Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Jenelle Evans to Nathan Griffith: You"ll Never See Our Son Again!

It"s hard to imagine how Jenelle Evans could possibly have time for all of her feuds.

She must wake up in the morning and immediately get to feuding.

She must cancel plans so that she can stay home and post Instagram videos defending David Eason for bullying 8-year-old girls on social media.

The whole thing would be impressive if it weren"t an obvious indicator of dangerous psychosis.

The latest target of Jenelle"s wrath is Nathan Griffith, the ex-fiancee with whom she"s still locked in an ugly custody battle over son Kaiser.

Jenelle thought she finally had Nathan beat over the weekend, and we all got to watch as the hilarity unfolded.

1. Happier Times

Nathan griffith jenelle evans selfie pic

Jenelle and Nathan didn’t last very long as a couple, and thankfully, they never made it to the altar. But they’re forever linked as a result of their 3-year-old son, Kaiser.

2. A Bitter Split

Jenelle evans and nathan griffith

The breakup between Jenelle and Nathan was an ugly one, and the two of them have proven chronically inept when it comes to working out a civil co-parenting relationship for the sake of their son.

3. Simultaneous Battles

Jenelle evans mother

Currently, Jenelle is waging a war on two fronts: She’s fighting her mother for custody of her oldest son, Jace, and she’s fighting Nathan for custody of Kaiser. Neither battle is going in her favor.

4. The Upper Hand

Nathan griffith shirtless

Conventional wisdom as of late has been that Nathan is certain to emerge victorious thanks to Jenelle’s controversial marriage to David Eason and her increasingly erratic behavior. Perhaps that’s why Evans attempted to sieze an opportunity this week.

5. Crashing the Party

Nathan griffith with ashley lanhardt

Over the weekend, Nathan helped celebrate the birthday of his girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt. He also had custody of Kaiser, so when Jenelle saw party pics on Instagram, she flipped.

6. Jumping to Conclusions

Jenelle evans cracked out

Jenelle decided to interrupt the celebration by contacting David and his mother, Doris Davidson, in order to check on Kaiser’s safety and ensure that Davidson was supervising the visit. Of course, many believe Evans had an ulterior motive…

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