Showing posts with label Delete'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delete'. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Harvey Weinstein Lead Detective Told Victim to Delete Info from Phone

The case against Harvey Weinstein suffered a massive blow when prosecutors had to admit the lead detective on the case advised one of the alleged victims to delete information from her phone. Prosecutors sent a letter Wednesday to Weinstein’s…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Travis Scott: Did He Delete a Transgender Model From His Album Art?

Travis Scott’s new album, Astroworld, came out on Friday. With it, of course, came the album art.

But the final album cover seemed to have erased a transgender model who appeared in an earlier version.

This has left a number of fans wondering if Travis Scott has a problem with the transgender community. If so … yikes.

Reports say that Travis Scott is planning to propose to Kylie very soon.

Whether or not that’s true, he probably wants to maintain a close relationship with her family.

That would include her father, Caitlyn Jenner, who is the most famous trans woman on the planet. 

So why, some wonder, does the final version of his Astroworld album art seem to have conveniently excluded transgender model and performance artist Amanda Lepore?

Here is the version that Travis shared with the world.

That’s quite the image, depicting some sort of naughty erotic amusement park that might perhaps be entered through Travis’ own mouth.

It’s odd and salacious, but perhaps no one would have ever known that anyone was missing had Amanda Lepore not shared it herself.

“It was great being part of @david_lachapelle’s incredible photograph of @travisscott’s albulm cover,” Amanda wrote on Instagram.

“But,” Amanda continues. “I’m curious why I’m not on the picture @travisscott posted.”

Along with her comments, she included a look at the original.

Travis Scott album cover variant

We’re not going to make you spot the difference — if you see her, off to the left, she’s just about mooning the camera. But not in the version that Travis shared.

“A girl can’t help it!” Amanda writes. “Too distracting for the eyes!”

Her theory, which she shares in the captions, is that she must have “upstaged everyone in the photograph!”

“Oh well………..” she writes to show that there is no ill will, adding: “I love @david_lachapelle and @travisscott! Love and kisses”

But what’s the real story?

A number of people, including celebrities within the LGBTQ+ community, were shocked and saddened to see that Amanda had been excluded.

Some commenters came right out and suggested that perhaps Travis Scott had personally ordered that Amanda be scrubbed from the image.

Honestly, that’s a major assumption — especially knowing that many artists may have their album art changed without their knowledge.

Fortunately, the photographer himself came forward to explain what had happened.

Amanda Lepore Photo Absent Travis Scott Discussion

“Amanda was taken out because she just upstaged everyone,” Dave LaChapelle writes, adding: “Lol.”

LaChapelle continued, affirming Amanda’s value as a model and performance artist.

“She is in my books and my heart,” LaChapelle writes. “She knows the T.”

T is a slang expression for truth, one particularly common within the LGBTQ+ community and also within African American Vernacular English.

LaChepelle was dismissive of accusations of bigotry.

“Everybody wants to explain everything with some phobia or whatever,” LaChapelle writes under another comment.

LaChapelle adds: “Ain’t notihing to do with hating.”

In fact, TMZ reports that Travis Scott didn’t delete Amanda from his cover. In fact, he apparently didn’t even know about the earlier version.

Sometimes artistic choices can accidentally look really positive or really negative when they’re just based upon the aesthetic of a photograph.

So, is this likely to get Travis in trouble with Caitlyn?

Probably not, actually.

For one thing, Cait may have caused trouble for the Kardashians, but Kylie is her youngest. We don’t know how willing she would be to stir thet pot.

But beyond that, Amanda Lepore is a performance artist. Amanda’s look is about more than just gender expression — it’s art in and of itself.

That’s a little different than the vast majority of transgender folks. Some have suggested that Cait wouldn’t race to defend Amanda’s honor because Amanda is outside of the mainstream.

But we can’t speak to Caitlyn Jenner’s thoughts or feelings on the matter until she actually comments. If she even chooses to do so.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Teen Mom 2 Fans to Jenelle Evans: Delete Your Social Media!

Rumors that Jenelle Evans is pregnant seem to make their way around social media on a near-constant basis.

Thankfully, Jenelle doesn’t get knocked up quite as often as Teen Mom Twitter thinks she does, as it seems like she already has her hands full with the three children currently under her care.

But it’s not hard to see why fans aren’t always quick to believe Jenelle’s denials.

After all, Evans has lied about being pregnant in the past, and in general, she doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to telling the truth.

Of course, Jenelle has made it clear that she has no intention of being silenced by her haters.

As such, she’s continued posting on just about every social media platform on a daily basis.

(Seriously, it’s rare to see someone who’s this active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Twitter.)

And it seems her latest IG pic is more than just a standard bikini selfie.

It doubles as Jenelle’s way of letting the world know that there are no more little Evans-Easons on the way … for now, at least.

“They will say ‘she’s pregnant’.  #Summer #GoodVibes #Bikini #Rumors,” Jenelle wrote alongside the above photo.

We’re not sure why Jenelle thinks this photo would spark rumors that she’s expecting, but it seems that the caption is her way of preemptively addressing such hearsay.

In all likelihood, she simply felt like posting a bikini pic and realized a caption that mentions pregnancy would garner some extra attention.

And that’s fine.

Jenelle’s been in the game long enough to understand exactly how it works.

Besides, we’ll take something as innocent as a swimwear selfie over the other nonsense that she’s been posting lately.

As you may have heard, a photo of Jenelle shooting a gun sparked major controversy recently.

In fact, her husband, David Eason, was fired by MTV after issuing a hostile, bigoted response to fans who suggested that it was insensitive of Jenelle to post such a pic within hours of the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Now, Jenelle is free to express her political beliefs as she sees fit, of course.

But surely, even she can see how such a photo might not go over well on the day of unthinkably tragic mass shooting.

The incident served as yet another reminder that Jenelle should probably stick to apolitical content.

We’d say it would be even better for her to just delete her socials altogether, but we all know that will never happen.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more insanity from the Carolina Hurricane herself.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

WWE"s Matt Hardy: I Will DELETE Vince McMahon If He Didn"t Like My "Ultimate Deletion"

WWE superstar Woken Matt Hardy ain’t sure if Vince McMahon loved or hated his “Ultimate Deletion” — but says if it’s the latter, he will personally DELETE his boss! “If McMahon has any issues with it, I certainly have a spot here at The Hardy…


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Broken Matt Hardy Threatens to DELETE Vince McMahon (VIDEO)

VINCE MCMAHON IS ON NOTICE!!! Broken Matt Hardy tells TMZ Sports he’s been in talks with multiple wrestling organizations including WWE — but says if Vince McMahon jerks him around, he will DELETE the most powerful man in the biz. Hardy currently…


Broken Matt Hardy Threatens to DELETE Vince McMahon (VIDEO)

VINCE MCMAHON IS ON NOTICE!!! Broken Matt Hardy tells TMZ Sports he’s been in talks with multiple wrestling organizations including WWE — but says if Vince McMahon jerks him around, he will DELETE the most powerful man in the biz. Hardy currently…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

NY State Sues Ashley Madison Over So-Called "Full Delete" is ripping off married people who no longer need the website’s extramarital services by lying about deleting their info … according to the state of NY, anyway.  State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman filed a…
