Showing posts with label Backstage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Backstage. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Justin Bieber & Kourtney Kardashian: Back On?! Ex-Couple Spotted Kissing Backstage!

Remember when Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian were hooking up?

It wasn’t all that long ago, but not surprisingly the “relationship” turned out to be a flash in the pan.

After all, Kourtney is a mother of three, while Justin probably still gets put down for a nap after his afternoon snack.

Still, it’s no secret that Kourtney has a weakness for semi-developed man-boys (See: Scott Disick), so there may be some truth to the latest report from In Touch that claims Justin and Kourtney are back together – or at least doin’ it again.

Witnesses say Kourt and JB got awfully friendly following one of his concerts in LA recently:

“When Kourtney was ready to leave with her sister and Kanye, she and Justin shared a long embrace — he said he didn’t want her to go,” a source tells the tabloid.

“He started to kiss her neck and then a handler held up his jacket to cover them as they started making out. Justin was biting her lip.”

The timing is a bit strange, as his recent social media activity has made it seem as though Justin wants to get back together with Selena Gomez, but it’s not unlike the Biebs to seek out some female companionship while Selena makes up her mind.

In any event, this report should be taken with a grain of salt.

After all, this is the same tabloid that claimed Kylie Jenner is pregnant with Tyga’s baby this morning.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Kanye West Broke Down Backstage at SNL, Threatened to Storm Out: Report

Kanye West is walking mass of ego mixed with crazy at all times, but lately, he’s been even more Kanye than usual.

It seems the release of his long-awaited studio album, The Life of Pablo, has been putting the rapper/fashion designer/professional D-bag under an unusual amount of stress, and now we’re bearing witness to what happens when Kanye cracks.

The man claims to be $ 53 million in debt.

He’s resorted to asking famous billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg to stop building schools in Africa so that they can lend him money.

Even Kanye’s best friends and collaborators have stated that they believe he “needs spiritual and mental counseling.”

Now, The New York Post is reporting that the many burdens of Yeezus came to a head backstage at Saturday Night Live last week.

Kanye gave two performances as the show’s musical guest, but it seems he very nearly bolted out of the studio and had to be talked into go on stage.

“Just moments leading into the live show, and during the live show, Kanye had a meltdown and threatened to walk off,” says one production insider.

The source claims Kanye freaked out for unknown reasons just as the show was about to begin, then again after his first song, which he apparently wasn’t happy with.

“It had something to do with the set,” says the insider. “Kim, who was in the audience with Kylie Jenner, had to come down. [SNL producer] Lorne [Michaels] had to personally talk to Kanye. There were a few really tense minutes.”

In the end, the show went on (to mixed reviews), but it’s a safe bet that you being seeing Yeezy on stage at SNL again in the near future.

“He freaked out about how the set was arranged,” says the source.

“He was saying he’s ‘the greatest artist.’ He’s having regular meltdowns. Everyone’s walking on eggshells around him. He’s under a lot of stress between the new album and the fashion line.”

We imagine Lorne and company prefer that the laughable shenanigans take place on camera.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

ABC Denies Nicole Arbour"s Claims, Says She And The View Host Michelle Collins Were Never Backstage At The Same Time!

So much for Nicole Arbour‘s story…

After the YouTuber most famous for shaming fat people alleged that Michelle Collins had some awful things to say about nurses backstage during a taping of The View, ABC has come out swinging in defense of their host!

Related: Karma! Nicole Just Got Fired From A Dance Movie

According to a representative for the network, Nicole did not tell the truth when she alleged Collins called nurses ‘wannabe doctors.’ The ABC rep said:

“Nicole and Michelle were never backstage at the same time. Michelle was on the stage from the moment the show started until after the show ended. Nicole was brought down to the backstage area after the show started.”

Hmmm… if that were the case, then it sounds like this fat-shaming YouTuber couldn’t have possibly heard anything Collins would have said, about nurses or otherwise!

What do U think — is Arbour trying to take the heat off herself after an inneresting interview about her distasteful video, or is ABC not telling the whole truth??

[Image via Nicole Arbour/YouTube.]

Fat Shaming YouTuber Nicole Arbour Alleges Michelle Collins Secretly Bad-Mouthed Nurses Backstage On The View: "They"re Wannabe Doctors"

Get your popcorn!

Nicole Arbour, the YouTube fat-shamer who produced the video Dear Fat People, went on The View this week to discuss her controversial viral video — and when she was there, she claims she witnessed another controversy on set!

Related: Nicole Does Not Apologize For Her Video On The View!

The hosts of The View are of course in some hot water over comments they made recently about nurses, and now Arbour is inserting herself right into the middle of this controversy, too!

On Thursday night, Arbour went on SiriusXM Radio’s Opie and Jim Norton Show, where the revealed that the hosts of The View had been discussing nurses backstage after the show:

“Backstage, I heard the girls being like, ‘Oh yeah, our nurse jokes didn’t go over well so we have to apologize because they’re Tweeting us too much.’ And I’m like, ‘Y’all are p*****s.’ See, I can sit in my jokes and be like, yeah, I made them, I think it’s funny. Whatever. But they go on there and make a fake apology.”

More shockingly than that, Arbour alleges that Michelle Collins specifically bad-mouthed nurses back stage, away from the cameras:

“When when the cameras weren’t rolling, Michelle [Collins] was like, ‘Yeah, that’s not a real profession. They’re wannabe doctors."”

Wait, WHAT?!?!

Check out the interview in question where Arbour alleges these stories:

WOW… we’re skeptical on this one, but what do U think about this shocking allegation about Michelle Collins??

[Image via YouTube.]