Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Chelsea Handler"s Dog Chunk Dies

Chelsea Handler’s dog, Chunk — who became famous on her show — has died. Handler made the announcement Thursday, saying, “I’m crying because of how much I loved him. My chunky monkey. I love you, baby. Softest doggy in the world.” The talk…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Chelsea Houska Changes Daughter"s Name, Visitation Schedule with Adam Lind

One of the most adorable kids in the entire Teen Mom universe has got to be Aubree Lind, right?!

(Actually, we don’t feel comfortable ranking the adorableness of the kids, because they are all as precious as can be, but let’s just go with it.)

Aubree is smart, sassy, funny, and so very, very cute. She’s a great big sister to Watson, and it’s clear from watching Teen Mom 2 that she’s a super sweet kid.

But there’s one thing that she’s not these days …

And that’s a Lind.

Yep, after years of talking about it, Chelsea Houska has finally made it happen: she’s gone to court to change Aubree’s name!

Last month, we discussed how Chelsea and Adam had a court date to go over the name change and a new visitation schedule, and that date was last week.

According to a new report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, the judge agreed to the name change, and now Aubree’s last name has gone from Lind to Lind-DeBoer.

As for the visitation issue … well, that’s a little more complicated.

If you’ve been keeping up with Adam for the past year or so, ever since he officially quit filming for Teen Mom 2, you know that things haven’t been that great for him.

Back in the spring, he failed a court-ordered drug test after having been found with a “substantial” amount of meth in his system.

The drug test was done shortly before a scheduled weekend with his youngest daughter, Paislee — meaning that he very well could have been high around his kids.

In addition to the drugs, Adam’s been arrested multiple times on domestic violence charges in the past few months.

His ex-girlfriend has even said that he’s not only been violent towards others — he’s also threatened to kill himself more than once.

He’s obviously not doing well in any sense, right?

Still, according to his agreement with Chelsea, he got visits with Aubree every other weekend. The visits took place at his parents’ home, where they supervised.

Yeah, as of this latest court date, that’s not happening anymore.

Now, Adam will only be allowed to see Aubree at an actual visitation center. She’ll still go see his parents, but it’ll only be once a month.

Adam will not be permitted to be around for those visits.

A source claims that “Adam’s parents were not happy about the changes made,” and that “they are very upset.”

Which is weird, because you’d think they’d be upset about their son being a violent meth addict, not about the court doing something to protect their granddaughter from that.

It seems that even Adam himself wasn’t all that upset about the new changes. He reportedly agreed to everything without anyone even having to testify.

And if you’d be curious to see an Adam who’s actually easy to deal with, don’t worry — MTV cameras were there in the courtroom.

The source says that “This was the first time Chelsea and members of the production crew have seen Adam in a long time, and they were shocked by his appearance.”

“He has lost a lot of weight, and appeared pale with dark circles under his eyes. He did not look like he’s in a good place.”

Apparently Adam didn’t hang around after the hearing at all, but during the hearing, “He told the judge that he currently has no job and hasn’t worked anywhere in a year.”

“He also confirmed that he has no vehicle.”

While it’s upsetting to see Adam in such a terrible place, it’s wonderful that Chelsea has taken these steps to protect Aubree, and to make her happy.

Also, it looks like the next season of Teen Mom 2 is shaping up to be pretty darn juicy …


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer to Tell Their Love Story in MTV Special

A typical episode Teen Mom 2 offers much to feel discouraged about and little in the way of edification.

However, the show offers the occasional break from all the bickering and bleakness when it focuses on Chelsea Houska and her happy home life.

Chelsea married Cole DeBoer last year, and together, they"ve defied the odds and formed a stable relationship that"s built to endure the dual pressures of fame and one truly psychotic ex.

Now, Chelsea and Cole will be telling their tale in a TM2 spinoff special focusing on their love story.

It"s a romantic saga that fans can"t wait to relive…

1. The Happy Couple

Cole deboer and chelsea houska lookin good

Chelsea and Cole are unique in the world of Teen Mom 2. Under the glaring spotlight of fame they’ve built a marriage based on trust, loyalty, and mutual respect.

2. Mrs. DeBoer

Chelsea houska and cole deboer wedding throwback

Chelesea and Cole tied the knot in October of 2016. They welcomed their first child together just two months later.

3. Lil Watty

Chelsea houska with baby watson deboer

Watson DeBoer entered the world in January of 2017. And with that, the DeBoers became a whole and happy family of four. Of course, there are still complications…

4. Lind-sanity

Adam lind chelsea

The DeBoers are still forced to contend with the chaos that her baby daddy Adam Lind brings to their lives, but it seems that even a meth-smoking ex isn’t capable of throwing their ship off course.

5. Fan Favorites

Cole deboer and chelsea houska one year anniversary

It should come as no surprise that Chelsea and Cole have been granted their own hourlong special. For many fans, Chelsea’s ability to find love after her disastrous relationship with Lind has made her living proof that fairytale endings are possible.

6. The Reaction Online

Chelseak houska takes a selfie with cole deboer

Fans were overjoyed when word got out that Chelsea and Cole would be the subject of the next TM2 special. Especially since many assumed the news would outrage one of the show’s most reviled stars…

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Chelsea Houska Moves to Strip Adam Lind of Visitation Rights Following Latest Arrest

Last week, Teen Mom 2 star Adam Lind was arrested for violating a restraining order obtained by an ex.

It was the latest in a long line of brushes with the law for Chelsea Houska’s troubled ex, who was remained in police custody for several days after being denied bail.

Lind is a free man for the time being, but his legal troubles have only just begun.

The troubled 28-year-old is due back in court several times in the weeks to come.

Two of his exes now have restraining orders against him, and Lind may be on the verge of losing the right to even visit his two daughters.

The mother of his youngest daughter has already taken steps to have his parental rights suspended after Lind tested positive for methamphetamines just prior to a scheduled visit.

And now, it appears that Chelsea is taking similar action to ensure that her daughter, Aubree, is protected from the increasingly unstable Lind.

Chelsea and Adam are set to square off in court on January 8, and it looks as though Houska is preparing by gradually paring down Lind’s visitation rights.

“She wants to cut back on Aubree going to Adam’s parents’ house,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“She wants more a of a regular grandparent visitation, not a visitation like the other parent, where she has to go every other weekend. Maybe just once a month.”

It seems Chelsea is conflicted, as she wants Aubree to maintain her close relationship with Lind’s parents, while limiting the girl’s exposure to Lind.

“She does not want the grandparents out of Aubree’s life,” the insider confirms.

And it seems Chelsea’s motives in limiting Aubree’s visits go beyond her concerns about Lind.

“She doesn’t see the point in Aubree going to his parents’ every other weekend,” the source says.

“Aubree is getting older. The older a kid gets, the more friends and activities take up their weekends.”

Sounds reasonable enough.

The problem is, Adam isn’t reasonable in the slightest, and you can bet he won’t stand idly by and let Chelsea alter their arrangement.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more reminders on just how awful Lind really is.


Friday, December 8, 2017

Adam Lind: Released From Jail as Chelsea Houska Moves to Change Daughter"s Name

It’s been a rough year for Adam Lind, and sadly his destructive behavior has taken a severe toll on his loved ones.

His downward spiral began back in June when Lind tested positive for methamphetamines just prior to a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter.

Sadly, the incident did not serve as a wake-up call for Lind, and his life appears to have been on a steady decline ever since.

Last month, Lind was arrested on domestic assault charges after allegedly attacking an ex-girlfriend.

Earlier this week, Lind was arrested again for violating an order of protection against a different ex.

While he was behind bars, another restraining order against Lind was granted to former girlfriend Stasia Huber.

Earlier today, Lind was released from prison, but as you might’ve guessed, his legal issues are far from over.

“His bail was dropped because he agreed to show up at court for his next hearing,” a court officer told Radar Online.

Yes, if there’s an upside to having constant court dates, it’s that you can appease the legal system simply by promising to come back when you’re supposed to.

That’s the good news for Lind.

The bad news is that his first baby mama, Chelsea Houska, is reportedly taking steps to change her daughter’s name from Lind to Lind-DeBoer.

Now, it’s possible the move has nothing to do with Lind’s latest legal issues.

But we doubt it.

And hey, we suppose it’s possible that Lind will take the move in stride and handle the blow to his ego in a mature level-headed fashion.

But that also seems like a major long-shot.

And unfortunately, that’s probably just the beginning of Adam’s troubles with Chelsea.

The parents of 8-year-old Aubree are due back in court for a custody hearing on January 8.

At that time, it’s expected that Chelsea will request further restrictions on Lind’s visitation rights.

She’s already arranged it so that his vists with Aubree are supervised and he’s no longer permitted to frive with his daughter in the car.

It’s almost like smoking meth and assaulting women will make people question your parenting abiities.

Go figure.

If you need to be reminded of just what a horrendous dad Adam really is, follow the link to watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic.

He’s almost certainly worse than you remember.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Pregnant With THIRD Child?!

Back in October of 2016, Chelsea Houska married Cole DeDoer, and the wedding was regarded by many fans as a well-deserved happy ending for one of Teen Mom 2"s most beloved cast members.

In the year since, Chelsea and Cole have continued to define #RelationshipGoals with one of the most stable and loving relationships in all of reality television.

In January, Chelsea welcomed her second child, a boy named Watson.

And now, it looks as the couple might be adding to their happy family yet again….

1. The Happy Couple

Cole deboer and chelsea houska lookin good

Chelsea and Cole married last year, and he quickly became the Teen Mom franchise’s most beloved husband. Just a few months later, he became fans’ favorite baby daddy.

2. Elementary, Watson

Chelsea houska and watson cole in the sunlight

In January, Chelsea and Cole welcomed their first child together, Watson DeBoer. Chelsea already had a daughter, Aubree, from her relationship with Adam Lind.

3. An Expanding Family

Chelsea houska cole deboer

Chelsea and Cole have stated that they would like to have more children in the near future. And now, many fans believe that time has come.

4. Let the Speculation Begin!

Poor chelsea houska

The rumor that Chelsea is pregnant with her third child began, as these things so often do, with a cryptic tweet.

5. What Ails Her?

Chelsea houska sells sunglasses

Chelsea tweeted that she was not feeling well, and that her body recovered more easily when she was “a little younger.”

6. Hungover Houska?

Houska chelsea

At first, fans assumed she was merely hungover. Eventually, however, the speculation took on a different form.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Chelsea Houska to Teen Mom 2 Fans: Stop Stalking Me!!!

So Chelsea Houska is probably the most popular Teen Mom out of all the Teen Moms, right?

All the other moms have had their own scandals — too many baby daddies, too many arrests, that sort of thing.

Even Maci Bookout, the favorite on Teen Mom OG, has been accused of having a drinking problem, and even of drinking while pregnant with her third child.

Chelsea, meanwhile, lives a quiet, simple life with her precious family and all her precious pets.

Looking back, the worst thing about her was her refusal to let go of her relationship with Adam Lind, but since she’s married with a new baby with Cole DeBoer these days, it’s probably safe to say her Adam-obsessed days are behind her.

(Also she’s called him a sociopath and shades him on the show regularly, so there’s that.)

Considering all of that, it’s easy to see why Chelsea is the fan favorite, right?

But while it’s understandable that people love her, this new issue that she’s discussing on Twitter?

It’s 100% inexcusable.

“I love you guys and appreciate the support and love u have for my fam,” she tweeted over the weekend, “but pleease don’t come to our makes us really uncomfortable.”

And if that’s not scary enough, she added that “Unfortunately it’s been happening enough lately where I just felt like I had to say something.”

So people are finding out where Chelsea lives and actually visiting her house?

And not just a few people, but enough to make her feel compelled to make a statement like this?

No. No no no. Nope.

Despite being on a reality show, Chelsea is obviously a somewhat private person — and even if she wasn’t, that shouldn’t give fans an invitation to drop by her home.

She’s also at this weird level of fame where she’s big enough that people know who she is and obviously want to reach out to her, but not big enough to have any kind of real security on a day-to-day basis.

Like, you know this sort of thing wouldn’t fly with a Kardashian, but the Teen Mom girls are just out in South Dakota or Delaware or wherever, trying to live relatively normal lives while also starring on a huge reality show.

They don’t live in wealthy gated communities, they don’t really have the ability to keep their addresses unlisted anywhere.

It’s scary.

To up the fear factor even more, Chelsea revealed this horrifying little tale …

“When I was pregnant with Watson I had someone come to my door,” she tweeted. “I answered thinking it was UPS or FedEx w a package.”

“They proceeded to touch my pregnant belly and ask me personal questions about my life.”

And it turns out that Chelsea isn’t the only Teen Mom who has to deal with this kind of thing — Kailyn Lowry responded to her original tweet, writing “Thank you for tweeting this!!!!! Agreed.”

Catelynn Lowell also responded, saying “It has also happened to @TylerBaltierra and I and you are correct it feels so uncomfortable…”

So OK, listen up, fellow Teen Mom superfans.

We know these are some delightful shows. We’ve seen so much of these girls’ lives, we’ve seen their ups and downs since they were 16 and Pregnant, and it does feel like we know them.

But we don’t. At all. And to act otherwise, to show up to their homes like they owe you something is just not something that needs to be done.

Tone down the creepiness, reel yourself in, and just watch the show and stalk their social media accounts like the rest of us.

There’s no need to be this sketchy.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See All the Photos from Her Second Wedding!

Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer are married … again!

The adorable Teen Mom 2 couple had their official wedding last October, when Chelsea was pregnant with their son, Watson, but they made it clear back then that they planned on having another bash sometime this year.

That bash happened on Saturday, and judging by these photos, it was just as beautiful as we imagined it would be!

1. The Happy Couple!

The happy couple

The happy, gorgeous couple, we should say. Seriously, look how attractive they are!

2. Silly Selfies

Silly selfies

Are they the best couple in Teen Mom history? There’s definitely a good chance.

3. The Dress

The dress

OK, yeah, this picture is pretty blurry, but it looks like everyone had a great time! And it also looks like Chelsea’s dress was AMAZING.

4. Family


There’s Chelsea with her father, Randy Houska, and her sister. In the background on the right there, you can see Cole, and on the left? That’s Cole’s brother!

5. An Appearance by Taylor Halbur

An appearance by taylor halbur

It might seem odd, but Taylor Halbur was in attendance, too! In case you’re not up on your Teen Mom history, Taylor is Adam Lind’s ex and the mother of his second child, Paislee.

6. Speaking of Paislee …

Speaking of paislee

Taylor shared this adorable photo of Paislee with Aubree … how crazy is it that Adam makes such cute kids?!

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Cole DeBoer Posts Sweet Tribute on Their One Year Wedding Anniversary!

It sometimes seems like Chelsea Houska, the best mom of the Teen Mom franchise, can’t catch a break. She makes a responsible decision, but trolls slam her for “poisoning” her baby. Go figure.

But she’s not letting that get her down. Instead, she’s taking time to celebrate the good things — like her one year wedding anniversary!

And Cole DeBoer posted the sweetest anniversary tribute. Awww!

Not all of the moms on Teen Mom 2 make the best life choices.

That kind of goes with the territory when you’re talking about people who each decided to become a mom in high school.

One area where the stars really seem to struggle is choosing

Like … Briana DeJesus, who seems to have a subconscious attraction to deadbeat dads.

Remember when she shared that Luis Miguel had never even seen their baby, Stella? Which means that she’s made that same mistake twice now.

Or, worse, there’s Jenelle Evans, who tends to choose men who honestly don’t seem like they’re qualified to be parents.

To be fair, we wouldn’t trust Jenelle Evans to watch over a houseplant, so we guess that her romantic history is just story after story of water finding its own level.

These days, though, Chelsea Houska seems to have figured out how to tell the good ones from the bad. Cole DeBoer seems to be a good guy, and he’s even handsome.

He’s definitely sweet — because look at the anniversary tribute that he posted!

That photo might look like it’s out of a fairytale, but we’ve seen other pics from this same wedding photoshoot before.

Cole didn’t leave it at just a 

“1 year ago on this beautiful day I married my amazing perfect wife. Happy anniversary @chelseahouska I love you”

It’s not long or poetic — because he’s not trying to impress his followers with how creative he is, or whatever.

He’s just speaking from the heart, but over social media — which is very different from the performative romance that you see a lot of the time from social media stars and their loved ones.

(Which is all part of the gig and can also be very sweet; we get it)

These two are crazy about each other and, honestly, we wish them the best. Not that they seem to need a lot of luck.

Chelsea Houska married Cole DeBoer on October 1st, 2016.

The first wedding anniversary is a big deal because it’s your first.

Other, later milestones become much bigger deals.

But we think that they’ll get there.

In addition to being crazy about each other, these two seem like an actual good fit.

Sometimes mixed families can leave out someone, but contrary to how MTV sometimes portrays Chelsea’s life, she and Cole absolutely make time for Chelsea’s daughter, Aubree.

It’s an editor’s job to make things more interesting, and since Chelsea isn’t an out-of-control redneck or whatever, we get that editing out context so that it looks like Chelsea’s ignoring Aubree probably seemed like a good idea.

Even if it’s not accurate.

Chelsea Houska has previously stated that she could keep doing Teen Mom 2 for years and years.

Obviously, “Teen Mom” sounds like a misnomer at first — but you have to remember that they did become mothers as teenagers.

That’s not something that ever goes away in your life, you know? It’s a decision that frames your destiny. That’s a dramatic way of phrasing it, but … yeah.

Still, Chelsea’s done well for herself despite numerous disadvantages along the way. We, at least, look forward to seeing where she — and Cole — are in a few years.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Chelsea Houska Slammed by Trolls for "Poisoning" Her Baby!

Of all of the Teen Mom 2 moms, Chelsea Houska is the shining beacon of sense, right? The worst thing she’s done is anger the FTC. She’s sort of the last person you’d expect to see called out for “endangering her baby.”

And yet that’s exactly what’s happening under her comments on social media.

Why? Because, in the next episode, Chelsea Houska’s son Watson is getting vaccinated. Some fans threw a fit — but Chelsea came prepared and responded.

In case you needed a reminder that a lot of people don’t understand science or even trust it, rapper B.o.B. is trying to raise money to “see if the Earth is really round.”

Because he’s a flat Earth theorist.

And also because apparently the “conspiracy” is too deep for him to just fly to Europe and then to Australia and then to Hawaii and then back to the US, we suppose.

Then there’s climate change denial which I don’t even want to get into because it’s way, way less funny than the flat Earth folks.

I even have a friend who has relatives who “don’t believe in gravity.” Which is honestly amazing. I have so many questions.

So you can understand why Chelsea had already been bracing herself for some anti-vaxx trolls one day. Especially since an upcoming Teen Mom 2 will feature Watson getting vaccinated.

What you might have trouble understanding is why the spark that ignited a flurry of comments was sparked by … this photo.

Watson is a cute baby!

Like, all babies are cute, but his little cheeks are just hypnotic and his smile is precious beyond words.

Chelsea doesn’t say anything about … well, anything other than Watson. Nothing about doctors or vaccinations or whatever.

But since next week’s episode is about vaccinations, we guess that trolls and anti-vaxxers decided that this was the ground on which they wanted to wage their little war.

One commenter wrote:

“People will believe any thing. They think doctors are god, their is doctors that openly admit they never learned anything about vaccines.”

That would be an amazing thing to hear from a doctor.

“Theirs so many diseases that they don’t vaccinate for that are far worse .. people look nothing up ! They just don’t want to listen it’s sad . The CDC schedule is new and clearly new things need to be tested on someone”

One: the reason that there aren’t vaccines for those “far worse diseases” is because those vaccines haven’t been invented yet or are still undergoing testing.

And that is definitely not how the CDC works.

“So these people hand their babies right on over .. my thing is .. if I’ve never received those combined shots and adults are getting sick and hurt from them no way my baby is receiving something I’ve never tested on my self first.”

Like every anti-vaxx post, it’s a combination of deliberate misunderstandings about how the world works and about medicine mixed in with absolute blatant lies.

But hey, we’ll give this one points for not mentioning “mercury” in this particular post.

The discourse goes both ways, though.

Just because the anti-vaccine folks are the loudest doesn’t mean that they’re the majority.

“I would recommend talking to a person who has lost a child to a disease that could have been worse prevented by a vaccine.”

Or even just ask an old person. My grandmother remembers life before the polio vaccine.

“If you got sick, would you take medicine? If you got cancer, would you take vitamins to cure it? No medicine is 100% safe or effective. People can have reactions to ANYTHING!”

I, personally, am allergic to penicillin. I also had a one-in-a-million allergic reaction to one of my vaccinations as a baby. I still 100% recommend it to anyone who isn’t immunocompromised.

“Most reputable physicians recommend vaccinating your child. They have been through medical school. They know how your body systems work.”


The argument spilled from Instagram onto Twitter, where Chelsea Houska responded rather tersely.

Rather than engaging with these people — her followers can do that, but the chances of changing their minds are almost as small as the chances of a serious complication to a vaccination — Chelsea opted to tweet her disappointment.

Because, clearly, she had anticipated them.

“I was waiting for these tweets ….”

She followed that with an emoji that conveyed her disappointment.

Contrary to what Jenelle Evans thinks, Chelsea Houska is a good mom. And she did what good moms do — vaccinate her healthy baby.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Chelsea Houska Slams Adam Lind AND Ryan Edwards!

When it comes to the prestigious title of “worst baby daddy in the Teen Mom franchise,” Adam Lind is oretty much the undisputed champion.

Of course, that’s not to say he hasn’t had plenty of competition over the years.

Take Ryan Edwards, for example.

Adam might have a lock on the worst baby daddy title, but it was Ryan who engaged in the most shocking behavior ever captured by a Teen Mom camera crew.

On last season’s Teen Mom: OG finale, Edwards drove to his own wedding while so high on prescription painkillers that he nodded off behind the wheel.

Millions of Americans struggle with addiction, and they deserve our sympathy, not our condemnation.

But that doesn’t mean addicts aren’t responsible for the things they do while under the influence, and Ryan very easily could’ve killed someone. 

Ryan’s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, took a lot of flak for “allowing” him to drive, but if you’ve ever tried to reason with someone who’s on drugs, you know it’s no easy feat.

And sadly, it’s a situation Chelsea Houska has found herself in many times.

On last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Chelsea watched the TM:OG finale with her husband, Cole DeBoer, and confirmed what many fans already suspected:

It turns out Chelsea can really relate to Maci Bookout’s struggle.  

“Her story is almost similar to what’s going on in my life,” Houska remarked to DeBoer while watching the episode.

She went on to liken Ryan’s irresponsibly behavior to Adam’s, saying:

“Imagine the kids were in the car? I have it set [Lind] can’t drive with Aubree. If that was him and the kids were in the car… That just makes me sick.”

The episode saw Chelsea complaining about Adam’s shoddy parenting, which she attriubutes to his continued drug use:

“It’s just annoying,” she said.

“He thinks just because he goes over there that’s an effort. You go out there and you sleep, probably because you’re coming off drugs.”

Back in April, Lind tested positive for meth just hours before he was scheduled to visit with his daughter, and it seems Chelsea intent on tightening controls over his visitation rights.

 “I’m going to meet with the lawyer to get in writing that visitation has to take place in [his parents’] house,” she said.

We’re guessing she would encourage Maci to do the same.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Cole’s appalling behavior.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Chelsea Alliegro, Rosie O"Donnell Daughter, Expecting First Child

Rosie O’Donnell’s 20-year-old estranged daughter, Chelsea Alliegro, is expecting her first child with her husband, Nick Alliegro.

When we say estranged, we mean really estranged: Chelsea has already come out and said that Rosie will not be involved.

“It’s very exciting and I’m looking forward to it,” Chelsea confirmed in an interview with the Daily Mail (UK) published on Tuesday.

“But Rosie will not be in my child’s life,” she added.

“And no, I do not feel sad about that to be honest.”

Not mincing words about the issue as you can see.

Chelsea, who was adopted by O’Donnell when she a baby, says she is nine weeks pregnant and thus, is due in early May 2018.

“I really don’t care if I have a boy or a girl, I’m just hoping for a healthy baby,” she told the paper, echoing a familiar sentiment.

Her husband, though? “Nick would really like a boy. But as far as I am concerned, so long as it’s healthy, that’s what matters.”

The Texas resident says that she will consider her estranged mother’s first wife, Kelli Carpenter, and Nick’s mom as the child’s grandmothers.

Chelsea also opened up about the loss of Rosie O’Donnell’s second wife, Michelle Rounds, who died tragically late last week.

Michelle was found dead of an apparent suicide at the age of 46 last week; Rounds’ cause of death has not been confirmed.

“I heard about it from my mother Kelli, she texted me,” Chelsea told the UK publication. “She told me that Michelle had committed suicide.”

“She wanted me to know before I found out any other way. I was shocked,” Alliegro said, and she certainly wasn’t alone in that respect.

“It was very sad to hear about her death.”

To put it mildly, Chelsea and the former View host have had a strained relationship going back years and for a variety of reasons.

In August 2015, a concerned O’Donnell tweeted that Chelsea, then just 17 years of age, had run away from their home in Nyack, N.Y.

She was located, safe, nearly two weeks later in New Jersey with a man she had reportedly met through the dating app Tinder.

Soon after turning 18, Chelsea moved in with her birth mother in Wisconsin, and has little interest in a relationship with Rosie.

O’Donnell and Carpenter, 50, are also the parents of three other children together: Parker, 22, Blake, 17, and Vivienne, 14.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Chelsea Houska, Other Stars: BUSTED Over Instagram Ads!

The Teen Mom franchise has produced a lot of entertainment. It’s also churned out some reality stars who aren’t such great people.

Chelsea Houska is one of the exceptions, though. She loves her children and just generally doesn’t come across as vapid or that much of a hot mess.

So … color us surprised that Chelsea Houska’s in trouble. Like, legal trouble.

Don’t worry — despite what Teen Mom‘s editors might show you, Chelsea Houska doesn’t neglect her daughter in favor for her baby.

In fact, the alleged violation for which she’s been singled out has nothing to do with being a mom at all.

Not directly, anyway.

Chelsea Houska was one of 21 recipients of sternly worded letters (anything from the government is stern; it’s hard to “smile” in legalese).

From the FTC.

And it all has to do with Instagram ads.

You know, when a celebrity poses with some kind of weight loss tea or talks about how much they love their new, like, makeup kit while showing the kit and saying the name of the brand?

The kind of thing that we’ve seen from a bazillion celebs. It’s what got a bunch of haters to slam Amy Roloff the other day.

This isn’t about income disclosure.

That would be a letter from the IRS and, frankly, probably a lot scarier.

But the Federal Trade Commission has had it up to here with celebrities who don’t “properly disclose” their ads.

The FTC argues that merely tagging a brand counts as an endorsement.

They’re real sticklers about their rules.

Just like how pharmaceutical commercials (here in the US, pretty much the only place on the planet where you’re allowed to advertise prescription drugs) have to list all of the many ways that their drug might somehow harm or kill you …

Just like how commercials have to list that the people speaking are paid actors (even if it’s in the fine print that nobody reads) …

… Instagram ads are supposed to be tagged plainly.

With “#ad.”

And apparently a number of stars, including Chelsea Houska and Farrah Abraham, haven’t exactly been doing that.

We’d question whether anyone old enough to use Instagram is naive enough to think that those transparent advertisements are just celebrities casually plugging products for fun.

Like, if someone talks about liking their favorite soda, maybe they just do that.

But an Instagram post about it, mentioning the brand and holding up the label for the photo?

You’d think that you’d have to be a fool to not realize that, at the very least, that star has gotten some free stuff out of the deal.

In most cases, they’re monetizing it.

On the other hand … the world is full of fools and they deserve honesty, too.

Instagram ads can be a huge source of money, from a regular Instagram model to Kylie Jenner.

Whether it’s a fitness model showing off the protein powder that they almost definitely don’t use to a reality star showing off a corset that almost definitely didn’t make her lose weight, Instagram ads are a huge business.

We can understand why the FTC feels the need to clamp down … even if “#ad” looks so tacky in people’s captions.

We wonder if maybe the FTC needs to reconsider some of its rulings, though.

Sure, it’s a big business — some public personalities pull down six figures a year on Instagram ads alone.

(Others are said to pull down six figures per post … mostly just Kylie Jenner)

But … are there similar rules in place for product placement on television shows and in films?

When someone on television drinks a specific name-brand soda or even walks in front of a sign for a fast food place, that’s not a coincidence. Usually, the company paid for that to happen.

“Ad” doesn’t show up anywhere on the screen.

Some might argue that featuring something in your social media posts is akin to a film’s product placement rather than being more like a commercial.

Technology changes all of the time. Sometimes it takes the law a while to catch up.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Chelsea Houska is a Bad Mom!

Jenelle Evans is no stranger to fighting.

It’s basically her number one pastime.

She fights with her mom, she fights with her boyfriends, she fights with her toddler when he just won’t sit still, be quiet and behave like your average two-year-old.

She fights with her boyfriends’ new girlfriends, with her friends, with strangers on the internet …

Basically, if you are around Jenelle at all, either physically or virtually, there’s a good chance she will fight you.

And we’re seeing that now, thanks to her brand new feud with Randy Houska.

Randy is Chelsea Houska’s father, and he’s a lovable guy. He’s definitely one of the best grandparents in the Teen Mom franchise.

We love him because he’s always been so supportive of Chelsea, in whatever way she needs, and it’s such a nice contrast to some of the other moms’ relationships with their parents.

Also, we love him because he’s a bit of a gossip.

He frequently comments on big Teen Mom stories on Twitter, and he often live-tweets episodes of Teen Mom 2.

He did it for this week’s episode … and that’s how he made the unfortunate mistake of crossing Jenelle.

Randy, along with the rest of us, watched Jenelle get into a screaming match with her mother, Barbara, right in front of Jace and some other kids.

It was uncomfortable to watch, to say the least.

“It is good to scream at each other in front of kids,” Randy tweeted about the situation. “It teaches them great things.”

When Jenelle saw the tweet, she reasonably responded with “Hey fat f-ck, I am so sick of you commenting on my life. Go tend to your own family. You don’t know a f-cking thing I’ve been through.”

She added the middle finger emoji, because Jenelle is nothing if not classy.

When a follower told her to chill, she wrote “I don’t give two sh-ts anymore. Not any other parent comments about me negatively except Randy. Nothing positive, EVER.”

If he doesn’t say anything positive, then maybe she needs to consider that she doesn’t give him a lot to work with?

“If my mom wasn’t involved then there wouldn’t be issues, anger or tension,” she added. “The love and compassion would be the vibes.”

… Is she seriously trying to say that she only yells when her mother is involved? Because that’s the biggest fib of all the fibs.

Jenelle has deleted her tweets about Randy, but don’t think it’s because she realized how awful she was being.

Because, in a new interview with Radar Online, she doubled down on her criticism of Randy.

“I wish he would stop,” she said. “He doesn’t know me or what I have to deal with when it comes to my mom.”

“Yes, of course my mom brings out the worst in me so we are bound to argue sometimes, but it’s gotten better and everything is a lot more calmer on my end.”

She keeps failing to realize that Randy had an excellent point with his tweet — it’s awful how much Jenelle and Barbara fight and scream in front of Jace.

But instead of saying anything like that, she decided to lash out in the worst way.

“He should be more focused on Aubree being ignored, since all they show is me yelling and if that’s true and that’s all we do 24/7 … then I guess MTV is true about Aubree being ignored since Watson was born,” she said.

Hold up.

Did Jenelle seriously just bring Aubree into her feud with Randy? Why would she ever think that’s a good idea? Ever?

Chelsea has complained about how her scenes are being edited this season, and she’s made it clear that she’s very upset with how MTV has made it look like she’s ignoring Aubree.

Instead of acting like that’s true, even sarcastically, Jenelle should sympathize with her — after all, no one has complained about MTV editing more than she has.

But we have to remember, this is Jenelle Evans we’re talking about. We can’t expect her to make sense.

In the interview, she insisted that “The only time I’m angry is if my mom comes around.”

“I’m not as bad as a person Randy thinks, but if he wants to spend his time checking Twitter daily like it’s his job, then so be it. He’s just now another creepy Teen Mom troll in my book.”

“Maybe that’s why Aubree is ignored … his attention is dedicated to Twitter, not his family,” she added.

“He just makes it look like I’m psycho. He never has anything nice to say and I don’t say a damn thing about him. I don’t get it.”

Poor Jenelle even said that Randy “ruined” a date night with David Eason because he was “making me cry because I was so upset by him making these comments over the years.”

She claims that her MTV producer texted her “telling me he was extremely sorry for Randy’s actions and agreed it was wrong and will be reaching out to him about his behavior.”

Yeah, we’re sure that happened.

Even with all the feuding between the Teen Mom cast members that has happened over the years, it’s very, very rare for someone to bring up one of the children, for any reason.

It’s just not done.

And although Chelsea hasn’t directly commented on Jenelle’s accusations about Aubree, she did make a pretty telling move on Twitter.

After Jenelle’s interview was published, someone tweeted to her “The fact that you are proud of yourself for dragging Aubree, a child, into your argument is sad. You really are pathetic.”

Chelsea liked that tweet.

We’d advise Jenelle to do better, but, well, you know. If she hasn’t done better by now …
