Showing posts with label 'Phil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Phil. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2016

MMA Star Phil Davis -- Cody Garbrandt Is DEAD MEAT ... Dominick Cruz Will Thrash Him (VIDEO)

Warning to Cody Garbrandt … YOU HAVE AN ASS KICKING COMING … at least that’s what MMA star Phil Davis thinks … telling TMZ Sports his training partner, Dominick Cruz, is gonna slap Cody around. Garbrandt and Cruz are set to face off at…


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Phil Jackson and Jeanie Buss Break Up

2016 claims another victim … this time, it’s Phil Jackson’s relationship.  The Zen Master just announced his engagement to Lakers honcho Jeanie Buss is officially off … but the two are adamant they will remain friends.  “With mutual…


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Jay Z Throws Epic Subliminal Diss At Phil Jackson Over Posse Comment

SUBLIMINAL DISS: When a rapper disses an enemy without ever mentioning his name, but everyone knows exactly who he’s talking to, and what he’s talking about. That’s exactly what Jay-Z (master of the subliminal) did to Phil Jackson last night…


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Shelley Duvall: Mentally Ill Star Exploited By Dr. Phil?

Even if you don"t recognize the name Shelley Duvall, you"ve almost certainly seen the actress" work.

Duvall"s quirky appearance and cartoonish voice made her a favorite of "70s and "80s casting directors and her roles in classic films such as The Shining, Annie Hall, and Popeye made her a screen icon of the era.

Then, as quickly as she arrived on the scene, Duvall disappeared from Hollywood.

There were rumors that Duvall had decided to retire from the business or that the offers had simply dried up.

Now, however, it looks as though Duvall has been battling a sever mental illness that"s transformed her appearance and left her unable to leave her home.

Now, the actress is making her first public appearance in years, seeking help on The Dr. Phil Show.

The episode airs tomorrow, and Dr. Phil McGraw is already being accused of exploiting Duvall"s illness for ratings.

"I loved Robin Williams," Duvall says, when asked about her former Popeye costar who passed away in 2014.

"I don"t think he"s dead."

Asked about the whereabouts of her late co-star by McGraw – who may as well be speaking to a giant dollar sign at this point – Duvall replies that Williams is "shape-shifting."

It"s not hard to see why McGraw is being harshly criticized for "treating" Duvall on camera, when the 67-year-old is clearly in no position to consent, and has the right to receive private medical care.

It"s far from the first that McGraw, who was previously accused of exploiting the murder of Bobbi Kristina Brown, has come under fire for unethical practices, and based on his apparent deafness to criticism, it"s safe to say it won"t be the last.

Shelley duvall mentally ill star exploited by dr phil

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ron Harper -- "Phil Jackson Is No Racist" ... "This Story Is Dumb & Stupid"

Ron Harper is coming out strong in defense of his ex-Chicago Bulls coach Phil Jackson — saying straight-up, “He’s no racist” … despite comments made by LeBron James.  Phil’s been under fire this week — ever since LeBron slammed Jackson for…
