Monday, May 14, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Suffers Heart Attack! Won"t Attend Royal Wedding!

There’s been a Royal Change to the Royal Wedding.

And it has us Royally Concerned.

Scroll down to find out which major figure will NOT be attending this wildly anticipated event and to learn the significant effect it will have on the upcoming proceedings…

According to TMZ, Thomas Markle suffered a heart attack last week and has decided it’s best for his health if he does not board an airplane and fly to London.

(A newly-famous recluse, Thomas lives in Mexico and has tried to stay as far away from the spotlight ever since his daughter started dating Harry.)

Thomas initially checked himself out of the hospital in order to attend the Royal Wedding, but he tells TMZ that he’s chosen to remain home for reasons that go beyond his physical well-being.

You see, Markle recently made news when it became public knowledge that he’s been staging various paparazzi photos.

As you may have noticed over the past several months, photographers have captured Thomas buying beer, looking disheveled and not exactly presenting the best version of himself.

He says now that he finally accepted some money from a paparazzi agency in order to set up shots that appeared candid but which were, in reality, staged ahead of time.

He did so partly to earn some cash, but mostly to avoid embarrassing his family with snapshots that depicted him in a negative light.

Now that this information has gone viral, Thomas himself is embarrassed and TMZ reports he does not want to attend the wedding and bring any shame to those involved.

It all sounds pretty darn sad, to be honest.

Markle will at least have her mom by her side when she exchanges her vows this Saturday, but one pressing question now remains:


Mere days prior to the ceremony, this is a rather huge issue to not have an answer for at the moment.

The topic of Markle’s family in general continues to be a pressing one.

Simply put, some of her relatives seem a bit… off.

The former Suits star has been the target of wrath from her half-sister for weeks, for example, as Samantha Markle keeps dragging her sibling in the media because she isn’t invited to the wedding.

And her brother also says Markle sucks!

“She’s clearly forgotten her roots. It’s torn my entire family apart,” hr recently told The Daily Mail, adding:

“Meg likes to portray herself as a humanitarian, a people’s person and a charitable person but she is none of those things to her family.”

UPDATE: Samantha now says that she’s the person who actually set up Thomas Markle’s paparazzi photos.

“I have to say I am entirely the culprit,” she said during an appearance on British talk show Loose Women on Monday, explaining:

“As we know the media can take very unflattering photographs of people on their casual days and blow it way out of proportion. I said, you know, the world has no idea you’re getting in shape, doing healthy things.

“They don’t photograph you buying vegetables and PH water. They photograph you as unflattering ways as they can…

“So I said, really you need to show the world that you’re getting in shape and doing great healthy things. So I suggested it.

“There’s a lot of scrutiny that it was money motivated, it was not. It was my suggestion that to benefit him and to benefit the royal family that everyone looked good and they depict you as you are – in shape and doing healthy things.”

Neither of Meghan’s half-siblings will be at the wedding.

They were grown up and out of the house by the time Markle was born and the ex-actress has never really had a relationship with them.
