Showing posts with label Explicit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Explicit. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tyga Defends Explicit New "Kyoto" Album Cover

Tyga’s got a message for haters of his new album cover — check your delicate sensibilities and enjoy it for what it is … art. We got the “Rack City” rapper Tuesday leaving Prada on Rodeo Drive in Bev Hills and asked him about his highly…


Monday, January 9, 2017

Tupac"s Drippingly Explicit Love Letter Could Fetch $25k (PHOTO)

Tupac wrote a love letter from prison that was so graphic and sexual … it makes “50 Shades of Gray” look like a Disney flick. The explicit letter was handwritten by Tupac and features lines like, “Ever been tied to a bedpost and licked…


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Walking Dead: Slammed by PTC for "Explicit" Violence

The Walking Dead is the highest-rated show on television, largely for one main reason:

Blood, gore, violence, death.

Okay, that’s more like four reasons.

But the point remains: people tune in to this AMC smash hit because they want to see just how brutal things can get between our group of heroes and the walkers or rival humans who want to kill them.

To some, however, The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 1 crossed a line.

It featured a pair of deaths (Abraham and Glenn), both of which took place at the hands of Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s Negan.

To be more specific, these deaths took place at the BAT of Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s Negan, which continuously slammed into Abraham and Glenn’s skulls until they were long gone.

And while 17 million people watched the premiere, making it the second-most popular episode in series history, many of them were turned off by what they witnessed.

To wit:

Danai Gurira (Michonne) understands where a lot of these complaints came from, but she told Good Morning America yesterday that “it was very important for us to see and feel that loss, because that loss transforms everybody. It’s devastating.”

It was also gross.

And that’s where The Parents Television Council comes in.

The conservative watchdog organization blasted Sunday’s episode premiere of The Walking Dead Season 7 in a statement that reads as follows:

“Last night’s season premiere of The Walking Dead was one of the most graphically violent shows we’ve ever seen on television, comparable to the most violent of programs found on premium cable networks.

“It’s not enough to ‘change the channel,’ as some people like to advocate, because cable subscribers – regardless of whether they want AMC or watch its programming – are still forced to subsidize violent content.

“This brutally explicit show is a powerful demonstration of why families should have greater control over the TV networks they purchase from their cable and satellite providers.”

The Parents Television Council has issued strongly-worded statements against episodes of TV shows.

It once bashed Glee for its depiction of reckless teen sex.

But it may at least have more of a case in this case than it had previously when finding faults with various programs.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Monday, Winter said the premiere “from start to finish” and its degree and volume of violence “set a new threshold for basic cable.”

He added that the episode should even raise the question of if there should be a rating beyond TV-MA, which is what this episode earned.

“I understand violence is inherent to the storytelling here but the manner in which the depictions were made … it crossed the line,” Winter said, expounding:

“With The Walking Dead, the creative team has resorted to the graphic violence as a crutch for what used to be better storytelling. When you can’t figure out what lines to write, you put something in easier, which is a graphic depiction.

“To me, it’s too much.”

Do you agree? Did The Walking Dead premiere cross a line of gore and/or violence?


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Adam Lind: DUMPED By Girlfriend Due to Explicit Photos

Last week, sexually explicit photos of Adam Lind surfaced online, and were quickly deleted.

Though the pics didn’t show Lind’s man bits, many fans were shocked by the sight of the Teen Mom villain – how can we put this delicately? – aggressively tossing his ex-girlfriend’s salad.

As we said, the pics were taken down shortly after they appeared on Instagram, but the damage had already been done.

Yesterday, we learned that has decided not to fight Chelsea Houska for custody of their daughter, Aubree, as a result of the photos.

Today, Radar Online is reporting that Lind has been dumped by girlfriend Stasia Huber due to the fallout from the explicit pics.

“Obviously she was upset to see her boyfriend like that with his ex,” one insider tells Radar. “They already had problems, but the photo added fuel to the fire.

“Stasia was doing her best for Adam and his daughters, but she knows she has to focus on herself right now.”

It seems like an odd reason to end a relationship, but then again, any reason is a good reason to break up with Adam Lind.

So look, ladies of North Dakota! Adam Lind is on the hunt once again. Hey, at least now you have an idea of what he’s willing to do in bed.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Game Of Thrones Star Emilia Clarke Is NOT A Fan Of Explicit Sex Scenes — No More Nudity For Khaleesi?!

If you watch Game Of Thrones, you know the only thing you can expect to see more often than a brutal murder is a gratuitous sex scene!

And Emilia Clarke apparently doesn’t like it!

[ Related: Maisie Williams Says Filming Her First Sex Scene Was ‘Extremely Awkward’! ]

Even though the 28-year-old star has disrobed and got down plenty as Daenerys Targaryen, she made it clear she’s not a fan of those explicit scenes on television!

She said:

“Sex scenes should be more subtle. I’m British, so I cringe at that sort of thing anyway — I can’t stand it.”

Clarke filmed several sex scenes in the first few seasons of the hit HBO show.

But if the actress had it her way, the scene would cut before the clothes came off! She adds:

“Most sex scenes you see in films or on TV are gratuitous and they’re usually just to attract an audience…I don’t want to have sex thrown in my face and I’ve always thought the suggestion is so much more titillating than the act itself.”

It sounds like Emilia would fair much better acting on a network television show instead of premium cable! LOLz!

[ Related: Does This New Game Of Thrones Twin Theory Explain Jon Snow Completely? ]

According to reports, Clarke refused to appear in any more topless shots in the hit fantasy series two years ago, telling executives she “wanted to be known for my acting, not my breasts.”

While it sounds like the Mother of Dragons will be fully clothed from now on, we’re sure we can still expect plenty of gratuitous sex scenes from elsewhere in Westeros when Game Of Thrones returns in the Spring!

[Image via HBO.]