Showing posts with label Hours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hours. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Wears Waist Trainer 6 Hours a Day, Should Have Probably Kept That to Herself

As Teen Mom stars go, Kailyn Lowry is pretty sane and stable.

But sadly, it seems even otherwise level-headed humans are capable of getting caught up in the insanity of waist-training.

If you’re not familiar with waist-training, it’s an idiotic fitness trend endorsed by the Kardashians that doesn’t actually sculpt your waist into a more slender shape, but might cause damage to vital organs.

Now, Kailyn is shilling for a waist-trainer manufacturer (for an undisclosed fee, of course), and she’s either lying to her fans, or she actually buys the company’s BS claims.

“Summer body almost ready,” Lowry captioned the above photo. “Losing more inches off my waist by eating healthy & waist training w/@Colombianwaist. I wear it 4-6 hrs & it’s very comfortable.”

“I recommend it to all Moms that [are] trying to get that pre baby body back or for anyone who wants a smaller waist.”

There’s no denying that she’s is in great shape these days, but we’re guessing that has more to do with Kailyn’s extensive plastic surgery than with some torturous-looking contraption that would make Scarlett O’Hara wince. 

Something tells us not many of her fans can afford that quick-fix.

Oh, well. At least she’s bringing in some extra cash and keeping herself occupied while Javi Marroquin is overseas.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Celine Dion: Brother Dying of Cancer, Given Just Hours to Live

It’s been an unimaginably horrific week for one of the world’s most beloved singers.

Yesterday, Celine Dion’s husband, Rene Angelil died of cancer, and now, doctors say her beloved brother may have just hours to live.

Daniel Dion

Like Angelil, 59-year-old Daniel Dion has been battling throat cancer.

Sources say the cancer has been spreading rapidly, and his family has been informed that it’s only a matter of time. 

“It looks a lot like René, he had cancer of the throat, tongue and brain,” says Claudette Dion, another of the singer’s 13 siblings. “Our family is very experienced.”

She adds, “He is 59 years old, very young to be the end of life…We are with Daniel, day and night.”

Celine has reportedly canceled all of her upcoming concerts in Las Vegas in order to be by Daniel’s side and help her family with funeral arrangements once he passes.

Claudette says doctors informed the family that Daniel has just “a matter of days or hours,” but adds that he could pull through for another week.

The family has made the difficult decision to discontinue the medications that were keeping him alive, and they say their top priority now is ensuring that Daniel is comfortable.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Doctors Said Lamar Had "Four Hours" To Live

You have to hand it to Khloe Kardashian for being honest about Lamar Odom"s recovery.

Today"s Natalie Morales filmed an interview with Kardashian at her LA home, in which she revealed the initial hours of Odom"s  October 13th hospitalization

“They told me that he had four hours. It’s a horrible call to get,” Kardashian told Morales.

Odom had been found unconscious at a Nevada brothel after ingesting Herbal Viagra and cocaine.  

“Getting to the hospital and knowing he’s in a coma and having to run these tests and make medical decisions — it’s terrifying.

“You have to make risk and reward decisions like ‘Okay, well, there’s an 80 percent chance we do this operation, he may pass away, but also if we don’t do it, there’s a 90 percent chance he’ll pass away.’

"Like just having to make these executive decisions is really hard, I think, on anybody.  So it was definitely probably one of the most emotionally stressful times ever my life.” 

Kardashian"s life was put on hold, forcing her to make serious decisions for Odom"s benefit.

“I was expediting the divorce prior, and I’m still separated with him, but I’m just not expediting them anymore,” Kardashian told Morales.

“There was no reason for it. And also, [it’s] in his will that I’m always the medical adviser. And it was just — he had no one else to make these decisions for him."

Doctors told Kardashian that Odom was "nowhere in the clear,"” she said. 

“They think, like, within a year and a half to two years that, mentally, he might be fully recovered. But they don’t know.” 

Khloe kardashian recalls lamars overdose in candid interview

Friday, September 25, 2015

Harry Potter And The Cursed Child Musical Will Now Be 4 Hours Long & Split Into Two Different Parts!

This is great news if you’re a Potterhead and somewhat awful news if you have a short attention span…

We were blown away when we heard that J.K. Rowling was crafting a brand-new Harry Potter story, but it was music to our ears when we found out that the new chapter was actually going to be told in the form of a musical!

Well, it’s been three months since Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was officially announced, and now the team behind the West End production dropped yet another major bomb.

As it turns out, the musical is so grand that it’s actually being cut into two 2-hour long parts that will be shown at different times!

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Kind of exactly how Deathly Hallows worked in theaters, now only done on the stage.

J.K. made the big reveal herself on Friday, saying:

What this means is that you’ll be able to see Harry Potter 8 – Part 1 on one night, then watch Part 2 some other time — or you could even make it a day at the theater and watch them back-to-back!

Related: J.K. Rowling Is 100 Percent Killing The Twitter Game!

The completely original musical is set to go up Summer 2016 in London before traveling the world, and you can expect tickets to go on sale later this Fall.

Are U not absolutely avada kedavra-ing over this news?!

[Image via Pottermore.]