Monday, August 6, 2018

Jenelle Evans: MTV Won"t Let Me Quit Teen Mom 2!

Jenelle Evans is many things.

She"s obnoxious, irritating, a terrible mother … hell, she might be a full-blown sociopath.

But unfortunately for those who are hoping that she"ll soon go away forever, Jenelle is also a rating s magnet.

It"s for that reason that — despite the many reports of Jenelle being fired from Teen Mom 2 — she continues to have a job at MTV.

However, that may soon change, thanks to a contract dispute that has Mrs. Evans-Eason very publicly biting the hand that feeds her.

Jump into the gallery below to bear witness to Jenelle"s attempts to piss off her bosses so badly that they"ll finally kick her to the curb …

1. Jenelle’s Hell

Jenelley evans

Jenelle says she has lots of other job offers but is unable to take advantage of them due to the fact that she’s stuck in a contract with MTV.

2. Talking Trash

Jenelle evans eye roll

Jenelle is basically begging her bosses to fire her at this point, and she’s being even more difficult than usual in hopes of making that happen.

3. Holding Out

Jenelle evans in glasses

On Sunday, Jenelle informed fans that she’s not currently filming, but is unable to officially part wats with the show due to her contract.

4. Trump Speak

Trump speak

“Have lots of offers from many different people, but you have to turn them down when you’re locked in a contract. #Annoying” she tweeted.

5. Keeping Surprisingly Cool

Jenelle evans instagram pic

When a fan cast doubts on Jenelle’s dubious claims, the Carolina Hurricane responded in surprisingly civil fashion.

6. Keepin’ It Real?

Keepin it real

“Just clarifying rumors,” Evans tweeted. Although there are many who doubt the truthfulness of her claims …

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