Showing posts with label Kicked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kicked. Show all posts

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Kim Kardashian on Prince: Remembers the Time He Kicked Her Off Stage

That awkward moment when Prince totally kicks your famous, tremendous ass off stage.

Kim Kardashian remembers it.

We would never go so far as to say it was one of Prince’s finest moments.

Prince’s finest moments had absolutely NOTHING to do with any Kardashian.

But we have to admit, it was pretty sweet.

Kim finally tweeted about her onstage encounter with the music legend, which took place during a concert at Madison Square Garden in 2011.

She shared the pic above, capturing the moment when she briefly shared the platform with the purple majesty, just before he instructed her to “get off the stage!”

“I will always remember this moment with one of my favorite artists! I was so star struck I froze! RIP Prince,” Kim wrote.

Note that she makes no mention of how she was exiled, even though that’s the one cherished bit the rest of us all remember so fondly. 

It may have been an attempt to explain why she just stood there like a statue and refused to dance. 


Here’s the glorious footage, in case you missed it:

At the time, she attempted to reclaim some dignity by tweeting about the incident.

“Went up on stage AGAIN! This time I redeemed myself! We all danced while Prince played the piano! Wow! What a night!”  

It truly was a wonderful night… for Kardashian haters everywhere.

All hail the Purple One.

Prince died Thursday morning in his Minnesota home at the age of 57. 

A cause of death is yet to be determined.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Ben Affleck: Kicked Out of Family Home By Jennifer Garner?!

It’s a big weekend for Ben Affleck.

Batman v Superman, the most highly-anticipated film of his career opened nationwide last night, and it could be the start of a career-defining franchise for the 43-year-old Oscar winner. 

Unfortunately, it looks like he’ll be receiving news about the box office returns all alone in some posh Beverly Hills hotel room. Hey, maybe it’ll be the same one where he stashed Christine Ouzounian!

Yes, it’s been nine months since Affleck and Jennifer Garner called it quits on their marriage, but they’ve been living on the same massive property ever since for the sake of their kids.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Jen has given Ben the boot – all because of his response to comments that she made to Vanity Fair.

Even though Affleck was complimentary in his remarks, Jen is reportedly pissed, as he had promised not to publicly react to her VF cover story at all.

“Jen went nuclear – she’s livid with Ben,” an insider close to the situation In Touch

“They’d both privately agreed that after everything he put her through, she would be the only one to publicly speak out.

“Ben had promised Jen he wouldn’t respond to anything, so the fact he’s gone back on his word has really hit her hard – especially when he’s broken so many promises to her in the past.”

So now Ben’s been booted from his Batcave. He better make peace with Supes and hope that the Fortress of Solitude has a couch he can crash on.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Kicked Out of Bar For Spitting on People, Shouting Racist Slurs

If you were hoping that 2016 would be the year that Lindsay Lohan finally turns things around, then we hate to be the ones to tell you that it’s just not happening.

Also, Santa Claus isn’t really, and you’re totally not gonna win the Powerball. #HarshTruths

Anyway, Linds got up to her old tricks while partying in Manhattan over the weekend, and amazingly, it seems she’s somehow figured out a way to become more immature and obnoxious with age.

According to Radar Online, it all started when Linds and her younger sister, Ali, spent about 20 minutes in the bathroom, where we’re sure they were just powdering their noses (in the most literal sense).

A bartender eventually got fed up with the “actress” treating his restroom like a pool party at Charlie Sheen’s house, so he knocked on the door and asked the Lohans to take the festivities elsewhere.

That’s when Lindsay – who we’re sure was completely sober – flew into an irrational rage.

The 29-year-old reportedly stormed out of the bathroom and began to hurl racial slurs at the man and mock his accent.

“Lindsay came out and her eyes were glazed over and she started yelling at the bartender – who is originally from West Africa – ‘This is New York. You’re not from here,” says one witness.

“What stunned everyone is when she was talking to him in a mock African accent and she kept asking him if he was from Ghana. It seemed like a racist attack.”

Obviously, Lindsay getting high and acting like a jackass is nothing new, but it seems she was even more of an idiot than usual this time, thus forcing other bar patrons to get involved:

“They wouldn’t leave and all hell was breaking loose and that’s when Lindsay spat in our friend’s face,” says one source.

“The bar then erupted and everyone was yelling at them to leave.”

You might think that would be the end of it, but this is LiLo we’re talking about…so you would be wrong:

“They came back with their lights on their cameras and they put their face up to the windows,” says one witness. “Lindsay was slamming her hands on the windows. She was messed up.

“About half an hour later, a friend of Lindsay’s came to the bar and tried to fight the bartender. He got in his face taking a really aggressive stance and was threatening him.

“Another person in the bar attempted to film it and then Lindsay’s friend stole her phone and ran out of the bar with it. We then chased him and restrained him till the cops arrived. It was madness.“

By the time police were on the scene the Lohans were long gone, and the bartender who had been harassed chose not to press charges for the most heartbreaking of reasons:

“I was scared because I didn’t know what would be the end result,” he tells Radar.

“Especially when you are a black guy in New York and seeing as [the Lohans] were totally racist and kept asking me where I was from.

“They asked me if I wanted to press charges and I said I just want him to leave…Their behavior was disgusting.”

Yes, Lindsay has added “racist bully” to her resume. Sounds like if she gets that Mean Girls sequel she’s been angling for, she might need to be recast as Regina George.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Justin Bieber & Kylie Jenner: Kicked Out of the Playboy Mansion Together?!

Yesterday, Justin Bieber discussed his love for Selena Gomez and his deeply-held religious beliefs in an in-depth interview with Complex.

The Biebs says he wants to “live like Jesus,” which in his case apparently means grabbing a Playboy bunny’s breasts and getting tossed out of Hef’s mansion with Kylie Jenner by his side.

Model Sarah Harris was being interviewed for a New Zealand radio show yesterday when she shared all the details of Bieber’s boob grab gone wrong.

Harris says she was defending Bieber to a fellow model who was irate over his refusal to pose for photos during a recent party at the Mansion. 

She says Bieber thanked her with a hug that quickly turned inappropriate:

“And then he grabbed my boob!” said Harris yesterday. “And it was my instant reaction to just backhand him across the face.”

“He kind of freaked out and didn’t even say anything and then Kylie Jenner pulled the finger at me and then security took them both out.”

Yes, apparently the Biebs was partying with Kylie, who snitched on Harris thinking she’d be disciplined, only to be tossed out DJ Jazzy Jeff-style herself.

There are a few important takeaways from this story:

  1. We already knew that Bieber is terrible at shotgunning beer, but apparently he just sucks at parties in general.

  2. His choice of companion is interesting, though. Maybe there is some truth to those rumors about Kylie posing for Playboy.

  3. We finally have the answer to the question WWJBD? That answer is  – grab the nearest boob. Amen.