Showing posts with label Celebrities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebrities. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

19 Celebrities Who REALLY Need Their Own Reality Shows

So many celebs, so little airtime. 

Can you imagine what kind of world we"d live in if sex-tape-making Courtney Stodden had her own show? Or the bizarre slant a Willow and Jaden Smith show would take?  

Think of all the celebrities that don"t have a reality show, or haven"t had one, and compare them to what"s out there today — namely Teen Moms and every Kardashian known to man. Surely we can do better than this, can"t we? 

Check out 19 celebrities who absolutely need their own reality show — if not for their pockets, for the masses. 

1. Courtney Stodden

Courtney stodden black and white pose

After marrying a man technically old enough to be her grandfather, Courtney Stodden’s career has been speckled with bits of scandal, champagne, sex tapes, a pregnancy, and a miscarriage. Her flamboyant social media personality only lends credence to the idea that we absolutely need to see more of this girl, and if you need more convincing, three words: “Celebrity Big Brother.”

2. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay lohan lips photo

From her astronomical rise to fame to … well, let’s be honest: “Liz & Dick,” Lindsay Lohan has all the ingredients for the makings of a hit reality television show. Between arrests and revolving door boyfriends, Lohan — and her “eccentric” family — could have a show that’d easily be the next “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” America’s First Family? We think perhaps.

3. Willow and Jaden Smith

Willow smith and jaden smith 2016 costume institute gala

We could all learn quite a bit from Will Smith and Jada Pinkett’s kids. Namely, how to project yourself onto an entirely different astral plane, how to destroy the United States educational system tweet by tweet, and how to conceal parental marriage issues. Imagine that!

4. Charlie Sheen

Charlie sheen red carpet pic

Two words: tiger blood. Sheen’s forays into the bizarre would make for blockbuster prime-time television. And if you’re still hung up on “Two and a Half Men,” consider this deeply and write your local state representatives or whoever — let’s make this happen.

5. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold schwarzenegger shirtless

We’d like to see ol’ Arnie on reality TV not for his former state policies, and not for “Terminator.” We don’t want to come with him if we want to live. We just want to see his grimy, lying ass in action, fathering as many children as possible with the help, and writing tell-all books that only make him look like a bigger tool than he already is.

6. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer aniston at the 2015 oscars

Yeah, she’s married now, but betcha if there was a camera crew following her around 24/7, she’d probably struggle with SOME kind of Brad Pitt drama. She can’t keep up the façade of perfection forever, right? Plus, hey — we’d probably get to see entirely too many shots of Justin Theroux’s pecs. We’d know those man boobs better than our own.

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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Celebrities React: Donald Trump, Billy Bush Conversation Leaked

When a video of Donald Trump bragging about sexual assault was leaked in October 2016, the celebrity world aired their feelings across social media. 

We have compiled a list of the reactions. 

Have a look below!

1. Emmy Rossum

Emmy rossum at the 2016 emmys

Donald Trump thinks ‘when you’re a star’ you ‘can do anything’ to women? Well you can’t make me vote for you, you misogynistic entitled pig.

2. John Legend

John legend at the piano

You don’t have to have daughters or granddaughters to find Trump’s comments repugnant. It’s an odd, unnecessary qualifier.

3. Patton Oswalt

Patton oswalt emmys win

Holy sh*t. Trump might have just been defeated by a Bush. Never would’ve picked Billy, but I’ll take it.

4. Lisa Rinna

Lisa rinna qvc presents super saturday live 2016

Trump and Bush. Talking about Nancy O’dell and then Arianne Zucker who are both friends of mine. Vulgar and Disgusting.

5. Star Jones

Star jones photograph

Honestly, if Trump ever mentions his ‘regard’ for women again…if I’m @HillaryClinton…I’d just say: ‘roll tape.’

6. Seth MacFarlane

Seth macfarlane smiles

Just read an article that quotes Trump saying ‘grab them by the pu**y’, and now I really wanna know what that word is they’re hiding.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

33 Celebrities Who Aren"t Partial to Penis or Vagina

A number of celebrities have revealed themselves to be bisexual over the years.

From a True Blood star to one of the most beautiful women of all-time to the actress who famously flashed David Letterman, it"s a long and growing list.

Many of them are now with partners of the opposite sex, but all of them have admitted to at least experimenting in the past with their own gender.

How come? Offers Tatum O"Neal: "I think women are the most amazing creatures … they"re gentle, and also more intelligent than the men that I"ve met."

That may be up for debate, but the openness of the following celebs is not…

1. Bella Thorne

Bella thorne selfie pose

Click on the name above to read what prompted Thorne to come out in the summer of 2016.

2. Miley Cyrus

Miley cyrus thumbs up

Miley Cyrus doesn’t must make out with girls and lick stuff for attention. She has admitted she has been in relationships with women and identifies as “genderqueer.” She’s also a hardcore advocate for LGBT rights.

3. Ke$ ha

Photo of keha

Ke$ ha has talked about her bisexuality with Seventeen and Out. She says she is attracted to both genders.

4. Lady Gaga

Lady gaga in drag

Lady Gaga wrote “Poker Face” about her time as a bisexual. She talked about it with Barbara Walters in 2010.

5. Amber Rose

Amber rose party pic

Wiz Khalifa and Kanye West’s ex has long been perceived to be openly bisexual, saying a few years ago that she is “extremely open with my sexuality. I can be in love with a woman, I can be in love with a man. I’m not into bestiality, but as far as humans go, I definitely find beauty in everybody … If I see a women and I think she’s beautiful and I like her, and she likes me back we can definitely try to be in a relationship together.”

6. Anna Paquin

Anna paquin red carpet pic

“I’m proud to be a happily married bisexual mother,” Paquin Tweeted in March of 2014. There you have it.

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Friday, August 19, 2016

19 Celebrities Who Are Simply Huge Liars

Oops, their bad!

The following celebrities haven"t just misled the public on a few occasions. They"ve been caught telling monumental, HUGE lies!

These lies were so bold, one almost has to admire them for their audacity. Almost, that is.

See what we mean below…

1. Ryan Lochte

Ryan lochte

Ryan Lochte claimed he was held up and robbed at gunpoint during the Rio Olympics. He failed to mention that he actually vandalized a gas station bathroom and the person holding the gun was a security guard who was trying to control Lochte and his teammates.

2. Brian Williams

Brian williams

Brian Williams was paid to deliver the news for NBC. But he delivered lies about his experience in Iraq when telling viewers in January of 2015 that a helicopter he was riding in many years earlier had been shot down. It hadn’t been.

3. Steve Rannazzisi

Steve rannazzisi

Steve Rannazzisi claimed in 2009 that he narrowly escaped death while inside one of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2011. But… nope. He wasn’t there at all.

4. Bill Clinton

Bill clinton

Clinton once said he did not have sex with “that woman,” Monica Lewinsky, back when he was President and she was an intern. He later had to admit that his penis was in her mouth on more than one occasion.

5. Lance Armstrong

Lance armstrong

Remember all those years that Armstrong spend VEHEMENTLY denying that he ever took performance enhancing drugs? He finally came clean and admitted to it all during an interview with Oprah.

6. Brandy


In 2002, Brandy stunned fans when she announced she was pregnant … and had secretly gotten hitched to producer Robert Smith in 2001. The couple then starred on the reality show Brandy: Special Delivery, which tracked the birth of daughter Sy’rai in summer 2002. A year later, the couple announced its separation, but Smith waited another year to reveal that the two were never actually married; they faked it to protect the artist’s image.

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Friday, July 8, 2016

18 Celebrities Who Think #BlackLivesMatter

The recent killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police has re-ignited outrage, sorrow and frustration among many Americans.

The untimely, unnecessary deaths of these men are sadly just new additions to the ever-growing list of black individuals whose lives were ended too soon by people in authority because of racism.

Despite potential controversy, celebrities are using their voices to try and make a difference and insist that #BlackLivesMatter. 

1. Beyonce

Beyonce is on fire

“We are sick and tired of the killings of young men and women in our communities,” she began a post on her website, entitled simply “Freedom.” She went on to say, “It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they ‘stop killing us.’ We don’t need sympathy. We need everyone to respect our lives.” The singer urged fans to use their voices and take action by contacting their legislators and provided links to their websites.

2. Justin Timberlake

Justin timberlake at cmas

“Couldn’t even sleep last night… First #AltonSterling and then this video of #PhilandoCastile being brutally killed. This. Must. Stop,” Timberlake tweeted, adding, “This IS systemic. We MUST DO BETTER. My heart goes out to the families of #AltonSterling and #PhilandoCastile. May they both Rest In Peace.”

3. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian poster

“I want my children to grow up knowing that their lives matter. I do not ever want to have to teach my son to be scared of the police, or tell him that he has to watch his back because the people we are told to trust — the people who ‘protect and serve’ — may not be protecting and serving him because of the color of his skin,” Kim wrote on her website, concluding with, “Hashtags are not enough. This must end now.”

4. Pink

Pink at the premiere of alice through the looking glass

“To anyone that has an issue with me saying BLACK LIVES MATTER…. Please unfollow AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Also, BLACK LIVES MATTER,” Pink shared on Instagram, along with a number of other posts about the victims and the movement.

5. Tyga

Tyga dont shoot

Tyga shared the photo above to Instagram and wrote a lengthy invective that started, “Im no politician but I know right from wrong. What is it going take for innocent black people to stop being murdered by the police, we think this is bad if we don’t get out and vote and Donald Trump gets in office were really f**ked!! black lives matter!! all lives matter!! They don’t give a f**k if you innocent innocent innocent they’ll kill you and say you was guilty . there’s no justice being served.”

6. Drake

Drake in a pink shirt

“It’s impossible to ignore that the relationship between black and brown communities and law enforcement remains as strained as it was decades ago. No one begins their life as a hashtag. Yet the trend of being reduced to one continues. This is real and I’m concerned. Concerned for the safety of my family, my friends and any human being that could fall victim to this pattern,” Drake wrote in an open letter on Instagram.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

13 Celebrities Who Have Suffered From Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is debilitating, and some new mothers feel ashamed if they"re affected by it.

The reality is that PPD can happen to any woman who gave birth.

Thanks to these celebs, the stigma of PPD is a thing of the past.

1. Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth paltrow stella mccartney autumn 2016 presentation

Paltrow experienced PPD after having son Moses in 2006. “I expected to have another period of euphoria following his birth, much the way I had when my daughter was born two years earlier,” Paltrow wrote on GOOP. “Instead I was confronted with one of the darkest and most painfully debilitating chapters of my life.”

2. Hayden Panettiere

Hayden panettiere nashville benefit african childrens choir

The Nashville star sought treatment twice for post-partum depression. “I’m really happy that I can stand up for the women who are out there suffering from this and let them know it’s okay,” Panettiere told People at the 2016 Critics Choice Awards. “They’re not alone. It doesn’t mean they’re weak. It doesn’t mean they’re a bad mom. It doesn’t mean they’re strange. They can get help if they need it, and that’s okay.”

3. Brooke Shields

Brooke shields cirque du soleil paramour broadway opneing night

Shields wrote a book on her post-partum depression, ‘Down Came The Rain: My Journey With Postpartum Depression.’ In the book, Shields talked about feeling disconnected from her infant, Rowan. “Rowan kept crying, and I began to dread the moment when Chris would bring her back to me. I started to experience a sick sensation in my stomach; it was as if a vise were tightening around my chest. Instead of the nervous anxiety that often accompanies panic, a feeling of devastation overcame me,” Shields recalled. “I also didn’t feel like I wanted to get too close to Rowan. I wasn’t afraid she was too fragile; I just felt no desire to pick her up. Every time I have ever been near a baby, any baby, I have always wanted to hold the child. It shocked me that I didn’t want to hold my own daughter.”

4. Amanda Peet

Amanda peet 2016 vanity fair oscar party

Peet told Gotham Magazine that she was “sleep-deprived beyond belief” after giving birth, and felt that everything “came crashing down” when her daughter was born. “I want to be honest about it because I think there’s still so much shame when you have mixed feelings about being a mom instead of feeling this sort of ‘bliss,’” she said. “I think a lot of people still really struggle with that, but it’s hard to find other people who are willing to talk about it.”

5. Courteney Cox

Courtney cox bmi pop awards 2016

Cox’s PPD didn’t settle in until her daughter, Coco was around six months old. “I couldn’t sleep. My heart was racing. And I got really depressed,” she admitted to USA Today.

6. Marie Osmond

Marie osmand album launch party new york

In her memoir, ‘Behind The Smile: My Journey Out of Postpartum Depression,’ Osmond talked about her own struggle. After giving birth to her youngest child, she had been warned by her doctor to take it easy. “I thought his advice was for somebody else. It couldn’t be for anyone as tough as me. I could handle it,” Osmond wrote. “I could have a baby and get right back to work. I could get my family moved, make business decisions, get back in shape. I could get past the ‘baby blues.’ I could do whatever needed to be done. Five minutes later, I was sitting on the kitchen floor, heaving with sobs and all I could think was, ‘This can’t be happening to me.’ This couldn’t be me, collapsing in hysteria, not even recognizing my own wails.”

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13 Celebrities Who Have Suffered From Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is debilitating, and some new mothers feel ashamed if they"re affected by it.

The reality is that PPD can happen to any woman who gave birth.

Thanks to these celebs, the stigma of PPD is a thing of the past.

1. Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth paltrow stella mccartney autumn 2016 presentation

Paltrow experienced PPD after having son Moses in 2006. “I expected to have another period of euphoria following his birth, much the way I had when my daughter was born two years earlier,” Paltrow wrote on GOOP. “Instead I was confronted with one of the darkest and most painfully debilitating chapters of my life.”

2. Hayden Panettiere

Hayden panettiere nashville benefit african childrens choir

The Nashville star sought treatment twice for post-partum depression. “I’m really happy that I can stand up for the women who are out there suffering from this and let them know it’s okay,” Panettiere told People at the 2016 Critics Choice Awards. “They’re not alone. It doesn’t mean they’re weak. It doesn’t mean they’re a bad mom. It doesn’t mean they’re strange. They can get help if they need it, and that’s okay.”

3. Brooke Shields

Brooke shields cirque du soleil paramour broadway opneing night

Shields wrote a book on her post-partum depression, ‘Down Came The Rain: My Journey With Postpartum Depression.’ In the book, Shields talked about feeling disconnected from her infant, Rowan. “Rowan kept crying, and I began to dread the moment when Chris would bring her back to me. I started to experience a sick sensation in my stomach; it was as if a vise were tightening around my chest. Instead of the nervous anxiety that often accompanies panic, a feeling of devastation overcame me,” Shields recalled. “I also didn’t feel like I wanted to get too close to Rowan. I wasn’t afraid she was too fragile; I just felt no desire to pick her up. Every time I have ever been near a baby, any baby, I have always wanted to hold the child. It shocked me that I didn’t want to hold my own daughter.”

4. Amanda Peet

Amanda peet 2016 vanity fair oscar party

Peet told Gotham Magazine that she was “sleep-deprived beyond belief” after giving birth, and felt that everything “came crashing down” when her daughter was born. “I want to be honest about it because I think there’s still so much shame when you have mixed feelings about being a mom instead of feeling this sort of ‘bliss,’” she said. “I think a lot of people still really struggle with that, but it’s hard to find other people who are willing to talk about it.”

5. Courteney Cox

Courtney cox bmi pop awards 2016

Cox’s PPD didn’t settle in until her daughter, Coco was around six months old. “I couldn’t sleep. My heart was racing. And I got really depressed,” she admitted to USA Today.

6. Marie Osmond

Marie osmand album launch party new york

In her memoir, ‘Behind The Smile: My Journey Out of Postpartum Depression,’ Osmond talked about her own struggle. After giving birth to her youngest child, she had been warned by her doctor to take it easy. “I thought his advice was for somebody else. It couldn’t be for anyone as tough as me. I could handle it,” Osmond wrote. “I could have a baby and get right back to work. I could get my family moved, make business decisions, get back in shape. I could get past the ‘baby blues.’ I could do whatever needed to be done. Five minutes later, I was sitting on the kitchen floor, heaving with sobs and all I could think was, ‘This can’t be happening to me.’ This couldn’t be me, collapsing in hysteria, not even recognizing my own wails.”

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Alton Sterling Murder: Celebrities React In Shock

Alton Sterling was shot dead by police in Louisiana on Tuesday July 5, 2016. 

The 37-year-old was sitting outside a convenience store selling CDs when his life was cut short by police who apprehended him for allegedly making threats. 

Video footage from Sterling"s murder has emerged and it shows the police shooting at the victim after one of the officers yells "gun."

Celebrities have took to social media to express their shock and sadness at another black man murdered by police. 


1. Zendaya Coleman

Zendaya coleman

How many more times must this happen for us to matter? How many more must we lose? BLACK. LIVES. MATTER.

2. Sherri Sheppard

Sherri sheppard

Just watched police officers kill #AltonSterling in cold blood. My heart hurts. I am sick. My black son lays sleeping -his future?

3. Andy Cohen

Andy cohen in a suit

Very upset reading about #AltonSterling this morning. when will this end????

4. Amy Schumer

Amy schumer 2016 costume institute gala

Love to Louisiana.

5. Andy Richter

Andy richter

That’s murder.

6. Alessia Cara

Alessia cara

watching that video made my head and heart hurt. wake up, world.

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Friday, July 1, 2016

18 Canadian Celebrities: They"re EH-Okay With Us!

These stars are all pretty big deals in their respective fields, eh?

We sure do love them, eh?

In case you haven"t understand the message by now, al the singers, actors and actresses listed below hail from our friendly neighbors to the north.

Here"s to you, Canada!

1. Drake

The drake

Drake hails from Toronto, a fact that his hardcore fans know well but which may surprise folks who assume all rap stems from here in the U.S.

2. Evangeline Lilly

Evangeline lilly fashion

Evangeline Lilly almost didn’t get to work on LOST because she couldn’t get a work visa. The show would have been LOST without her.

3. Justin Bieber

Justin bieber shrugs

Bieber was born in London, Ontario. Many Americans wish he’d stayed there.

4. Nina Dobrev

Nina dobrev is beautiful

Nina Dobrev was born in Bulgaria but raised in Canada, where she rose to fame as actress and model. She played the role of Mia Jones, the single teenage mother, on Canada’s popular Degrassi: The Next Generation, in Seasons 6-9.

5. Seth Rogen

Seth rogen observe and report premiere

Rogen hails from Vancouver. He famously despises fellow Canadian Justin Bieber.

6. Jim Carrey

Jim carrey at 2014 golden globes

Carrey comes from Newmarket, Ontario. He got his start in Toronto comedy clubs.

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