Friday, March 25, 2016

Ben Affleck: Kicked Out of Family Home By Jennifer Garner?!

It’s a big weekend for Ben Affleck.

Batman v Superman, the most highly-anticipated film of his career opened nationwide last night, and it could be the start of a career-defining franchise for the 43-year-old Oscar winner. 

Unfortunately, it looks like he’ll be receiving news about the box office returns all alone in some posh Beverly Hills hotel room. Hey, maybe it’ll be the same one where he stashed Christine Ouzounian!

Yes, it’s been nine months since Affleck and Jennifer Garner called it quits on their marriage, but they’ve been living on the same massive property ever since for the sake of their kids.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Jen has given Ben the boot – all because of his response to comments that she made to Vanity Fair.

Even though Affleck was complimentary in his remarks, Jen is reportedly pissed, as he had promised not to publicly react to her VF cover story at all.

“Jen went nuclear – she’s livid with Ben,” an insider close to the situation In Touch

“They’d both privately agreed that after everything he put her through, she would be the only one to publicly speak out.

“Ben had promised Jen he wouldn’t respond to anything, so the fact he’s gone back on his word has really hit her hard – especially when he’s broken so many promises to her in the past.”

So now Ben’s been booted from his Batcave. He better make peace with Supes and hope that the Fortress of Solitude has a couch he can crash on.