Showing posts with label Host's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Host's. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Hosts Ellen, Reveals Family Secrets

Those who tuned in to watch Ellen DeGeneres host her talk show on Wednesday, June 7 were left in disappointment.


Because Ellen went ahead and turned over these duties to a special guest who came out from backstage: Khloe Kardashian.

Unsure what to do as host of the program, Khloe decided to enlist the assistance of sister Kourtney.

So she actually Facetimed her sibling during the taping, holding a conversation with Kourtney in which they revealed some not-so-deep or dark secrets about certain family members.

For instance:

Who is the messist sibling? Kylie Jenner.

Who is the biggest troublemaker? Khloe.

Who is the sister who complains the most? Kim Kardashian.

Who gives the best presents? Khloe.

Who is the best babysitter? Khloe.

Who is the worst babysitter? Kendall Jenner.

Who is the funniest? Khloe.

Who is the prettiest? Kourtney.

Keep in mind, of course, that Kourtney ad Khloe were the ones answering these questions.

It"s actually a fairly funny segment, and Khloe is FAR more natural at hosting than anyone else in her family would be.

Can you imagine how stiff and scripted and robotic it would feel if Kim tried to take on this role?

We really hope we didn"t just give her any ideas.

Check out the sisterly exchange now:

Khloe kardashian hosts ellen reveals family secrets

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Kim Kardashian Hosts Posh Baby Shower for Chrissy Teigen: PHOTOS

Kim Kardashian hosted an opulent baby shower at her Bel Air mansion for girlfriend Chrissy Teigen, complete with an all-star guest list.

Also on deck to celebrate was Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Minka Kelly and Erin Andrews among others.

Teigen and her hubby John Legend are expected to welcome their baby girl into the world next month.

Peep the pics and see how a supermodel gets showered, Kardashian style.


1. Group photo with duck lips

Group photo with duck lips

Thank you, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, for breaking up the monotony with a tongue.

2. Khloe enjoys rose all day

Khloe enjoys rose all day

In this still from Kourtney’s Snapchat vid, Khloe puts on a fake British accent and quips, “Oh, I’m just having rose in a mansion in Bel Air.” Isn’t everybody?

3. Guess the wine made Khloe hungry for baby belly

Guess the wine made khloe hungry for baby belly

Look out, Chrissy.

4. To be ironically cool, they brought in McDonald’s

To be ironically cool they brought in mcdonalds

Kourtney and Khloe chow down on Mickey D’s fries. NOT part of their regular diet, to be sure.

5. Apparently, the baby’s going to look exactly like John

Apparently the babys going to look exactly like john

Of course, they’ll affix a pink bow to her head so you know it’s a girl.

6. Erin Andrews had a blast

Erin andrews had a blast

I suppose you would too if you just won $ 55 million in a lawsuit.

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Thursday, February 4, 2016

14 Talk Show Hosts Who Should Never Speak Again

Some talk show hosts out there are funny (see Colbert, Stephen).

Other talk show hosts out there are viral sensations (see Kimmel, Jimmy).

And then some other talk show hosts out there are simply obnoxious and annoying and we wish they"d shut up already.

This is a rundown of those in the latter category…

1. Wendy Williams

Wendy williams

The worst of the worst. She will say anything to make a headline, offering up baseless opinions and saying them in some sassy manner just to stir up controversy and make herself seem relevant. Wendy Williams is despicable.

2. Rosie O’Donnell

Rosie odonnell

Is she back on The View yet? We can hardly even keep track, but we assume she’ll surface again on some talk show and we assume we’ll be setting our TV to “Mute” when she does because the formerly fun host has somehow been replaced by someone obnoxious and self-involved.

3. Nancy Grace

Nancy grace

She has never met a tragic story that she did not exploit for ratings and attention.

4. Dr. Phil

Dr phil

Dr. Phil doesn’t care if your cheating husband left you for your best friend while you were dying of cancer. It’s ALL YOUR FAULT!

5. Glenn Beck

Glenn beck

Do we really need to spell out the reasons why?

6. Matt Lauer

Matt lauer

Have you read those reports about how all Today show staffers hate him? It just sounds like he’s really mean.

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Jimmy Fallon: NBC Issues Statement About Host"s Drinking Problem

Back in October, Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon severely injured his hand for the second time in six months after he took a tumble while swigging Jagermeister during an event at Harvard.

On its own, the accident would’ve hardly been newsworthy, but coming on the heels of rumors about Fallon’s hard partying, as well as a bizarre incident in which he chipped a tooth last August, the fall prompted questions and concerns about Jimmy’s drinking habits.

Shortly after news of Fallin’ Fallon went viral, a rumor that NBC execs were planning to ask Jimmy to got to rehab during the show’s next hiatus began to circulate online.

That didn’t happen (as far as we know), but the fact that the network never came out and denied the reports led many to believe that some higher-ups were, in fact, worried about Fallon’s drinking

Yesterday, some of Fallon’s bosses finally spoke out on the matter at a press event for members of the Television Critics Association, and their were comments were…confusing, to say the least.

“He’s good. He doesn’t have a drinking problem,” said NBC Entertainment chairman Greenblatt. “He goes out and has fun. He’s had some accidents. Aside from that, he’s in better shape than he’s ever been.” 

Perhaps sensing that the crowd could detect the odor of BS emanating from his comments, Greenblatt added:

“Always, we are worried about his safety. There’s been conversations about that. The stories are exaggerated about this.”

So there you have it. Jimmy Fallon’s not a drunk! He just has the occasional accident while he’s “having fun,” and his bosses frequently worry about his health and safety!

Yeah, we predict you’ll tune in to see co-host Steve Higgins temporarily sitting in for Fallon sometime in the next year.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Donald Trump Hosts SNL: Watch His Monologue!

A horde of people protested NBC for its decision to have Donald Trump host Saturday Night Live.

This is the same network, after all, who essentially fired the Presidential hopeful from The Apprentice after inflammatory comments he made about Mexicans.

(Which preceded inflammatory comments he made about women…. and then Muslims…)\

Politics, sexism and racism aside, however, one crucial question remained heading into this weekend: Could Donald Trump actually be funny?

He began his attempt via a monologue, one in which he continually mixed up Aidy Bryant for long-time nemesis Rosie O"Donnell.

He was also flanked at one point by Taran Killam, who parodies him now on the sketch comedy series; and by Darrell Hammond, who portrayed him in the past on SNL.

At one point, a heckler screamed “You’re a racist!” at Trump, only for the cameras to cut away backstage, where Larry Davis (who resurrected his amazing impression of Bernie Sanders on the episode) admitted he just made $ 5,000 for that accusation.

So, how did Trump do overall?

He didn"t strike out during the monologue, but he didn"t really try to hit a home run, either, which is a it surprising knowing the (awful) man.

Check out the video below and sound off on Trump as Saturday Night Live host yourself.

Did NBC make a mistake in bringing him on board? Is all controversy good controversy? Is it SNL"s job to serve as Ethics Police? Or merely to aim for the highest-rated episodes it can?

A debate over such issues would likely be more entertaining than this Donald Trump monlogue. Watch it and grade it now:

Donald trump hosts snl watch his monologue

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Miley Cyrus Hosts SNL: See the Skits!

Miley Cyrus joked about Kim Davis… danced like a 1950s high school student… and performed two new songs.

Indeed, the singer hosted the Season 41 premiere of Saturday Night Live, taking on a number of topics and showing off some impressive comedic skills and timing.

Check out all her performances and sketches below:

1. Miley Cyrus Talks Kim Davs, Cecil the Lion and More

Miley cyrus talks kim davs cecil the lion and more

Miley Cyrus takes to the stage here with a monologue to open Saturday Night Live. What do you think of her as a comedian?

2. Miley Cyrus Parties Like It’s 1959

Miley cyrus parties like its 1959

Miley Cyrus gets her 1950s dance on in this sketch from Saturday Night Live. It also features Kyle Mooney, Kate McKinnon, Taran Killam, Cecily Strong and Jon Rudnitsky.

3. Miley Cyrus Perfoms "Karen Don’t Be Sad"

Miley cyrus perfoms karen dont be sad

Look at Miley Cyrus go! The singer performs the track “Karen Don’t Be Sad” in this clip from Saturday Night Live.

4. Miley Cyrus Searches for Love

Miley cyrus searches for love

Miley Cyrus is on the hunt for love in this SNL skit. It pokes fun at Millenialls who think they are entitled to everything.

5. Miley Cyrus Fakes an Orgasm

Miley cyrus fakes an orgasm

Yes, Miley Cyrus fakes an orgasm in this Saturday Night Live skit. She’s doing her best When Harry Met Sally impression.

6. Miley Cyrus Performs "The Twinkle Song"

Miley cyrus performs the twinkle song

Miley Cyrus gets her Twinkle Song on for this Saturday Night Live performance. What do you think

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Andy Samberg Hosts the Emmys: His Best Jokes!

We"ve already covered the 2015 Emmy Awards winners.

We"ve also recounted the most memorable moments and the fashion hits/misses.

So, what"s left? A critique of the host, of course. Here"s a look at Andy Samberg"s best quotes, jabs and zingers:

1. A Strong Opening:

A strong opening

“Justin Timberlake is not coming,” Samberg said right off the bat, likely letting millions of people down but also acknowleding the popularity of his good friend and frequent collaborator.

2. A Dirty Impression:

A dirty impression

Just Google “Girls” and “Allison Williams” and “ass eating” if you don’t get this joke. Maybe don’t do so in front of your boss.

3. On Shows That Went Off the Air This Year:

On shows that went off the air this year

“And we also said goodbye to True Detective even though it’s still on the air.” ZING! (Also: true!)

4. On the Futuristic Set:

On the futuristic set

“Not totally sure whether to host the show or get the Sports Almanac back from Biff.” That’s a Back to the Future joke, kids.

5. Oh, He Went There!

Oh he went there

“I have to say, I’m so honored to join the proud ranks of past Emmy hosts. Incredible, legendary people like Robert Blake and Bill Cosby . . . oh no, I gotta get outta here.” We have nothing to add to this.

6. What a Hamm

What a hamm

We’ll see Jon Hamm again, Samberg assured us, prefacing this joke with a reference to Better Call Saul: “I’m sure Jon will be nominated for the upcoming prequel, Dick Whitman, Horny Hobo.”

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