Showing posts with label Hernandez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hernandez. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

Stevie J to Joseline Hernandez: I"ll Take a DNA Test... Under THIS Condition!

Stevie J has a proposal for Joseline Hernandez.

No, not that kind of proposal. Don’t be crazy!

But the iconic Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star does have an offer to make to his occasional lover, although it’s unclear at this time whether or not Hernandez will accept.

For several weeks now, Joseline has been showing off her expecting figure on Instagram.

She’s been proudly talking up her baby bump and counting down the days until she gives birth in January, while making it VERY clear that Stevie J is the father of her impending child.

Those who watch Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta online or on their television set are well aware that Joseline and Stevie had had quite a turbulent relationship ever since this VH1 series went on the air.

For every moment they’ve been happy as a couple, there’s been another moment in which Hernandez has called Stevie out as a deadbeat child molester.

This was an accusation Joseline actually made in early July via a Twitter rant that also announced her pregnancy, allegedly by said deadbeat child molester.

“You know you are the daddy of this baby,” Hernandez Tweeted at the time to Stevie, being quick to add:

“thank god you are disclaiming the baby.”

Why did Joseline sound totally cool with Stevie’s denial that his sperm fertilized her egg?

“We don’t want your last name,” she explained at the time, continuing as follows:

“Your family is sick your dad is a child molester and so are you. Me my baby and I will have a better life without you in it.”

Oh, well… okay then. 

“Now go run along and stop knocking on my door and calling me at 5 in the am after you been getting high all night,” Hernandez added over the summer.

Since this impressive diatribe against Stevie, there’s been talk that Young Dro is actually the father of Joseline’s baby.

The rapper has said on record that he never formally dated Joseline, but that doesn’t mean his penis may not have slipped one past her vaginal goalie.

Still, Joseline insists that Stevie J is the baby daddy.

She has asked that he take a DNA test in order to answer this question once and for all… and TMZ now reports that Stevie is down with that plan.

Under one major condition.

According to that celebrity gossip website, the reality star filed agreed to take a paternity test – but he’s asking the court to award him primary physical custody of the child if, indeed, it ends up being the fruit of his loins.

Steve thinks Joseline is an unfit mother.

In the legal papers, he claims that Hernandez may have abused drugs during her pregnancy, which a severe allegation to say the least.

Stevie goes on to cite past violent acts against him by Joseline, in order to prove that she has anger problems, and alleges that she’ll “engage in acts of parental alienation” once the kid is born.

That is, she’ll do whatever she can to keep him away from the child.

If he’s granted custody, Stevie J is also asking for child support.

Earlier this month, Hernandez made her own plea for child support against Stevie J.

So things are clearly about to get even uglier between Joseline and Stevie, which may be sort of funny and is definitely entertaining for us to write about.

But it’s also sad. Because a child is coming in to the world soon.

And can’t imagine entering a world in which these are the two people charged with bringing us up. 


Stevie J to Joseline Hernandez -- I"ll Take Your DNA Test, But ...

Stevie J’s down to get pricked for Joseline Hernandez’s paternity test request but it could come back to burn her where child custody is concerned. Stevie J just filed docs agreeing to take a DNA test to find out if he’s the father of Joseline’s…


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Laurie Hernandez Breaks Down on DWTS: Watch! Be Inspired!

Laurie Hernandez is only 16 years old.

We just had to write that out in order to believe it.

Because you would not be blamed, after watching this gymnast perform on Dancing with the Stars, for thinking she"s about four decades older than that.

Such is the sort of maturity on display each Monday night this fall, as Hernandez achieved a pair of perfect scores during Week 10 of the dancing competition.

But what everyone is talking about today is less Laurie"s dancing ability and more the tears she shed after completing a Foxtrot last night.

Joined by partner Val Chmerkovskiy, Hernandez said ahead of time that she dedicated the routine to her grandmother, who recently passed away after a battle with Alzheimer"s Disease.

Nearly as soon as she stopped moving and shaking and processed the moment, standing in front of the judges on Monday, Hernandez simply broke down.

No one could blame her.

"I just went out there and just gave it my all, I kind of look at dance as a way to express my emotions and my feelings," Laurie told E! News after the show.

"Instead of having to say anything I was able to dance my way through it. It was kind of like a way for me to let it go. I feel like a totally different person. I feel like I"ve grown up a couple of years. It"s been amazing. I"ve met some amazing people including big bro over here.

"This journey has been incredible. I"m never going to forget it."


Laurie hernandez breaks down on dancing with the stars

Monday, October 10, 2016

Stevie J Sues Joseline Hernandez ... Your Dirty Mouth"s Destroying My Name

“Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” star Stevie J is suing his ex, Joseline Hernandez for her repeated accusations he molested his daughter, and is a devil-worshipping gay man. Stevie J says his ex has been on a smear campaign and even…


Joseline Hernandez Baby Bump Photos: Real or Fake?!

Joseline Hernandez of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta is posting baby bump selfies left and right these days, but … is said bump even real?

Her latest Instagram image, which allege the mercurial (or just plain unstable) reality star is six months along, has her fan base buzzing.

However, unlike other recent pics, which seemed to quell speculation that Joseline is faking her pregnancy, this has renewed such talk.

If social media reaction is any indication, observers seem to think Stevie J’s ex has actually lost weight, not gained it, in recent weeks.

Others feel her baby bump may have disappeared. We wouldn’t go that far, but the above shot is enough to raise eyebrows for some.

Granted, if she weren’t a pathological liar and deeply troubled individual, our minds might not go there in the first place. But that’s a big if.

The picture above, accompanied by baby face emoji, has the caption “6 months doe! Ima kill them hoes dead! #girlsgonewild #puertoricanprincess”

Six months doe. Or no?

Contrast it with the previous pregnancy photo Joseline shared, which seemed to put the rumors of her making up this pregnancy to rest.

You can see why, right?

This came on the heels of a post in which Joseline offered an update from what appeared to be a doctor’s office, following a check-up.

At least that was the implication.

Joseline shared that photo in mid-August, when Season 5 of her VH1 reality show was winding down, and the pregnancy was a hot topic.

If you watch Love & Hip Hop Atlanta online, you know this long-rumored bombshell came out during the reunion … what a coincidence, right?

That would mean she was four months then, according to her timeline, and Joseline’s personal trainer shared this photo mid-summer.

Here’s her training in August:

As you can see, it a little confusing how the bump seems to change sizes from one week to the next … particularly in the newest photo.

Does she even look pregnant above? You tell us.

The other Joseline Hernandez pregnancy mystery is who the baby daddy is, which only complicates matters (and guarantees big ratings).

Could it be Young Dro, her co-star and recent fling?

For now, that appears to be the most likely (albeit far from certain) scenario among a number of others as the drama intensifies in the ATL.

Those two hooked up while her relationship with Stevie J was imploding, according to rumors that were corroborated by several sources.

Not all sources agree on that, however.

A mysterious, unidentified Atlanta strip club owner with whom Joseline has been seen in public more than once is also a paternal candidate.

And then, obviously, there’s Stevie J.

While Joseline called Stevie J a deadbeat child molester and cut off all ties with him, it was initially assumed that the baby was in fact his.

This was before the Dro rumors, doe.

By this crazy twosome’s standards, he’s been taking the high road silent on social media of late, but is all about keeping things positive.

His most recent tweet? “Live life while you can, positive energy only.” Inspirational words from Steven Jordan if ever there were some.

And then there’s this final wrinkle:

Though Joseline and Stevie J were reportedly fired from Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, there is also talk of a potential spinoff in the works.

For both. The plot thickens.


Monday, July 25, 2016

Joseline Hernandez: Pregnant By Young Dro, Not Stevie J?!

Always unstable, often combative Love & Hip-Hop: Atlanta cast member Joseline Hernandez claims she is pregnant … emphasis on claims.

Might her longtime partner Stevie J not be the father, though?

Back in May, Hernandez was spotted with the rapper Young Dro, and some people online accused her of cheating on Stevie with him.

A bit of a reach, but maybe there’s something to it after all?

Hernandez says she is pregnant by Stevie J, with whom she went through an extremely public, and bitter, breakup not too long ago.

She also claims that Stevie J disavowed the unborn child … and that he watches gay porn, that she passed a lie detector test to prove this.

Oh, and he also molests his own daughter with Mimi Faust, if you take Joseline’s word at face value (which we highly suggest not doing).

Stevie hasn’t had the best track record himself when it comes to the truth, but to say Joseline plays fast and loose with it is an understatement.

We would almost assume Joseline is faking her pregnancy at this point, as some fans believe, or at least put the odds around 50-50.

Although … that brings us back to Young Dro.

Recently, Dro sat down for a radio interview, and the rapper asked not only about hooking up with Joseline, but if he fathered her child.

“No comment,” he said. Seriously, that’s it.

If you don’t want people to assume that you got your co-star pregnant, a more firm response one way or the other is probably preferable.

Just a thought for you baby daddies out there.

After the news of Joseline’s pregnancy surfaced, Stevie J spoke out and said “Time reveals all things,” which some took as a denial.

Of him being the dad, her being pregnant, or both? It’s unclear, but there’s a lot of shady stuff going on with these VH1 stars, for sure.

Hernandez, of course, fired back on Twitter.

“I never asked you for anything,” she wrote.

“DNA test don’t lie. You are a worthless son of a b—-, but thank God you are disclaiming the baby. Good. We don’t want your last name.”

Meanwhile, a separate report claims that Stevie J got Ms. Jackson pregnant. Yes, he may be expecting with Joseline AND his assistant.

It’s only a matter of time until we know for sure what’s going on here, but just to sum up this hilarious saga by the numbers real quick:

Already the father of five children (that we know of) Steven Jordan is presently expecting between 0-2 additional kids with his co-stars.

Whether it’s zero, one or two at the end of the day, it should make for a hell of a good season to watch Love & Hip Hop Atlanta online.

That is all.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Stevie J Granted Restraining Order Against Joseline Hernandez

Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star Stevie J says Joseline Hernandez is a vindictive crazy person out to defame and destroy him out of revenge.

Well, yeah. What else is new, right? But the situation has gotten so out of hand that he requested, and was granted, a restraining order.

According to Stevie J, his longtime partner Joseline is out to ruin his character, and has gone way, way beyond a typical online feud.

If you missed it, the allegedly pregnant Joseline called Stevie J a child molester who abuses his six-year-old daughter with Mimi Faust.

Mimi has called B.S. on that, for what it’s worth.

Sources close to the VH1 star say Stevie feels Hernandez’s claims are nothing but a sick attempt at revenge from a bitter individual.

Stevie, somehow, has taken the high road and remained quiet about the claim until yesterday, when he filed for a restraining order.

Calling Joseline volatile, jealous and filled with an evil sense of revenge after the couple’s nasty split, he asked the court for protection.

The order means Joseline, who also says Stevie watches gay porn, must stay at least 200 yards away from the producer at all times.

However, she can still swing by and pick up her Rolex and diamond ring from his house – so long as the police accompany her. Phew.

As for whether she’s really carrying his baby?

Does that look like a baby bump to you? At all?

Earlier this month, Hernandez shared a shot of her alleged baby bump, and claiming that Stevie J disavowed the baby, and good riddance!

She then shared the above pics, followed by a sonogram photo … which she deleted amid rumors that Joseline’s pregnancy is fake.

Why should Hernandez pull such a maneuver?

Beyond the fact that she’s a pathological liar?

We’re not sure, but she claims to be a few months along, and based on the photos above, at least … she doesn’t exactly look like it.

Stevie J, for his part, reportedly doubts she is.

The two have always played fast and loose with the truth (including about their own relationship status and pregnancies), so who knows.

What we can tell you is that it’ll be getting worse.

All of this comes on the heels of a nasty breakup and even nastier Twitter feud (mostly one-sided), with tensions escalating by the day.

Doesn’t look like any end is in sight, either.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Joseline Hernandez: Faking Pregnancy? Deleted Ultrasound Photo Raises Questions

Is Joseline Hernandez of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta really pregnant, as she gleefully (and disdainfully, re: Stevie J) announced this month?

It’s been quite the last few months for Joseline and Stevie J.

What’s gone on in real life easily trumps the drama you see when you watch Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta online, too, which says a lot.

First, she nastily broke up with longtime partner/fake husband Stevie, who she accused of being gay (among a number of other things).

Then she got into a heated beef with him on Twitter (below), and shared the results of a lie detector test proving Stevie J watches gay porn.

Purported results. You know how those things are.

And how she is. Given that Joseline is a pathological liar and wildly unstable, you can see why some fans might doubt she’s expecting.

Stevie J, for his part, says he doesn’t think he got Joseline Hernandez pregnant. Not for gay porn reasons, she’s-a-sociopath reasons.

Well, a suspect maneuver over an ultrasound photo she posted on social media has many skeptics doubting her even more strongly.

Last week, after posting a pic of her alleged baby bump, and saying Stevie J disavowed it, and good riddance, she shared the above image.

Now, as Starcasm notes in its post on this developing story, you will notice that the baby sonogram is watermarked by the Celebritea.

This is because Joseline deleted the image after sharing it.

Why should Hernandez do such a thing? Because it’s not even her baby, some critics suspect, and there’s ample reason to be suspicious.

She claims to be a few months along, and while it’s hard to say for sure, the development of the baby above could be consistent with that.

At the same time, you’re probably talking 3-5 months along, and during Joseline’s recent public appearance, well … she doesn’t look it.

Need we say more? 

Obviously, every woman carries differently – see Tess Holliday and Brittany Raven – and Joseline is never shy about showing off her body.

Still, given that Hernandez lies like it’s her job, including about a pregnancy in 2014 we might add, and looks like this at the present time:

Stevie J, as we said, has expressed disbelief about the alleged baby inside her … which caused Joseline to go absolutely crazy, of course.

She lashed out at Stevie by claiming that he molested his own daughter; Mimi Faust, the little girl’s mother, promptly came to his defense.

All we can say for sure is that these two never cease to entertain … and that if Joseline is somehow pregnant, she’d better save money.

Kid’s going to need a whole team of psychiatrists.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Joseline Hernandez: Pregnant By Stevie J!?

Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star Joseline Hernandez swears she is pregnant, that Stevie J is the father, and that he’s disavowed the child.

All in one Twitter rant. Epic work, even for her!

Joseline, never one to let a day go by without stirring up big drama on Twitter, shared a photo of what appeared to be a baby bump.

You can see the image in question below.

The 29-year-old then confirmed Wednesday that she’s pregnant with Stevie J’s child … a curious development, given their estrangement.

Not that she’s happy about it, mind you.

In a lengthy rant, the volatile reality star blasted the 44-year-old musician, calling him a “worthless son of a b!tch,” among other things.

DNA test[s] don’t lie,” she said.

“You know you are the daddy of this baby,” however, “thank god you are disclaiming the baby,” she added, upping the head-scratching ante.

“We don’t want your last name.”

Why? Isn’t it obvious: “Your family is sick your dad is a child molester and so are you. Me my baby and I will have a better life without you in it.”

Well … okay then.

“Now go run along and stop knocking on my door and calling me at 5 in the am after you been getting high all night,” Hernandez added.

Joseline’s pregnancy – if it’s real, which forgive us for being skeptical, we’re not quite ready to concede just yet – would come as a shock.

Not only has she openly stated and spread Stevie J gay rumors, but she’s made no indication of the fact that she wants kids, ever.

On the contrary: She’s said she doesn’t anytime soon.

“I do love kids. I do want kids and I am going to have some but I feel like a kid myself too,” she explained in a recent interview. 

“So I’m not ready for kids because I feel so young.” 

Yeah. Basically, if this Twitter rant she went on is any indication of what’s to come … then grab a hat and hold the f–k onto it people!

And follow the link to watch Love & Hip Hop Atlanta online. Because, in the immortal words of a man called ‘Ye … THAT S–T CRAY!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Stevie J Gay Rumors Fueled by Weird Joseline Hernandez Tweets

Stevie J may be gay.

Or at least bisexual.

We are offering no judgment if the reality star fits into either of these categories.

We’re just just trying to make sense of what Joseline Hernandez wrote this week on Twitter.

Joseline, of course, is the estranged ex-wife of Stevie J.

The two have been separated for seven months, largely due to the fact that Hernandez got drunk and took bleach to $ 40,000 worth of her husband’s clothing collection last year.

So you may want to take anything Hernandez writes about her ex with a grain of salt the size of her very large boobs.

As anyone who watched Stevie J and Joseline: Go Hollywood and/or Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Season 5 know all too well, these two do not always get along.

So there’s your preamble.

Now here’s the mysterious crux of the story:

In a series of Tweets on May 30 and May 31, Hernandez made a reference to getting one “where it hurts,” which she classified as “the pockets” and which implies some sort of blackmail.

She then referenced people who act all “hard,” but who are into “gay porn,” going on to tease a reveal at the VH1 “reunion.”

In reverse chronological order, here’s a look at the cryptic Tweets, 

j gay tweets

These could mean… pretty much anything.

But many are taking them as shots at Stevie J’s sexuality, even if the star once claimed he slept with Mariah Carey.

Later on in her rant, Joseline shares the photo of an invoice for a lie detector test, making it appear as if she has some kind of evidence that she’s telling the truth…

… When it comes to whatever the heck she’s talking about here.

And if Hernandez is implying that Stevie J is gay, well, she’s been openly bisexual for years now.

We should probably stop trying to figure out the relationship between Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J at this point, huh? Our bad.

Go ahead and make your own diagnosis based on this Twitter diatribe.

Stevie J Gay Rumors Fueled by Weird Joseline Hernandez Tweets

Stevie J may be gay.

Or at least bisexual.

We are offering no judgment if the reality star fits into either of these categories.

We’re just just trying to make sense of what Joseline Hernandez wrote this week on Twitter.

Joseline, of course, is the estranged ex-wife of Stevie J.

The two have been separated for seven months, largely due to the fact that Hernandez got drunk and took bleach to $ 40,000 worth of her husband’s clothing collection last year.

So you may want to take anything Hernandez writes about her ex with a grain of salt the size of her very large boobs.

As anyone who watched Stevie J and Joseline: Go Hollywood and/or Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Season 5 know all too well, these two do not always get along.

So there’s your preamble.

Now here’s the mysterious crux of the story:

In a series of Tweets on May 30 and May 31, Hernandez made a reference to getting one “where it hurts,” which she classified as “the pockets” and which implies some sort of blackmail.

She then referenced people who act all “hard,” but who are into “gay porn,” going on to tease a reveal at the VH1 “reunion.”

In reverse chronological order, here’s a look at the cryptic Tweets, 

j gay tweets

These could mean… pretty much anything.

But many are taking them as shots at Stevie J’s sexuality, even if the star once claimed he slept with Mariah Carey.

Later on in her rant, Joseline shares the photo of an invoice for a lie detector test, making it appear as if she has some kind of evidence that she’s telling the truth…

… When it comes to whatever the heck she’s talking about here.

And if Hernandez is implying that Stevie J is gay, well, she’s been openly bisexual for years now.

We should probably stop trying to figure out the relationship between Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J at this point, huh? Our bad.

Go ahead and make your own diagnosis based on this Twitter diatribe.