Showing posts with label Confessions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confessions. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Demi Lovato: 19 (VERY!) Candid Confessions from Her Documentary

Demi Lovato has always been an open book.

The singer has never shied away over the years from discussing her battles with substance abuse and an eating disorder.

In the YouTube documentary "Simply Complicated," Lovato is an open… series of books?

We"re not sure how to phrase it, we just know the artist discusses absolutely everything, from her career to her drug use to her most famous relationship.

Scroll down and then all around for a look at all we learned about Lovato in this revealing film:

1. When Did She First Do Cocaine?

When did she first do cocaine

“I was 17 working on Disney Channel, and I was with a couple of friends and they introduced me to it. I was scared because my mom always told me that your heart could just burst if you do it. But I did it anyways and I loved it. I felt out of control with the coke the first time that I did it.”

2. Yes, She Once Punched a Backup Dancer in the Face

Yes she once punched a backup dancer in the face

After learning someone named Shorty outed her for using Adderall during a Camp Rock 2 tour, “I remember thinking, ‘I’m about to beat this bitch up.’ She had already boarded the plane, I just went up to her and it was like a blur.”

3. This Was a "Breaking Point"

Demi lovato thanks fans

Lovato said she slept the whole day afterward, texted her mom an apology and realized she needed major help.

4. She Entered Rehab, Got Diagnosed as Bipolar…

Demi lovato single cover

… and then fell off the wagon: “I wasn’t working my program, I wasn’t ready to get sober. I was sneaking it on planes, in bathrooms, nobody knew. I went on a bender of two months when I was using daily and there was one night where I used a bunch of coke, I popped a few Xanax bars and I started to choke a little bit and my heart started racing. I remember thinking, oh my god, I might be overdosing right now.”

5. This Was the Last Time She Drank:

Demi lovato sings purple rain

“I invited 2 random people and basically just drank with them. I got really really drunk until it was time to get on a flight and I was so drunk that I threw up in the back of the car service on the way to the airport to perform on American Idol. I felt like that was a moment in my career where I didn’t care. I just knew that I needed to be high to get through what I was going through at that point.”

6. It Was On to a Sober Living Facility

Demi lovato elle picture

She retired here every night after judging The X Factor. Said her manager in the documentary of this experience: “She’s having to do chores. She has no cell phone. She’s completely and totally submitted to the process of recovery.”

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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

15 Candid Kardashian Confessions (#9 Will Shock You)

The Kardashian Decade: How a Sex Tape Led to a Billion-Dollar Brand.

This is the pretty fantastic and unfortunately accurate title of a cover story by The Hollywood Reporter from August of 2017.

Indeed, Kim and company burst on to the celebrity gossip scene in 2007… and have been dominating nearly every conversation ever since.

How did they get here? What is the basis for the success? What sort of surprising facts and tidbits did this lengthy feature piece reveal?

Scroll down for some answers!

1. Before She Was a Star…

The kardashian decade

Kim tells the publication “I was going to [Pierce College], and after school I would go work the cash register at our store, Dash.” This all changed when she was 27 years old.

2. Before There Was Ever Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

Kourtney kardashian on a table

“We had talked to producers about doing a show about the three of us running the store, Dash, where Khloe and I would do the day-to-day, and Kim would come in as a stylist,” Kourtney says. “It didn’t go anywhere.”

3. The Key to the Show’s Success

Kris jenner in the hollywood reporter

“I sat everyone down and said, ‘If we’re going to do this, we have to be all in. We have to really be who we are.,"” says Kris.

4. Before Settling on a Title…

Kylie jenner in the hollywood reporter

… E! tossed around ideas such as: The Kardashians: Krazy With a K; Living Kardashian; and Krazy Kardashians.

5. The First Viral Moment:

Kim kardashian in the hollywood reporter

“The watercooler chatter from the first episode was all about [9-year-old] Kylie jumping on a stripper pole,” Kris now says. “Kim had one installed in my bedroom and our friend Robin Anton, who is the founder of The Pussycat Dolls, was just messing around, and Kylie hops up there, twirls around a couple times, and it became this thing.”

6. When Did Kendall Realize She was a Star?

Kendall jenner for thr

“Kylie and I did a magazine signing for Seventeen, and it was at some store at The Grove and we had a crazy line around the corner. The store owner came up to us and said, “Justin Bieber was here a week ago and didn’t get this response.”

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Monday, November 23, 2015

Sister Wives Reunion Recap: Catfishing Confessions

We had been promised a Sister Wives reunion unlike any other.

Sunday night, TLC delivered on that promise and then some.

With the backdrop of Meri’s catfishing confessions, the stakes were abnormally high heading into Sister Wives Season 6 Episode 14. And it showed.

Kody Brown, his wives Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn, and their children all sat down with Today reporter Tamron Hall to discuss all the drama.

While it was far from the only noteworthy crisis of Season 6, Meri Brown catfished online by a woman pretending to be a man certainly felt like it.

“I didn’t know what to think,” Kody said of the unsettling situation.

“At the time it seemed so vague. I didn’t want to push her … she hasn’t felt well, hasn’t seemed like herself for a long time,” he lamented.

Until Robyn “made” her, Meri didn’t even ‘fess up to her spouse.

“I knew something wasn’t right. I was begging her to talk to me,” Robyn said of her sister wife, and at that point, she decided to reveal all.

“I just knew I had to,” Meri said, adding that her online “friend” threatened to ruin her. “I believe that was the goal – to break up this family.”

If so, #fail. As you know if you watch Sister Wives online, what doesn’t kill the Browns has a way of making them stronger in the end.

“My first reaction was to put on armor and go to war,” Janelle says, while Christine echoed that: “Our job is to keep everybody safe.”

Meri didn’t feel safe. She felt scared as well as rather guilty.

As for Kody’s take on what some call an emotional affair?

“This is somebody who I see was trying to exploit her,” he explained, “to literally harm our family and find some way to damage our kids.”

“So nothing but forgiveness in this case. I see it as a flirt. So what,” he says, noting he doesn’t “even know what” emotional infidelity is.

That’s the company line and he’s sticking to it, anyway.

As Meri sees it, “people are always going to believe what they want to believe,” but someone “targeted us and wanted to tear our family apart.”

That, she reiterates, is “not happening on our watch.”

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

22 Candid Celebrity Sex Confessions

Sometimes, celebrities make stunning confessions that have to do with their health, their sexuality or any one of several very personal and important topics.

Other times, celebrities simply spill about sex.

These are examples of those latter times, of when stars threw naked caution to the wind and talked openly about various aspects of their bedroom (or backseat!) behavior…

1. Sexual. Napalm.

Sexual napalm

This remains the greatest quote uttered by one celebrity about another; possibly the greatest quote uttered by anyone ever. Said John Mayer of intercourse with Jessica Simpson: “Sexually it was crazy. That’s all I’ll say. It was like napalm, sexual napalm. Did you ever say, ‘I want to quit my life and just f*****’ snort you? If you charged me $ 10,000 to f*** you, I would start selling all my s*** just to keep f****** you."”

2. I give him a 10! A f-ckin 10!

I give him a 10 a f ckin 10

Elizabeth Hurley dated Hugh Grant for 13 years. And even though he cheated on her with a hooker, the actress still rated Grant as a “10” in bed when speaking to Andy Cohen about their sex life.

3. I give myself a 10!

Katy perry at muchmusic video awards 2012

Speaking of high marks, Katy Perry told Glamour in 2010 that she’s sure ex Russell Brand would have given her a “10 out of 10” in the sack.

4. Ouch!


Maybe she wasn’t a 10 after all? About sleeping with Katy Perry, Russell Brand once said: “I’d be having sex thinking, ‘Think of anyone, anyone else."”

5. And the award for most covert sexual act goes to…

Chrissy teigen and john legend pregnancy announcement

“We were on our way to Thailand to see my parents, flying commercial first-class,” Chrissy Teign said of her and John Legend. “We were under a blanket. We weren’t even in one of those pod things. I feel like we should get a trophy for that.”

6. Up (or down!) for whatever

Gwyneth paltrow photograph

In an April 2012 interview for The Conversation With Amanda de Cadenet, Gwyneth Paltrow admitted to not having a favorite sexual position, simply saying “I’m down with all of them.”

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

18 STUNNING Celebrity Confessions: Who Said What?!?

We hope you"re sitting down for these, people.

We hope you"re prepared.

We hope your jaw is ready for the impact of the fall its about to take when it hits the floor.

Because what follows is a list of stunning celebrities confessions that left us reeling back when they first went public… and which still leave us in shock all this time later:

1. I have HIV…

I have hiv

Charlie Sheen confirmed this rumor via an exclusive interview with The Today Show. He finally came clean after years of being blackmailed by friends and prostitutes.

2. I took steroids…

I took steroids

Yes you did, Lance Armstrong. Following years of adamant denials, Lance Armstrong finally revealed the truth in a 2013 interview with Oprah.

3. I smoked crack…

I smoked crack

Rob Ford made this confession after talk circulated that a videotape existed of the Toronto Mayor… well… smoking crack. His exact quote will go down in history: “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. Probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately a year ago.”

4. Okay, I DID have sex with that woman…

Okay i did have sex with that woman

After denying any sort of inappropriate touching with Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton made a televised address to the nation, admitting to an “improper physical relationship” with his intern. The House of Representatives voted to impeach the president for perjury, but he was subsequently acquitted.

5. I’m gay!

Im gay

Of course Ellen DeGeneres is gay, right? No big deal! Try telling that to the comedian when she went public with this announcement in 1997.

6. I consider myself a woman…

I consider myself a woman

Caitlyn Jenner made her gender transformation official when she told Diane Sawyer in April 2015 that she views herself as a woman.

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