Showing posts with label Flipping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flipping. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"Flipping Vegas" Stars Horseback Halloween Stunt Backfires, Cops Called

The stars of “Flipping Vegas” got someone flippin’ pissed at their Halloween stunt — riding horses on the beach — and they ended having a run-in with Johnny Law.  Scott and Amie Yancey hit Malibu Tuesday evening on horseback while in costume…


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Earl Thomas Will Regret Flipping Off Seattle Sideline, Says Ex-Teammate

He may not regret it now, but Earl Thomas will end up wishin’ he didn’t throw the ol’ single barrel salute to his team last Sunday … his ex-Seahawks teammate Walter Thurmond tells TMZ Sports. Earl had been SUPER pissed about not getting a…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Tyrese Gibson Says There"ll Be More "Fast & Furious" ... It"s Like Flipping Houses! (VIDEO)

Don’t worry about The Rock and Vin Diesel’s old beef standing in the way of future ‘Fast & Furious’ flicks ‘cause the money train can’t be stopped … according to their co-star, Tyrese. We got Tyrese leaving Bootsy Bellows Tuesday night…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Ben Seewald Slams The Shack: Why Is He Flipping Out Over a Movie?

There was a time when Ben Seewald was credited with being the most progressive-minded member of the Duggar clan.

Ben has expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement, and he generally takes a more inclusive and justice-minded approach to social issues.

But at the end of the day, Ben relies on his wife’s famous family for financial support, which may be why he’s joined his in-laws in taking a hard-line stance against a movie you’ve probably never heard of:

The film is called The Shack, and apparently, it’s got the evangelical community in an uproar over what some see as a blasphemous portrayal of one man’s relationship with God.

The Shack stars Octavia Spencer (?!) as an otherworldly being named Papa (?!?!) who helps a grieving father cope with the murder of his daughter.

Predictably, the film is being roasted to a crisp by critics and widely ignored by audiences, but there’s a select group that’s ready to arm themselves with torches and pitchforks and storm your local Regal Cinema, and it seems Ben Seewald is their unlikely leader.

You would expect an uproar over Octavia Spencer’s career choices (Does she know she won an Oscar?), but it turns out the furor is rooted in some sort of theological dispute.

You see, The Shack argues that all good people will be rewarded in the afterlife regardless of the specifics of their religious beliefs – a notion first set forth in the 1989 ecclesiastical allegory All Dogs Go to Heaven.

Okay, we might have made that last part up, but the fact is, Ben and his band of crusaders are of the belief that the God of The Shack is too forgiving, too merciful, too … Christlike.

You’d think an unemployed father of two would mostly be busy scouring the want ads, but it seems Ben has time to get all fired up about a movie.

Yesterday, Seewald posted this takedown of The Shack on his Instagram page:

He also linked to an article with a six-point anti-Shack argument because 2017 is officially the most ridiculous timeline.

The piece argues that the “the God portrayed in The Shack seems casual and unconcerned with holiness, which is inconsistent with what we see in the Bible.”

We have no intention of ever seeing this movie, but based on that description, we’re guessing God is portrayed a bearded and heavily stoned Jeff Bridges.

Anyway, it doesn’t sound like this movie is causing anyone any harm, so why is Ben so worked up?

Well, if you’ve heard the recent rumors about Seewald’s net worth, you know that the dude may soon find himself in dire need of cash.

Ben doesn’t have a job, and in fact, he’s never been employed in his adult life.

Right now, he seems focused on making a career for himself as a preacher, which can be a lucrative profession if one builds a large enough following.

These days, of course, the easiest way to do that is to spew hot takes on social media.

As far as we can tell, that’s why Ben’s taking the firmest anti-Shack stance since Kobe Bryant circa 1997. Zing!


Friday, January 20, 2017

Tarek and Christina El Moussa: Flipping Out on Each Other on Flip or Flop Set!?

Tarek and Christina El Moussa have put on a good front since their separation of approximately six months became public late last year.

Sources say they are far less cordial in private, however.

The Flip or Flop twosome resumed filming this week amidst a divorce that few fans of the hit HGTV show could’ve ever seen coming.

But are they really as amicable as they’ve repeatedly said over the past few weeks, or flipping out on each other behind the scenes?

A recent report from Radar would tell you the latter.

“Tensions are ridiculous on the set with Tarek and Christina,” an production insider said. “Tarek yells at her in front of production.”

“He is constantly putting her down,” the source adds.

“He says he blames her for leaking information about their split and he thinks that she sabotaged their marriage,” the insider claims.

It’s still unclear how that information went public.

Last spring, Tarek stormed out of the house with a gun after a blowout fight with Christina. No charges were filed over the “misunderstanding.”

TMZ broke the story, however, and thanks to a statement they put out afterward, we learned Tarek and Christina El Moussa separated

The insider says Christina may have leaked the story, knowing it would hurt his chances of getting his own series after Flip or Flop.

At least that’s what her estranged husband thinks.

According to this source, Tarek El Moussa “even seems to think that now she is trying to sabotage his chances of getting a spin-off.”

Whether that’s even remotely true is debatable, but we do know Christina had started a relationship with a new man, contractor Gary Anderson.

We also know that this report isn’t unique.

While both reality stars are still saying the right things in public – Tarek slammed fake news and gossip this week – questions linger.

A new report from In Touch Weekly suggests that Tarek and Christina now have separate publicists, following years of sharing representation.

As co-hosts of the aforementioned HGTV series, that’s somewhat significant, given how committed they are to their show and family.

The magazine claims that the signs of problems don’t end there, as Tarek would insult Christina with “vulgar language” in deleted scenes.

Tarek, the source claims, even threatened her, “[saying] he would perform a heinous violent act against Christina on more than one occasion.”

He allegedly made Christina run into the car and “cry” in between takes due to his inappropriate behavior and incessant anger issues.

That last rumor is consistent with the infamous fight last year, when Christina El Moussa was reported to be “shaking” as Tarek stormed out.

After the scandal broke, Tarek and Christina acknowledged it and said:

“[We] will continue to work through this process civilly and cooperatively, and plan to continue our professional life together.”

“We are committed to our kids and being the best parents we can be.”

The parents to Taylor, 6, and Brayden, 1, were reportedly forced by the network to put their differences aside and honor their contracts.

That means finishing the season they’re already committed to, but beyond that, it looks like this may be all she wrote for Flip or Flop.

For the record, Tarek denies all of this, and even felt the need to issue a comment about it, which he has typically refrained from doing.

He didn’t address the specific, scathing allegations made in recent days, but his statement speaks for itself when he calls it all “lies.”

He even takes a shot at “fake news,” as other famous people have.

“I will keep my focus on what matters most, which is co-parenting our children and working hard on our business,” he says.

And he’ll do so despite “the lies, innuendo, salacious gossip and ‘fake news’ that is thrown at me from irresponsible media outlets via anonymous sources.”

Whatever you believe, that’s a quality denial right there.

Not overly defensive, but not mincing words either.

tarek Moussa instagream


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Selena Gomez: Flipping the F--k Out Over Justin Bieber Getting Kourtney Kardashian Pregnant!?

Selena Gomez’s “worst nightmare” is about to come true if Justin Bieber really got Kourtney Kardashian pregnant, a new report indicates.

If you missed it, the Internet is on fire with reports that Justin Bieber got Kourtney Kardashian pregnant during one of their sex romps.

While that rumor remains dubious at best – it came from Life & Style, after all, and neither party has confirmed it – we’ve heard worse.

After all, it’s not the first time Bieber has been linked to Kourtney (we all remember the car sex photo and Lord Disick shade) of late.

Nor is it unreasonable to believe that Selena Gomez, Biebs’ longtime lover, would flip her s–t at the mere possibility of this love child.

The “Good for You” singer will be “truly devastated” when she finally hears the news, says a source close to the burgeoning pop star.

“[Selena] would flip out if Kourtney was having Justin’s baby. She was furious when Justin and Kourtney hooked up the first time.”

This, though, “would be truly devastating for her,” given the fact that Selena personally “wanted to have Justin’s baby years ago.”

Wow. How insane is that.

The heart wants what it wants, we suppose (see what we did there!?) and apparently hers still wants that douche Justin Bieber.

Not that it’s ever easy when your ex moves on, but when it’s with another celeb and all over the tabloids – and there’s a baby?!

Supposedly. Again, it has not been confirmed, but given Justin and Kourtney’s history of hookups, well, crazier things have happened.

“Kourtney’s already admitted to friends that she and Justin have been intimate, and she hasn’t been with Scott in a longtime,” says an insider.

“So the math is pretty clear. It would have to be a Bieber baby.”

You hear that? It’s the sound of Beliebers’ hearts breaking … and Selena readying her next melancholy Instagram quote as we speak.