelle should probably stick to apolitical content.

We’d say it would be even better for her to just delete her socials altogether, but we all know that will never happen.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more insanity from the Carolina Hurricane herself.
