Showing posts with label Blac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blac. Show all posts

Friday, April 27, 2018

Blac Chyna: Mom-Shamed for THIS Photo of Dream Kardashian!

Just weeks after Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw-down in which she famously hurled Dream’s (unoccupied!) stroller in fury, Chyna is stirring up controversy again.

This time, she’s being mom-shamed over a photo of Dream Kardashian.

And the backlash was apparently enough that Chyna deleted the photo — but don’t worry, you can still see it, below.

Chyna had turned off comments for a while, in the wake of losing her stroller endorsement deal and the Six Flags fight.

She turned them back on, and probably expected the usual nasty comments.

Recently, because her boyfriend is so young, some particularly vile trolls have taken to calling her a “pedophile” in the comments under any given photo.

Her boyfriend, VBN Almighty Jay, is 18 and an adult, so it’s hard to see why these people are targeting Chyna with this rhetoric. Words mean things.

Chyna expects to get hate, though.

But she cannot have expected to be mom-shamed over this precious, innocent photo.

Dream is so cute!

Blac Chyna agrees, captioning this now-deleted photo:

“My beautiful baby girl.”

Despite how precious Dream looks with these pink extensions, people decided to flood her comments with negativity and mom-shaming.

Some wonder if it’s because they have so recently seen Chyna at her worst.

Critics took to Chyna’s comments.

“She’s not a toy.”

Blac Chyna knows that Dream is not a toy, but … lots of parents make their babies look cute, folks.

“It’s not necessary and it’s a baby. Not a doll to play to play with.”

It’s not necessary but it’s also entirely undoable. It’s like a hairclip. Do these people not understand hair extensions?

“Why the pink weave tho?”

Probably because it’s cute? Maybe Dream wanted it. We don’t know.

Chyna also had her defenders, and one comment was so on-point that it very effectively shuts down the backlash.

“Adults on here being haters,” it begins.

It’s always odd to see a group of strangers get so riled up by something so harmless.

The comment continues:

“The extensions are clip on.”

So it’s not like there’s any potentially painful weaving when the hair is applied or taken out.

“She’s beautiful.”

Dream sure is. Always.

Life & Style has a report from an insider on what Chyna thinks of the mom-shaming.

“Chyna doesn’t care what anybody thinks about how she styles Dream’s hair.”

She deleted the photo anyway, which is curious.

“It was cute. Adorable, and Dream loved it.”

Getting to wear long hair and “look like mommy” sounds like a lot of fun for a baby.

“Chyna’s a great mother and would never do anything to hurt Dream or her gorgeous head of hair.”

The insider continues.

“That said, if people really want to bash someone she thinks they should bash Rob and his family.”

This is getting into contentious territory.

“Rob’s not exactly father of the year and he’s more of a baby than Dream. Kris does everything for him except change his diaper.”


“Chyna’s a far better mother than anyone in that family and she’s appalled people are trying to talk s–t about her instead of them.”

Or maybe we should save the parent-shaming for the people who are actually bad parents, when we’re sure that they’re bad parents.

Just a thought.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Blac Chyna"s Dream Home Featured in Architectural Digest

Blac Chyna has turned the world upside down … hoity-toity Architectural Digest is featuring her meeting with a prominent architect to design her dream home. Michael B. Lehrer, who got his pedigree from Harvard Graduate School…


Monday, April 9, 2018

Blac Chyna Ready to Battle Rob Kardashian Over Custody of Dream

Blac Chyna’s ready to fight Rob Kardashian to keep things status quo when it comes to custody of Dream … Six Flags stroller scuffle be damned. Chyna’s lawyer, Walter Mosley, tells TMZ … BC and Rob still have a valid custody agreement in…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Blac Chyna Loses Stroller Endorsement Deal Over Six Flags Fight!

It turns out that Blac Chyna’s recent Six Flags throwdown is impacting more than just her reputation and possibly her custody arrangement; it’s hurting her business.

You know how the video shows her allegedly hurling her daughter’s stroller? Well, she had an endorsement deal with that company. Emphasis on had.

That deal has been terminated.

If you’re getting paid to endorse a product, be sure to use it as intended. At least when you’re in public.

TMZ spoke to a representative for Momiie, the stroller company that makes the cute toy stroller that baby Dream Kardashian was riding in during the Six Flags trip.

They’d apparently grown uneasy because of other recent behaviors — including Chyna’s leaked sex tape, which was not her fault but nonetheless might have impacted their brand.

But brawling at an amusement park?

“[We] cannot excuse that sort of reaction and behavior particularly in a family resort around children,” the rep told TMZ.

In particular, Momiie can’t have loved seeing their sponsored celebrity hurling their product as an improvised weapon.

As you may recall — honestly, it’s hard to forget — a series of short videos went viral, showing Blac Chyna engaged in a heated confrontation at Six Flags.

April 1 was Easter Sunday, and Chyna had intended to take her children, Dream and King, on a peaceful trip to a theme park.

Instead, she ended up looking like an April Fool.

The video shows her partially disrobing so that she won’t have any of her expensive clothing holding her back when she, as she presumably intended, threw down.

Her entourage — which included employees as well as her 18-year-old boyfriend — managed to physically hold her back from going after the subject of her fury more than once.

But she definitely managed to hurl that stroller. It’s not a good look.

The Six Flags fight victim has spoken out about the viral incident.

She says that she saw an adorable baby and, not recognizing the baby or knowing who little Dream’s mother was, touched the baby’s cheek.

She had interpreted that the nanny who was pushing the stroller was likely the mother and that she had given permission to touch Dream.

When Chyna learned that a stranger had touched her baby, however, she was reportedly incensed and sought to confront this woman.

The woman says that as this heated confrontation went down, she instinctively slapped Chyna.

As the gifs above show, that did not go over well.

Still, in the photos that Chyna shared from that day, you can see why she had been selected as a celebrity endorser.

Dream is as cute as a button, and seeing King so enamored with his baby sister is enough to warm even the coldest of hearts.

Apparently, Chyna had hoped to eventually launch her own stroller line with Momiie.

It looks like that won’t be happening, either.

However, even though she is no longer the face of these strollers, TMZ reports that Blac Chyna’s headphones endorsement deal remains intact.

In the (hopefully unlikely) event that she’s caught on video trying to, say, strangle someone with with her headphones, that might change.

It’s worth noting that Wendy Williams recently mocked Rob Kardashian over his response to this whole incident.

During all of that, she shared that if she knew anyone who was pregnant, she would buy them that stroller.

Why? Because she noted that it didn’t seem any worse for wear, despite having been flung around as a blunt weapon.

We don’t usually say this about Wendy, but … she has a point.

In fact, we wonder if the real winner of this nasty Six Flags spat might be Momiie. Despite everything, that stroller’s gained a tremendous amount of attention.

But we don’t expect to see Momiie writing Chyna a thank-you note any time soon.


Blac Chyna"s Headphones Deal Still Beating After Stroller Fight

Blac Chyna’s tuning out the drama following her stroller clash at Six Flags … with help from the audio company that still solidly has her back. TUNES Audio will 100% continue working with BC, according to TUNES exec John Chase, and the reason is…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

TMZ Live: Blac Chyna Laughs Off Kardashian"s Reaction To Stroller Fight

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Blac Chyna Laughs Off Kardashians" Reaction to Her Six Flags Stroller Fight

Blac Chyna ain’t sweating her Six Flags fight or any potential custody issues with Rob and the rest of the Kardashians … in fact, it’s all a laughing matter to her. BC was out Wednesday night in L.A. and, of course, was asked about…


Blac Chyna"s Stroller Rage at Six Flags Bolsters Buggy"s Durability Claim

Blac Chyna inadvertently helped a buggy stroller company prove its product is a durable blast on wheels … but there’s ZERO chance BC’s getting a deal outta this. We spoke to a rep at Step2 — the company that makes the exact buggy Blac Chyna…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Rob Kardashian: So Darn "Furious" at Blac Chyna!

According to a new report, Rob Kardashian is not eating his feelings right now.

Instead, he’s letting each and every one out, specifically when it comes to Blac Chyna.

For those who have been away from the Internet for the past few days, Rob’s baby mama went on the attack this past Sunday.

She celebrated Easter by attending Six Flags Great Adventure with her two kids…

… and opening up a rather large can of whoop ass on some 18-year old who complimented daughter Dream and then touched the little girl’s hand.

Both Chyna and the alleged victim basically admit this is what happened, although the former claims a few insults were also hurled her way and says she has no regrets about standing up for her kids.

Before delving into further details, check out the video of this incident below:

Yes, Chyna really does try to throw Dream’s hot pink toy car at her opponent in this footage.

The woman on the receiving end of Chyna’s rage has Tweeted up a storm about what transpired, while Chyna said the following on Instagram about it:

“Being famous is hard enough dealing with scrutiny but when someone feels comfortable to come and touch your child it’s a whole other story.

“I do not condone violence nor am I a violent person but shout out to all of the amazing mothers out there that will protect their children at all cost.”

Despite her claim that she was just protecting her daughter, Chyna’s actions may cost her custody of Dream.

There’s been talk that Rob thinks Blac is now too dangerous to be around their small girl and may take legal action to prevent Chyna from having a lot of access to her.

Rob is furious with Chyna for putting Dream in danger,” a source tells E! News, adding:

“He plans to file papers to try and get more custody of Dream and to reduce Chyna’s child support.

“He hopes the judge will see that he wants what’s best for Dream and that he is putting her safety and best interest before anything else.”

This really is a shame.

For as much drama as Rob and Chyna have been through, they’ve always tried to do what’s best for their kid.

Even during the height of Rob’s revenge porn nonsense, Chyna never threatened to change the custody arrangement the former couple had agreed upon with each other.

But that may soon change in some small way at least.

Writes this E! insider:

“Rob feels she needs to have a chaperone when Dream is in her custody to ensure that she is safe.”

Could anyone really blame Rob for feeling this way?

In response to this reports, Chyna’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, tells E! News:

“Chyna has the right every mother has to defend her own children from strangers trying to touch them. If Rob wants a custody fight, he will have one, and he will regret it.

“We already beat his sister Kylie in the meritless case she filed against Chyna.”


Here we go, folks.

We’re so very sorry, Dream.


Kardashians Say Blac Chyna Can"t Sue Over Smack Talk

The Kardashians have fired back at Blac Chyna, saying they’re legally allowed to call her all sorts of names without getting sued for defamation. The family wants a judge to toss Chyna’s claim she’s been defamed because the sisters said, among other…


Wendy Williams Drags Rob Kardashian Over His Blac Chyna Complaints: She"s Still Winning!

After Easter weekend"s throw-down fight between Blac Chyna and an almost random stranger at Six Flags, Rob Kardashian worries that Chyna is too unstable.

Or that"s what his lawyers are reportedly going to argue in yet another court battle to amend the custody agreement.

Wendy Williams, as you"ll see in the clip below, thinks that this is hogwash and that Rob should just accept that he"s lost and that Chyna won.


It might be an oversimplification to say that Rob worries that Blac Chyna is too dangerous to be around Dream.

Many believe that Rob"s alleged push to set new rules on Chyna"s behavior has less to do with fatherly concern — Chyna was, after all, defending Dream (sort of) and there"s no sign that Dream or King witnessed her stroller shenanigans — and more to do with money.

Specifically, he"s been paying her $ 20,000 a month in child support.

Some wonder if he"s angling for a reduction in these payments, perhaps by claiming that Chyna isn"t using those funds properly — for example, she didn"t pay for a VIP escort around Six Flags.

But it"s been widely reported that Rob is planning on using this occasion to demand that Chyna not introduce Dream to any boyfriend of hers unless she"s been dating him for at least 6 months.

Even though, as far as the Six Flags incident goes, Chyna"s young, hot 18-year-old boyfriend wasn"t the problem.

Blac chyna fight gif

Well, Wendy Williams thinks that this is a bunch of malarkey.

She starts off her segment on Rob and Chyna by openly questioning Rob"s parenting skills.

Mostly, it sounds like she"s just body-shaming Rob … and at times it sounds like she"s implying that his weight makes him physically unable to act as a father.

(Point of order, folks: Rob recently showed off massive weight loss. That said, it"s hard to see a realistic way that his weight, even in the past, would impact his ability to care for his daughter)

She also suggests that Rob might need a woman — such as one of his maternally experienced sisters or his mother — to tell him what to do in order to be the best parent for Dream.

That … is something that fewer people find objectionable.

Wendy williams in black

Wendy gets into the six-month rule that Rob is rumored to be pushing to impose upon Chyna.

"Their relationships only last for six months," she exclaims.

She says that she likes that for more "normal" couples, in Hollywood or beyond. That seems like a common-sense policy, to keep children from growing attached to a carousel of short-term partners.

"That"s what decent people do," Wendy continues.

After a pause, she follows that up with: "I"m not saying that Rob and Chyna aren"t decent."

Isn"t she, though?

Rob kardashian blue hat

Wendy then slams Rob for having hooked up with a stripper in the first place, and for her lacking a backbone.

In fact, it doesn"t seem that Wendy has a very high opinion of sex workers of any kind, which is sad. That"s a stigma that needs to end.

"You are stuck, Rob," Wendy says to the camera. "You are stuck with a stripper who is running circles around you."

Honestly, like many people, Wendy sounds impressed by how Chyna is perceived to have used Rob Kardashian.

"You know what? Chyna … you"re still winning. She"s still winning."

It"s possible that her winning streak will end in court after her Six Flags outburst, but that remains to be seen.

Rob kardashian with dream on his birthday

Wendy also lays into Rob"s sock line, talking about how expensive each pair of socks is and how she imagines that they would sell better under a couple of situations.

One, if Rob were to lower the price to, you know, a level that a person would be willing to pay for the novelty of Kardashian socks.

Two, if Rob were more like "the old Rob" (we think that she just means if he shed his excess weight), and stopped dressing like a "slob," as she terms it.

Specifically, Wendy says: "Nobody wants a sock after this slob!"

As unfair as it may sound that Rob needs to dress nicely and improve public perception if he wants his socks to sell better, that is usually how a personal brand of clothing works.

But a man of Rob"s means can probably afford to get nice suits tailored to him, at any size.

And if Rob"s having trouble budgeting it, we"re sure that any of his sisters and certainly his mother would be thrilled to help him visit a tailor and tidy up his look.

Wendy williams drags rob kardashian over his blac chyna complain

Blac Chyna Loses Stroller Deal After Six Flags Fight

Blac Chyna pushed a stroller company too far, and now she’s lost a deal that could have landed her a big payday … TMZ has learned. Sources involved in the deal with the stroller co., Momiie, tell us … it’s pulled the plug on its collab with…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.


Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.


TMZ Live Blac Chyna Six Flags Brawl Sparks Custody War

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Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.


Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.


Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.


Rob Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is Too Dangerous to Be Around Dream!

In the wake of Blac Chyna’s Six Flags throw down in which she tried to wield her daughter’s stroller as a weapon, a number of people are questioning her emotional health … and her parenting skills.

Among those people is Rob Kardashian, Chyna’s ex and Dream’s father.

And it looks like he’s going to use this to take Chyna to court and change their custody arrangement.

The whole world has seen Blac Chyna’s infamous theme park fight. Rob Kardashian is certainly one of them.

And, according to what an insider leaked to RadarOnline, Rob is scared to let Chyna be with Dream because of behavior like this.

“Rob doesn’t think Chyna is a good mom and this is more proof,” the source claims. “He’s afraid for Dream’s safety when she’s with Chyna.”

Obviously, your child’s safety must always be your first priority.

“He already contacted his lawyers about this. Rob wants full custody of Dream.”

That sounds like a huge and potentially expensive rehashing of their old custody fight.

The source continues:

“Rob gave Chyna everything she wanted in terms of custody and he gives her $ 20,000 a month.”

Which, the source says, makes it inexcusable that Chyna even came into contact with anyone else while at the park.

“The fact that she didn’t pay for the VIP escort at the park is cheap and was a dangerous decision.”

It’s possible that Chyna just wanted to give her kids a more normal park experience, but Rob believes that it was a mistake.

“He wants to take action to protect his daughter.”

And he apparently worries that what the world saw of Chyna at Six Flags is part of a larger pattern of behavior that his daughter does not need to see.

“He is scared that Dream is in danger when she is with Chyna if she’s getting in fights.”

TMZ confirms that Rob is alarmed by Chyna’s behavior, and report that he plans to capitalize on this video to push for an amendment to their current custody arrangement.

Their sources say that Rob has actually had these concerns for months.

What they say that he’s seeking is a hearing to establish rules fro Chyna regarding what she can and cannot do in Dream’s presence.

Among other things, he may seek to bar Chyna from introducing Dream to any significant other until she’s been in the relationship for at least six months.

That would include Chyna’s 18-year-old boy-toy, who was at Six Flags with her this weekend.

He’s also reportedly going to ask the court for a massive reduction in child support payments.

Blac Chyna clearly loves Dream, and it’s worth pointing out that, according to everything that we’ve heard about the Six Flags fight, she believed that she was defending Dream from an overzealous fan who had touched her daughter.

It sounds like it was probably a misunderstanding.

In fact, the fight victim has spoken out and explained that she had no idea that Dream was Chyna’s — she just saw an incredibly cute baby.

And it’s understandable that Chyna would want to defend her child.

But it’s obviously very important that she not get into fights in front of her children.

To be clear, however … there was no sign of the presence of Dream or King in the video.

Some believe that Rob is just using this situation to try to decrease his child support payments.

And by “Rob,” they mean Kris, who is also believed to be the one making the payments. Rob is rich by normal people standards. By Kardashian standards, he’s a pauper.

In fact, a major revenue stream for him went away when Instagram shut him down over his revenge porn attack against Chyna last summer.

This whole situation between Rob and Chyna is a mess. As a result, many fans have a hard time seeing this alleged push for new custody rules as anything other than opportunism.

Being a divorced parent sure is complicated.
