Showing posts with label Harley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harley. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: FIRED From Jersey Shore Over Jen Harley Drama?!

If you watched the inaugural season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation or even just paid passing attention to any of the cast member’s social media pages, then you know the drama between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley has made Ron’s relationship with Sammi Giancola look downright stable by comparison.

In fact, the whole situation has been more Jerry Springer than Jersey Shore.

On the show, the couple mostly kept things civil, despite the well-publicized incident in which Ronnie got handsy with a French Fry.

In real life, Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter, and it briefly looked as though they had every intention of trying to make things work.

But then Ortiz-Magro’s famously volatile (and allegedly steroid-fueled) temper became an issue, and the new dad launched a virulent and incessant tirade of irate tweets against Harley.

In other words, Rahn refused to Stahp.

He called Harley a “c-m dumpster” and publicly accused her of cheating.

She responded by calling him a deadbeat dad and accusing him of engaging in his own infidelities.

The situation came to a head last week when Jen allegedly dragged Ronnie alongside her car and was arrested on assault charges.

The cast is currently filming a second season of JSFV, and needless to say, Ronnie’s situation has complicated the production process.

Shooting began in Vegas, the city that both Ronnie and Jen currently call home.

For obvious reasons, this turned out to be a mistake.

Ronnie got in a fight on the second day of filming, forcing production to shut down for the day.

The operation has now relocated to the crew’s original stomping ground of Seaside Heights, New Jersey.

But according to a new report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Ronnie did not make the trip with the rest of the cast.

The situation has led to rumors that Ronnie was fired from the show due to his tumultuous relationship with Harley.

Sources have confirmed, however, that that’s not the case, and Ortiz-Magro is simply taking time to recover from injuries he suffered during the car dragging incident.

“His family flew there to be with him,” one insider told US Weekly.

“He’s recovering from his injuries. He was hurt pretty badly and needs the time to heal.”

Police determined that Ronnie was blameless in the incident, as he was attempting to get out of Harley’s car when she began to drive away.

“He asked [her to] pull over and let him out of the car,” the source told Us.

“She stopped, and Ronnie tried getting out and got caught in his seatbelt. Jen started driving away, dragging Ronnie…Ronnie’s face was bloodied and bruised, and he’s got a nasty road rash.”

Sounds like we’re in for another season of serious Ronnie drama, but fear not — there will be plenty of comic relief as well.

The Dirty Hamster herself, Angelina Pivarnick, was reportedly spotted touring Seaside with the rest of the guidos.

She’s not exactly a fan favorite, but we may need Angelina’s absurdity to help keep things light in future episodes.

Watch Jersey Shore online in order to get caught up for what promises to be a drama-packed season.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro to Jen Harley: You Almost Killed Me So I"m Taking Our Kid!

If you watched Jersey Shore Family Vacation this season, you know that Ronnie Ortiz-Magro became embroiled in some serious baby mama drama.

And if you follow Rahn on social media, you know the situation only deteriorated once the cameras stopped rolling.

The first sign of trouble came when Ronnie called Jen a c-m dumpster on social media and accused her of cheating.

Didn’t think things could get worse from there?

Then you don’t know Ronnie romances.

Earlier this week, Jen was arrested for assaulting Ronnie.

It was eventually revealed that she had dragged him down the street as he clung to her car during an altercation.

Harley told police that Ron hit her several times, but they determined that she was the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody.

Yes, the whole thing is enough to make Ron’s fights with Mike Sorrentino look like guido child’s play.

The situation (no pun intended) is made all the more tragic by the fact that Ron and Jen have a 3-mon th-old daughter together.

And now, it seems Ronnie is taking steps to ensure that little Ariana will has as little contact with her mother as possible.

According to TMZ, Ron is gunning for primary physical custody of his daughter.

The site claims that Ortiz-Magro has hired a family attorney and plans to get o after Jen with everything he’s got.

But he’s also being realistic with his expectations.

Ronnie is reportedly going for 50/50 custody, which TMZ’s legal experts say he’ll probably get.

Sources claim he wants sole physical custody but has been counseled that that’s a long shot.

After all, Jen may have been arrested for domestic battery, but Ronnie wasn’t blameless in the incident.

And his best bet is to shoot for a custody arrangement that Jen will agree to.

If this thing goes to court, Jen’s got hundreds of hours of video evidence that Ron is a seriously unstable dude.

Here’s hoping both of these two can sort themselves out for the sake of their daughter.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Urged to Stay the Eff Away from Jen Harley, Fight for Full Custody of Daughter

Congratulations are in order for Jen Harley.

The occasionally violent and sporadic girlfriend of Ronnie Ortiz-Magro has managed to accomplish the near-impossible:

She has turned this Jersey Shore cast member into a sympathetic figure.

For years, Ronnie had been known for his quick temper and his wandering penis, as he shamelessly flirted with women while in serious relationships and admittedly cheated on both Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola and Harley.

Now, however, most Jersey Shore viewers are on Team Ronnie, following a couple of frightening and over-the-top actions perpetrated by Harley against the reality star.

She and Ronnie started dating last summer and welcomed a daughter named Ariana into the world in early April.

But it was only a few weeks after this blessed event that Ronnie and Jen engaged in a vicious social media fight, lobbing one insult after another at each other, as summarized below.

Pretty crazy, right?

Since then, both sides have sort of apologized and the D-Listers have even tried to make their relationship work.

Only it is clearly doomed.

First, in the second week of June, Harley went off on Ronnie while the MTV personality was filming in Las Vegas, instigating a brawl that had to be broken up by the authorities.

Then, just a few days ago, Harley got arrested for hitting Ronnie in the face while driving and then speeding away while he tried to get out of the car, dragging him across the road in the process.

Pretty nuts, right?

This is her mug shot:

Following this latest incident, Ronnie is apparently receiving lots of advice from those close to him.

TMZ reports that Ortiz-Magro attended a barbecue with Harley prior to her alleged assault of him because he’s afraid she will take little Ariana away from him.

He has been trying to maintain a healthy relationship out of fear of losing his three-month old.

But friends are now pushing Ortiz-Magro to forget this line of thinking and simply rely on the court system — because they are worried Harley may do something even more dangerous than dragging him by a car.

There’s simply no way to reconcile at this point and Ronnie ought to let lawyers hash out a custody arrangement, this friends say.

Along similar lines, Hollywood Life spoke to an insider who says Ronnie is now facing pressure to take Ariana way from Jen.

It’s simply a matter of what is best for the infant.

“Ronnie’s family fears for the baby’s safety after Jen’s recent spat of violence and arrest,” this source explains, adding:

“Ronnie is hearing it from those closest to the situation that Jen is out of control. Ronnie’s family is encouraging him to do the right thing:

“Take care of his new baby and go to court for full custody before something tragic happens to his new baby.”

Whoever would have thought that it would be reasonable to believe Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is the safest parental option for a child?

But that point is difficult to argue after what we’ve heard and read about these past few weeks.

And Ronnie does seem pretty into his kid, referring to her as “My Life” on Instagram while sharing numerous photos of the adorable nugget.

Overall, we can’t say exactly what is best for Ariana.

We just know that her parents need to grow up, keep their distance from each other and work on an amicable relationship of some kind if they want her to grow up in a healthy environment.

And that’s really all that matters, don’t you agree?


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Jen Harley Mug Shot, Details of CRAZY Ronnie Magro Assault Released

Jen Harley was arrested on Sunday for the alleged assault of Ronnie Magro-Ortiz, generally prompting two responses from the public:

  1. These two REALLY do not belong together.

  2. How the heck could anyone assault the blob of muscles that is Ronnie Magro-Ortiz?!?

In response to the first statement above, we say: no d’uh.

In response to the second, we now have some new information to share.

According to Las Vegas Police Department sources who spoke to The Blast, Jen and Ronnie were on their way home from a barbecue on Sunday afternoon when they got into an argument.

Soon enough, Jen started hitting Ronnie in the face as she drove and he sat in the passenger’s seat.

Then, the car ran over something in the road and blew a tire.

As Ronnie attempted to exit the vehicle, Harley revved the engine and took off, dragging Ronnie behind him and giving him severe road rash.

So that would be how one assaults a man the size of Ronnie: you use an object that’s even larger than he is.

There are a few conflicting reports about exactly what went down between these estranged stars, however.

The Blast, for example, quotes a source who says “a call came into police from a caller who indicated that there was a suspicious vehicle with two flat tires on the side of the road and a bleeding man standing outside who was trying to pull the female out of the vehicle.”

Trying to pull a female out of the vehicle?!?

We hadn’t heard anything about that before.

All we know is that Jen was the person who got arrested for domestic battery, not Ronnie; which is not to say he was totally innocent.

We can’t say for certain what led to this fight or precisely how physical each side got with the other.

But we can verify this disturbing fact: the occasional couple’s two-month old daughter, Ariana, was in the car at the time of the fracas. Yikes.

Harley and Ronnie welcomed their only child into the world on April 2.

Just a few weeks later, they went back and forth over social media in an especially ugly spat, one that centered around both being accused of infidelity and Ronnie slamming Jen – THE MOTHER OF HIS NEWBORN! – as a “cum dumpster.”

Shortly after this public tiff, footage surfaced of Ronnie threatening Harley.

With his words, yes.

But seemingly getting close to doing so with his fists, as you can see down below here:

Earlier this month, cops were also called after Harley and Magro-Ortiz got into a heated argument at Planet Hollywood while Ortiz-Magro was shooting season 2 of Jersey Shore Family Vacation.

Somehow, despite all this drama, the two have attempted to remain a couple.

We guess this is sort of admirable, assuming they were doing so for the sake of their toddler.

But we’re way past admirable now. There’s nothing to commend anyone for when he or she is simply putting a tiny human being in the middle of vicious and violent fights.

“It’s better they are apart, and they are slowly realizing that,” a source has told People Magazine. “It will be better for their daughter in the end.”

We could not agree more.

A second insider told this same publication that Jen and Ronnie are “toxic,” adding:

“When things are good, they’re good, but when they’re bad, they’re really bad. When you put two alphas in a room together, they’re going to clash.”

For the record, by the way, Harley has been released on $ 3,000 bail.


Monday, June 25, 2018

Jen Harley Arrested for... Dragging Ronnie Ortiz-Magro with a Car

Welp. We were wrong.

It turns out things actually can get uglier between Jersey Shore star Ronnie Magro-Ortiz and his occasional girlfriend/permanent baby mama, Jen Harley.

A LOT uglier, in fact.

Sources within the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department have confirmed to Us Weekly that Harley was arrested on Sunday night and charged with beating Ronnie up, prior to dragging him around with her car.

That’s all the information both Us Weekly and E! News have on the matter, aside from Harley’s charge of domestic battery.

We also know that she has been released on $ 3,000 bail and that a hearing regarding this case has been set for Tuesday morning.

Trust us: We really wish we had more to report at the moment.

Because… what?!? Jen dragged Ronnie around with her car?!?

This development is both shocking and completely expected at the same time, considering the history between the reality star and his estranged lover.

Harley and Ronnie got together last summer and welcomed a daughter named Ariana Sky into the world on April 2.

But it’s all been way downhill from there.

Just a few weeks after they became parents, Jen and Ronnie got into one of the more vicious Internet fights you’ll ever see.

We hate to keep bringing this point up, but it seems worth repeating over and over and over again:

There’s a baby girl at the center of all this drama, you guys!

Shape the eff up and do it now.

They went back and forth on Instagram with cheating allegations, as Ronnie slammed Jen as a “cum dumpster” and Harley referred to Ronnie as a “coke head” and terrible father.

Apologies were eventually offered on both sides, and the two even got together briefly at one point.

“They’re trying to work things out for [their child’s] sake. They’re giving it a shot,” a source told E! News shortly after the viral blowout, adding at the time:

“His daughter is his biggest priority so he just wants to keep things as calm and civil with Jen for the baby’s sake.

“They both really regret how ugly and public their split was so they’re doing everything they can to keep things private right now.”

That was then, in mid-May.

But now we have reports that Harley assaulted Ronnie, which follows previous reports that detailed how she also attacked him while he was filming Season 2 of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

Call us crazy, but we sort of feel like these kids should not be together.

“I want to apologize to my family, friends and fans,” the MTV personality said in a statement to Us Weekly on April 30, saying back then:

“This is a private matter that should have never been made public. I remain focused on my daughter and she is my No. 1 priority.”

That’s nice to hear.

We just hope Ronnie continue to put this into practice.

And we hope Harley undergoes some anger management counseling or something because… holy violence!


Friday, June 15, 2018

Jen Harley: Yes, I Cheated on Ronnie, But...

Before we go any further, allow us to say up front:

There are no winner in this situation. There are no sides to take between Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

Both really need to go away and figure out some sort of amicable relationship for the sake of their daughter and that’s pretty much where we stand on their never-ending, ridiculous, scandalous drama.

Still, we’re obligated to report on it.

So here we go…

During this week’s episode of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, Ronnie told his roommates that he didn’t completely trust Harley because she had cheated in the past.

(The installment was filmed months ago, remember, prior to Harley giving birth to Ronnie’s daughter in early April.)

“You’re nervous she’s going to cheat on you?” Deena asked Ronnie at one point.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“Because she did before?” Snooki follow.

“Yeah,” he said again.

The thing is, of course, Ronnie cheated on Harley on muliple occasions himself; shamelessly so, as we witnessed on previous installments of the Jersey Shore reboot.

“Nobody’s perfect. I did my dirt too,” Ronnie did acknowledge on this new episode, adding as an excuse:

“But everything I did was a reaction to her actions. I’m also not used to being with someone like myself. Like, I met my match.”

That much has been clear by the very public fights Jen and Ronnie have engaged in of late.

Before we recount those, however, let’s hear from Harley, shall we?

Is Ronnie at least telling the truth? Did she sleep with another man behind his back?

“I’m sure he’s referring to when we were dating for about a month or two,” Harley tells Us Weekly, confessing to her sins, but making it sound like they shouldn’t really count.

She continued:

“We hadn’t established a real relationship; my ex came back around. I had mixed feelings at the time. We just got out of a four-year relationship.”

A mere month after becoming parents, Jen and Ronnie WENT OFF ON EACH OTHER via social media.

“Note to self: Can’t turn a natural-born HO, into a HOUSEWIFE,” Ronnie said to open this back-and-forth several weeks ago, adding of his baby mama:

If you find them in the gutter, leave them in the gutter.”

He followed this up with another post that read as follows:

“If your significant other keeps sex videos of their ex, shouldn’t they show enough respect to delete them, esp. after being in a new relationship for over a year?”

Ronnie also referred to Harley as a “cum dumpster.”

This happened a few weeks after she gave birth to his child.

Harley, for her part, proved that she could give as well as she could take.

“Can’t turn a coke head into a father!” she fired back, later adding:

“When your man goes all Rob Kardashian on you,” accompanied by a laugh-cry emoji.

As you can see, these two bring out the worst in each other.

And the worst of it all was captued on camera:

In her chat with Us Weekly, Harley says her cheating with her ex is what got Ronnie all worked up.

“This is all part of the Instagram fight we got into because of this incident,” she admits.

“When I came clean about this, he came clean about three times he hooked up with other girls in the same time period.

“We decided we wanted to be together and work though this and not to ever do it again.”

This is what Harley says… but consider what she allegedly did in Las Vegas on June 7.

She surprised her man in diabolical fashion, an insider tells this same tabloid, while was shooting scenes for Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2.

“Ronnie and Jen have been fighting over their daughter,” this source said of the recent fight, explaining:

“Ronnie has been filming the show in Vegas the last couple of days and Jen wouldn’t tell him where their daughter is. She showed up to the hotel where they were filming.

“Jen lunged, spit and shoved Ronnie. Hotel security got involved, who then called the Las Vegas police department.”


It bears repeating AGAIN that these two have a very young child together.

They really need to work something out.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jersey Shore Halts Filming In Vegas Due to Ronnie Magro-Jen Harley Drama

Oh, that Rahn. Will he ever stahp?

That’s likely the question on the mind of Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s castmates today, as the Jersey Shore crew was forced to stop filming ahead of schedule due to ongoing drama between Ronnie and his baby mama, Jen Harley.

Until yesterday, the cast was in Las Vegas filming a second season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation.

The title isn’t terribly apt in Magro’s case, as Vegas is his home turf these days.

So it was a bad choice of locale for reasons that go beyond the irony of filming a show with “Shore” in the title in the middle of a landlocked state.

You see, if you’ve been watching the current season of JSFV, you know that Ron and Jen’s relationship isn’t the greatest.

During his time in South Beach, Ronnie cheated on Jen with a French woman who was unimaginatively dubbed “French Fry.”

But that was only the beginning of their problems.

Shortly after that episode aired, Ronnie accused Jen of cheating on him, in a wild Instagram rant in which he also called her a “c-m dumpster.”

In the weeks since, Harley and Ortiz-Magro broke up and got back together several times, so it should’ve come as no surprise to Shore producers when their relationship drama dominated the first few days of filming in Vegas.

Maybe that was the plan. Maybe the plan backfired.

Whatever the case, the plan was scrapped when — to use the parlance of Shore’s current season — Ron spiraled and quickly spun out of control.

Last week, Magro got in a fight with another guest at a Vegas hotel.

Just days later, MTV pulled the plug on filming in Vegas and sent the cast back to the Garden State.

“They cannot wait to get the hell out of the desert and be away from everything surrounding Ronnie and Jen,” a source close to production tells Radar Online.

The situation had apparently gotten so bad that the cast was considering holding an intervention in response to Ron’s self-destructive behavior.

“They are all adults now, and they cannot watch Ronnie destroy his life anymore,” says the insider.

Hey, the guy’s been fun to watch this season, but he’s a 32-year-old dad now. 

Maybe he should cool it on the Ron-Ron juice for a bit.


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Brawls with Jen Harley Over Dead Dog

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley may not belong together.

We know this statement may come as a shock to some, but we just really get the impression that this Jersey Shore cast member and his on-again/off-again/on-again girlfriend really ought to be off again.

For good.

We’ve arrived at this bold conclusion following multiple reports that Ronnie and Jen got into a fight on Thursday in Las Vegas.

Like, an actual physical fight.

According to Us Weekly, the intense disagreement got underway after Harley showed up in Las Vegas, where Ronnie is filming scenes for the new season of Jersey Shore.

This was not a planned visit… and it quickly deteriorated into a gigantic and very ugly mess.

Ronnie and Jen have been fighting over their daughter,” an insider tells Us Weekly, elaboraring as follows:

“Ronnie has been filming the show in Vegas the last couple of days and Jen wouldn’t tell him where their daughter is. She showed up to the hotel where they were filming.

“Jen lunged, spit and shoved Ronnie. Hotel security got involved, who then called the Las Vegas police department.”

Does this sounds a tad bit insane? Yes.

But remember:

Ronnie and Jen engaged in a vicious social media argument just a few weeks ago, one that entailed Ronnie labeling his estranged lover a “cum dumpster” and Harley responding by saying Ronnie was a “coke head” and awful father.

(Yes, father. Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter together in early April. God help us all.)

This war of words nearly broke the entire Internet and you can read all about it here:

Somehow, some way, for the sake of their child we guess, Ronnie and Jen chose to stay together and battle through their personal demons and numerous obstacles.

But it sounds as if their relationship is about to be tested once again.

“When police got to the hotel, they couldn’t find Jen,” the Us Weekly insider adds. “She left the hotel at that point. They are still trying to find her for questioning.”

This source also says that spitting on someone in Las Vegas is considered a misdemeanor, which is sort of hilarious.

Isn’t someone spit on in Las Vegas about once per hour?

Meanwhile, a follow-up to this initial story claims that Ortiz-Magro and Harley were arguing was the death of their dog.

We’ll let the tabloid insider explain what allegedly transpired:

“Their pit bull died. That’s part of why they were fighting.

“Jen was supposed to be taking care of the dogs when he was away filming, and Ronnie came home to their house and found the dog dead in the pool.”


Going back to their back-and-forth in late April, the duo exchanged insults on social media and both accused each other of cheating… and then appeared to get into an actual brawl on Instagram Live.

“Put your hands on me again! Put your f-cking hands on me again, I dare you!” Ronnie yelled in the livestream that was captured by fans and shared on Twitter.

See it for yourself below:


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Ronnie Magro on Jen Harley: She"s Awful But We"re Making It Work

If you’ve been watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation then you know that Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s status as the president for life of the IFF (the esteemed “I’m F-cked Foundation”) remains unchallenged.

It all started when Ronnie cheated on his pregnant girlfriend, Jen Harley, on one of his first nights in the South Beach house.

Not surprisingly, their relationship hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows in the months since the notorious “French Fry” incident was filmed.

Just a few weeks ago, Ronnie blasted Jen as a “cum dumpster” and accused her of refusing to delete sex tapes that she made with her ex.

Shortly thereafter, Ronnie requested a paternity test, having apparently become convinced that Jen cheated on him in the early days of their relationship.

(Needless to say, Rahn might have been projecting a bit with his suspicions.)

Not exactly the kind of interactions that inspire a lot of optimism for Ron and Jen’s future as a couple.

In fact, there was a time when the Ron and Jen split up was such a done deal that Magro began dating Scheana Marie of Vanderpump Rules fame.

But now, it looks like Ron has taken a page from Rob Valletta’s book and unceremoniously kicked Scheana to the curb.

And surprisingly, it seems his motivation for ending that relationship was his desire to get back together with his baby mama.

Over the weekend, Ronnie posted a Mother’s Day tribute to Jen on social media.

And today, he further cemented his relationship status by informing his followers that he and Harley on vacation together, and the trip’s been interrupted by illness.

“At our 2nd hospital in 24 hours #MyPeanutsNotFeelingWell,” Ron wrote on Snapchat.


Insiders say Ron and Jen are still struggling – but they’re intent on making the relationship work.

“Right now they’re just trying to focus on their daughter and make sure she’s okay,” a source tells with E! News.

“They’re trying to work things out for her sake. They’re giving it a shot.

“His daughter is his biggest priority so he just wants to keep things as calm and civil with Jen for the baby’s sake,” the insider adds.

“They both really regret how ugly and public their split was so they’re doing everything they can to keep things private right now.”

Here’s hoping Ronnie will stay away from hot tubs for the sake of his relationship.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Ronnie Magro and Jen Harley: Actually Back Together?!?

Perhaps Jen Harley is NOT such a giant cum dumpster after all.

This is what Ronnie Magro (or Ronnie Ortiz-Magro… or whatever he’s going by these days…) must be thinking, based on two rather intimate videos he shared with Instagram followers on Sunday.

In celebration of Mother’s Day, the Jersey Shore star paid tribute (in his own way) to the mom of his only child, which would have been a perfectly normal thing to do in his situation.

Except for one thing:

Just about a week before, Ronnie BLASTED Harley as a cheating “hoe” for keeping in her possession a sex tape of her and an ex-boyfriend… and also for actually cheating on her. 

The reality star and his girlfriend went back and forth in an epic online argument that included major insults and allegations hurled back and forth.

It culminated in either Ronnie quoting a friend who referred to Jen as a “cum dumpster” and/or in Ronnie actually threatening to beat his baby mama up.

We wish we were making this second part up, but check out the following video:

Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter named Ariana into the world on April 3, but parenthood didn’t ease any tension between the pair.

Neither side has really denied allegations of infidelity, yet some sort of significant truce appears to have been reached.

Just consider the two videos Ronnie posted over the weekend.

They both depict Harley fast asleep and snoring, with the MTV personality writing as a caption:

“Prank wars. Snoring so loud. I feel she’s the dog from ‘Little Nicky.’”


This was followed by a second piece of footage that featured Harley in the same situation, meaning she was lying in bed alongside Ronnie…

… meaning the fiery twosome were actually back together, despite previous reports to the contrary.

“Sounds like a bear having an orgasm. She always says I snore,” Ronnie captioned this second video.

(We must stop here and wonder: How would you know what a bear having an orgasm sounds like, huh, Ronnie?!? Anything you want to tell us?)


On Saturday, Ronnie and Jen were spotted out and about in Las Vegas with their daughter, apparently giving the whole co-parenting thing a try.

This comes as a rather huge surprise because we had heard just a few days ago that Ronnie was demanding a paternity test before committing fully to the raising of little Ariana.

Perhaps that claim was false, however.

“They are on speaking terms and things are better than anyone could ever expect,” an insider told Us Weekly back on May 3, adding:

“They have to be in order to coparent. Ronnie’s main priority is his daughter and that’s all he is concerned about at the moment – that she’s in the best situation.”

That’s quite the change from Ronnie writing online how one “can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a HOUSEWIFE” and adding that “if you find them in the gutter then leave them in the gutter.”

Harley retorted during their viral tiff that Ronnie was a “coke head” who would never be a good father.

It’s all true.

You can relive the argument(s) below:

But, hey, if the stars have somehow found common ground and realize that being a romantic item is the best thing for their child?

More power to them.

We really do wish them the best of luck.

Maybe Ronnie was serious when he wrote the following after the first round of shade was thrown in each direction:

I want to apologize for earlier to my fans and especially to @tater_tot_kitty.

“I acted out of my gut and not rationally. I should’ve never acted in such a manor. My deepest apologizes.”


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Demanding Paternity Test from Jen Harley?

Did someone dare Ronnie Ortiz-Magro to get as messy as possible this month?

Because that"s what it"s starting to feel like.

If you keep up with all the latest comings and goings of the Jersey Shore crew, then you know that Ronnie has had quite a few issues with his girlfriend and the mother of his daughter, Jen Harley.

And if you weren"t aware — or even if you just want a nice little recap along with all the latest information — then let"s get right into it.

1. A Love Story

Ronnie ortiz magro and jen harley image

This is Ronnie with Jen Harley, a girl he dated for a few weeks before she got pregnant last year. We didn’t hear too much about their relationship for a long time, but now it feels safe to say that their relationship has probably never been a fairy tale.

2. Cutting It Close

Ronnie ortiz malika haqq

Seriously, Ronnie dated Malika Haqq until last July, and he got Jen pregnant about a month after that. It’s wild out there.

3. Awww?

Jen harley baby bump at 37 weeks

When we heard that they were expecting a child together, no one really thought much of it, besides “look, those crazy Jersey Shore kids are growing up!” But then Jersey Shore started airing again, and all the drama came to light.

4. Bad, Bad Ronnie

Ronnie ortiz magro parties

Even though Jen was defintely pregnant when they filmed the show, Ronnie went back to his old cheating ways. He took some girl to the bathroom, they did some stuff, then he kept drinking and started running his mouth to his roommates about Jen.

5. Trust

Ronnie is sad hammered

“I don’t trust her for shit. I don’t,” he admitted. “So all I can do is act happy and be the best father I can be, and at the end of the day, I’m still f-cking miserable. If Jen was not pregnant, I don’t know if I’d be with her.”

6. Not a Great Move

Ronnie magro girlfriend

It was dumb to talk about all of that on television, but he did, and soon after, his relationship with Jen exploded. But, oddly enough, it wasn’t because of what happened on the show. At least, not directly.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Ronnie Magro-Ortiz and Jen Harley: Where Does Their Relationship Stand Now?

Now that Donald Trump has pulled the United States out of the Iran Deal, war with this Middle Eastern country over its eventual proliferation of nuclear weapons material may be imminent.

Conversely, peace may be at hand between Ronnie Magro-Ortiz and Jen Harley.

As recently as a few days ago, Ronnie and Jen’s relationship was more explosive than the aforementioned nuclear arsenal Iran may soon start building again.

For those without an Internet connection last week, this is why:

The Jersey Shore cast member put his girlfriend on blast after he learned that she still possessed a sex tape of herself and an ex-boyfriend.

This is certainly an awkward situation, but we’re not sure if it qualifies as one in which Ronnie should have slammed Jen as a “hoe” on social media.

Harley then responded by labeling Ronnie as a “coke head” and things actually got uglier from there.

Instagram posts such as this were published:


And also such as this:


Did we mention that Ronnie and Harley actually welcomed a baby girl into the world on April 3?

Yes, these are the actions of brand new parents; a mother and a father seemingly more concerned with their pride than with their newborn.

Just two days after initially dragging Harley online, Ronnie returned to basically refer to as a “cum dumpster” and allege her of cheating on him last summer.

Jen didn’t even deny this accusation.

She simply shot back that Ronnie also cheated, an allegation that was basically proven out on recent episodes of Jersey Shore: Vacation, as viewers have plainly witnessed Magro-Ortiz stepped out on Harley.

We tried to recap the messy situation here:

“I want to apologize for earlier to my fans and especially to @tater_tot_kitty I acted out of my gut and not rationally,” Ronnie said at one point in the middle of this public fracas, adding:

“I should’ve never acted in such a manor [sic]. My deepest apologizes [sic].”

But did Ronnie actually say anything similar to Harley himself?

It sounds that way, according to E! News.

“He apologized for everything and admitted where he had been wrong but he also wants what’s best for his daughter and he realizes this is not a healthy environment for her,” a source told this entertainment news outlet, adding:

“They have split but for now they are both living in his Las Vegas house. Jen will most likely be moving out.”

That’s likely for the best.

A VERY ugly video also surfaced during this vicious, drawn-out argument that appeared to depict Harley packing up and Ronnie challenging her… almost physically, at one point.

It’s rather clear these two should not be a romantic item.

They can work out some kind of custody arrangement for the sake of child Ariana.

“They are not back together,” E! now writes, adding:

“That said, Ron has been able to spend time with his daughter and things with Jen are peaceful for now.”

Concludes this insider:

“His daughter is his biggest priority so he just wants to keep things as calm and civil with Jen for the baby’s sake.

“They both really regret how ugly and public their split was so they’re doing everything they can to keep things private right now.”


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Jen Harley Breaks Silence on Ugly Ronnie Magro Break-Up

Jen Harley is tired of having her name dragged through the Internet mud.

Granted, you probably had never even heard the name Jen Harley until a few days ago.

But still.

By now, any regular reader of The Hollywood Gossip is likely familiar with what transpired this week between Harley and Jersey Shore Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

The latter absolutely WENT OFF on his estranged girlfriend and baby mama over the weekend after learning she still had in her possession a sex tape with an ex-boyfriend.

Ronnie took exception to this.

He called Harley a “hoe” and asked his Instagram followers how they’d react to her actions and then apologized…

… except he quickly took that apology back and went after Harley even harder.

In a stream of text messages, Ronnie shared on social media (below), he accused Harley of cheating on him with a friend (who referred to her as a “cum dumpster“) last summer by banging him on a taco float in a pool.

(For real. This is the allegation.)

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro accuses

It’s not as though Harley remained silent in the face of these damning accusations.

(She didn’t deny the cheating claim, either, it’s probably worth noting.)

She fired back at Ronnie, initially referring to him as a “coke head” and then saying the following, referencing a recent episode of Jersey Shore, in which Ortiz-Magro brought home a woman from the bar.

He wants to act fake on the show and like I’m some random he knocked up lol he was trying to get me pregnant.

And then cheats on me while I’m preg on TV and then leaves me with a newborn baby lol baby daddy of the year award goes to @realronniemagro.


This message, of course, did not put an end to the drama.

It actually got a lot worse.

Shortly after the above post went live, Harley and Ortiz-Magro appeared to engage in a physical fight during an Instagram Live session on Monday.

“Put your f–king hands on me again,” the reality star yelled. “I dare you!”

Take a look for yourself at the ugly exchange below:

So that all brings us to Harley’s latest.

After making her Instagram account private for a day or two, Harley returned to the social media scene this afternoon and wrote the following:

“My heart hurts.”

She included a sad face emoji with these three words.

harley message

Harley and Ronnie actually welcomed a baby girl into the world just a month ago.

Her name is Ariana and we feel terrible for her.

Let’s hope she never learns how to use Google and let’s also hope her parents find some way to make peace. For her sake, at the very least.

“This is a private matter that should have never been made public,” Ronnie said yesterday. “I remain focused on my daughter and she is my No. 1 priority.”
