Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie and Lamar Odom All Under the Same Roof Again

Lamar Odom had a close encounter with his former in-laws — Kourtney, Kendall, and Kylie – when they all hit up the same Bev Hills hot spot. Kourtney and Kendall arrived first Thursday night at Mr Chow … and Kylie showed up…


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker: Are They Actually Dating?!

Some of our readers might not be old enough to remember a time when Blink-182 was the biggest thing in music, but Kourtney Kardashian certainly is, and it seems that like generations of Hot Topic shoppers before her, she has a thing for the drummer.

Yes, according to Radar Online Travis Barker is banging more than just his snare these days.

That’s our way of saying he’s having sex with Kourtney … or hoping to, anyway.

“Travis lives a couple of blocks from Kourt in the same gated community in Calabasas and their kids play together,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

“He’s always had a bit of a thing for her.”

It seems Travis was intent on swooping in after learning that Kourtney had dumped Scott Disick for good.

After receiving word that Kourtney was dating Younes Bendjima, however, he reportedly felt that he’d “missed his chance.”

Now, however, another window of opportunity has presented itself.

And apparently, Travis has every intention of taking advantage.

Though she hasn’t made any sort of formal announcement, it looks as though Kourtney has broken up with Younes.

She recently unfollowed him on Instagram, and when fans noticed the move, she deleted her account entirely.

These days, she’s back on the ‘Gram, but tellingly, she has not re-followed Younes.

Sensing a second chance, Travis has apparently already devised a strategy.

And it seems that step one is showing Kourt that he’s more than just a drummer.

“He wants to take her for dinner at his Crossroads restaurant and wow her with all his favorite vegan dishes,” says the source.

It’s a simple, but calculated plan.

Kourtney’s last two exes are 24-year-old Younes and Scott, who has the mental age of roughly 14.

Travis is 42.

He’s built a successful career for himself as a musician, music producer, reality star, and restaurateur.

If it weren’t for Kourtney, Scott would probably be selling his plasma for pints of Thunderbird, and the resulting power imbalance always led to trouble in their relationship.

She would have no such problem with Travis, and it seems he wants her to know that.

The two of them certainly have potential as a couple.

Hopefully, Travis is on board with entering a situation where he’ll likely have to deal with a very drunk and very clingy ex.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian to Sofia Richie: Stay Away from My Kids, Skank!

It sounds like Sofia Richie is getting on Kourtney’s last nerve.

First, Sofia stole Kourtney’s look. Now, it looks like she’s trying to replace her by “playing stepmom” with Scott.

A report says that Kourtney has personally contacted Sofia to tell her to back off and keep away from her children.

HollywoodLife reports that, as a source has divulged to them, Kourtney has warned Sofia away from her kids.

“Kourtney worries that Sofia is not a good role model for her children.”

Children might be naturally drawn to admire a gorgeous 19-year-old model who happens to be dating their father, but Kourtney doesn’t feel that it’s appropriate.

What’s more, it sounds like Scott has been ignoring her on this issue … which has reportedly led Kourtney to reach out to Sofia directly.

“And because Scott refuses to listen to Kourtney‘s requests [about keeping her away from the kids], Kourt has reached out to Sofia personally and told her to back off from spending so much time with them.”

That had to sound hurtful.

The mother of three apparently believes that she has good reason for keeping her kids away from Sofia whenever possible.

For one thing, she’s worried that they’ll get their hearts broken.

Kourtney does not believe Sofia and Scott will stay together long-term and so she asked Sofia to respectfully back off from spending so much time with her children.”

Children are adaptable, but they can grow attached … and then take things very personally when their parent breaks up with a new partner.

Kind of like how dogs panic when you go out to dinner and leave them at home for a couple of hours, because they’re just beginning to grasp time.

Kourtney does not like the influence Sofia has over the kids and she does not want the kids getting attached to someone that Kourtney feels will not be around or a part of their lives for very long.”

But apparently, Kourt also has some more personal issues with Sofia.

It seems that a big issue is that Kourtney perceives Sofia, who is 19 years old, as being immature.

Kourtney is furious that Sofia is playing stepmom with Scott and the kids.”

Oh! One can imagine how Kourtney wouldn’t take ,kindly to that.

Kourtney finds it super inappropriate that someone as young and immature as Sofia, is spending so much time with her children the way that she does with Scott.”

Sometimes, your kids get a step-parent. But this is her ex’s girlfriend, and she’s a teenager. It’s a little different.

“It infuriates Kourtney who works hard teaching her kids healthy habits and Kourtney fears her kids will learn harmful ways from Sofia.”

We’re not super sure what about Sofia is harmful. Except that she has been spotted allegedly smoking cigarettes … a very unhealthy habit that is thankfully dying off.

That’s not something that you want to see your children emulate.

“It has been a struggle over the years for Kourtney to be comfortable enough leaving Scott alone with the kids, but sending them off with Sofia too, [whom] she doesn’t trust at all, creates lots of stress and anxiety for Kourtney.”

It’s natural for a mother to worry about the welfare of her precious children.

Kourtney has been adamant that it is not OK for Scott, to be dating a Sofia, a teenager who is 15 years younger than he is, much less let her be around their young, impressionable children.”

Some might accuse Kourtney of hypocrisy.

Her boyfriend Younes spends plenty of time around her, is also young, and has even gone so far as to throw shade at Scott Disick. (Most people have, at some point or another)

Scott probably figures that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

But there are some major differences. For starters, Kourtney started dating Younes — she didn’t bang a bunch of other young, hot models as if she were trying on shoes before settling on him.

Also, Younes may be young, but he’s not a teenager.

Finally, Kourtney is very careful about setting boundaries for her family, and she’s always made it clear that her children come first.


Monday, March 19, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Sofia Richie Is OBSESSED With Me!

Sofia Richie wasn’t even born when the movie Single White Female hit theaters, but she’s being accused taking a page from the cult classic’s screenplay.

According to an anonymous insider, Kourtney Kardashian believes Sofia is stealing her identity – and not in the ruined credit score way your grandmother is always worried about.

As you’re likely aware, Sofia is dating Scott Disick for reasons that defy explanation.

Lately, there have been rumors of the unlikely couple drifting apart, and it seems Sofia might be taking a very unorthodox approach to repairing her relationship.

“Kourtney is definitely more than a little creeped out by how Sofia appears to be stealing her look,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“But, it also makes her sad because she realizes how young and impressionable Sofia is.”

Yes, Kourtney believes Sofia is slowly transforming into a Kardashian.

It’s a phenomenon we’ve seen before, most notably when Kylie Jenner morphed into Kim Kardashian.

But that was a case of a girl idolizing her famous half-sister.

Sofia is apparently trying to look more like her boyfriend’s baby mama.

We can’t imagine what would inspire her to make such a move, but apparently Kourtney can.

She’s convinced that Sofia didn’t make a conscious decision to affect a more Kourtney-like appearance, but was instead manipulated by Scott.

“Kourtney thinks she’s probably being controlled, or at the very least, manipulated, by Scott,” says the insider.

“Some people might find it flattering, but Kourtney just thinks it’s gross, and that Scott needs to grow up, move on, and start living his life as an independent adult for once.”

Apparently, Kourtney has even gone so far as to address the matter with Scott, who proceeded to gaslight her like the textbook d-bag that he is.

“[Kourtney] makes comments about it to Scott, and he just laughs it off and tries to flip it on her,” the insider claims.

“He calls her a narcissist and acts like she’s crazy for mentioning it, which is so frustrating for Kourtney. But, also so typical of Scott.”

Interacting with Scott DIsick can be frustrating?!

Well, now we’ve heard everything!

We’re sure it’s an intensely creepy scenario for Kourtney, but at least she gets to play the Regina George card:

“As far as Kourtney is concerned, this whole bizarre situation is just more proof that Scott and his girlfriend are obsessed with her.”

Sounds more like Scott is obsessed with you, Kourtney, but whatever the case, you’re right to be freaked out.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Scott Disick: Did He Dump Sofia Richie For Kourtney Kardashian?!

In many ways, Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian are like an older, slightly more mature version of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez:

They’ve broken up more times than we can count; they appear to be terrible for one another, and yet it seems they’re eternally unable to keep their distance.

Scott’s probably not crazy about that analogy, as Kourtney banged Bieber on more than one occasion, but hey – the shoe fits.

Another person who’s been intimately involved in this drama in more ways than one is Sofia Richie.

The 19-year-old model also hooked up with the Biebs, but today, we’re more concerned about the fact that until recently, Sofia was dating Scott.

(You’d basically need a bulletin board and a long length of red thread in order to keep track of who’ banging whom in Calabasas.)

Yes, we said was, because it appears that Scott and Sofia have officially called it quits.

The former couple hasn’t made any sort of public announcement unless of course, you count passive-aggressive social media activity as an announcement.

Scott unfollowed Sofia on Instagram this week, and his fans noticed the move immediately.

Now, to the IG-uninitiated, that may not sound like a big deal, but for those in the know, we don’t need to explain that unfollowing your girlfriend sends a clear message to the world that she’s no longer your girlfriend.

We also don’t need to tell you what a big deal it is that Kourtney also unfollowed Younes Bendjima.

While it’s not clear how serious they ever got as a couple, Kourtney and Younes were hooking up for quite some time.

Now, it appears that that arrangement has come to an end.

And fans believe it’s no coincidence that Kourtney unfollowed her dude the same week that Scott unfollowed Sofia.

Does this mean Scott and Kourtney are definitively back together?

Obviously not, but it’s hard to believe there’s no connection between their recent Instagram moves.

So brace yourselves, folks – it’s beginning to look like we’re store for Scott and Kourtney, round 40 bajillion.

May God have mercy on our souls.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Kourtney to Khloe: Stop Being a "Pregnant Whore!"

It is about to be on between Khloe Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian.

In the following sneak peek from Sunday"s season finale of Keeping Up with the Kardashian, Khloe, Kourtney and Kim Kardashian are on a boat, on their way to Alcatraz.

But the soon-to-be mother of one isn"t exactly enjoying herself because Kourtney is on the phone, clearly distracted by someone (or someone) from this cool family experience.

"What the f-ck are you here for?” Khloe asks her sister as soon as she hangs up, adding:

“Don’t chime in if you’re not going to get off your f-cking phone call all the time. You’re like, a waste of space in my meter right now."

Yikes. A bit harsh of a reaction to someone who was simply chatting on the phone?

Try telling that to a pregnant woman"s hormones.

"You’re annoying as f-ck now when we’re together,” Khloe continues, on a rather intense roll. “This is what you do. You’re on your phone the whole time. You’re just not present!"

Taken aback by this reply, Kourtney stammers that she was only on the call for 10 minutes and that her sister needs to take a chill pill.

But this reasoning does nothing to calm Khloe down.

"We’re only here once,” she snaps, continuing:

“When are we ever going to go back to Alcatraz? You know what? Actually, I’m not doing this today. I’m not doing this today, because last time in Costa Rica, I looked crazy because I’m always the one complaining to get you guys to have fun.

"I’m not going to be crazy, okay? You’ll be the f-cking bitch that you need to be."

Whoa there!

This just turned very ugly very fast.

"Good," Kourtney says in response.

That isn"t all she says, however.

“F-ck you, you f-cking whore,” she retorts, adding: “Pregnant whore!”

It"s true: Khloe is pregnant and we"re about to learn the gender of her baby.

But a whore?!? Did Kourtney just cross a line?

Click PLAY to see how this argument comes to a surprising end:

Kourtney kardashian slams khloe kardashian as a pregnant whore

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian Do Tokyo in Serious Style

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian are making Tokyo their personal catwalk … stuntin’ all over the city in some pretty revealing fashions. The double K krew are over in Japan, shooting for ‘KUWTK,’ and the sisters went on a daytime shopping…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Kanye West and Kourtney Kardashian, Mum On Kylie Tanking Snapchat

Our photog gave it the ol’ college try, but Kanye West and Kourtney Kardashian weren’t having it when he asked about Kylie going south on Snapchat. Kanye and Kourtney went to the movies in Calabasas to see “Black Panther” and, as they left, we…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Reveals Stunning Weight Gain

Note to all Kardashian personal chefs:

Can you please make these women a few cheeseburgers?!?

Maybe a steak? Or at least throw some Caesar dressing on their salads?

Late last week, Kim Kardashian flaunted her body in a new Instagram photo that revealed the mother of three has a 24-inch waist.

Yes, a 24-inch waist.

And this was a woman who once embraced her curves; who could once be seen as a role model for anyone who felt pressure to shed as many pounds as possible in order to fit an accepted standard of beauty in America.

It was the one thing we admired about Kim back in the day.

Over the last few years, though, she has talked incessantly about the need to regain her bikini body after having kids… and even endorsed a ridiculous waist trainer on multiple occasions.

But anyway. That’s Kim.

This story is more about Kourtney.

In a deleted scene from this past Sunday’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the 38-year old is about to have a very light lunch when Khloe mentions her weight to a friend.

“You know she’s 97 pounds?” says to Simon Gebrelul in the following video.

“Guess what? I gained a pound,” Kourtney chimes in. “I’m 98 [pounds now].”

She then added: “You know Mason is 62 [pounds]?”

Mason recently turned eight years old.

We aren’t body-shaming here, we’re just thinking of Kourtney’s health when we say the following:


A grown woman should not weight just thirty-six pounds fewer than her eight-year old son.

Just like all her siblings, Kourtney has often made a big deal about her weight.

Shortly after giving birth to her third child, Reign, in late 2014, Kardashian took Instagram followers on her weight loss journey, often sharing photos of her scale as she stood upon it.

This is just a wildly unhealthy way for one to live, both mentally and physically.

“I always try to avoid sugar – especially refined sugar – for so many reasons,” Kourtney said on her website and app last year, explaining:

“First, sugar is addictive and I notice that after I eat it, I need it. Sugar doesn’t sustain you when you actually need energy, like for a workout.

“Also, when I eat sugar, I find that more cellulite appears.”

One, so what?!? Go enjoy a donut, Kourt.

Two, look at the photo below. We’re pretty sure Kardashian need not worry about her appearance:

Perhaps this is our fault, however.

We’re often saying how beautiful Kourtney is and how she ought to keep posting pictures such as the one above.

Should we stop praising Kourtney’s body so that she starts focusing on something else instead?

It’s worth thinking about, we guess.

In the meantime, here are some attractive photos of Kourtney in a bikini:


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Scottie Pippen Parties With Kourtney Kardashian & Ludacris, Gifted $30,000 Watch

Scottie Pippen ain’t playin’ in the All-Star Game this weekend, but he already scored … a freakin’ awesome $ 30,000 luxury Swiss watch for free — at a celeb packed party last night. Haute Living and Larsa Pippen threw Scottie a party at…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: My Home is INFESTED and I"m Freaking Out!

As Keeping Up With The Kardashians has taken us on a tour of the family"s drama. We"ve watched Scott Disick freak out over Younes Bendjima.

This time, however, it"s Kourtney"s turn to do the freaking out on camera. And no, it"s not over Sofia Richie.

Kourtney"s home is infested … with tarantulas. Watch her panic in the video below!

Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 3Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 2

It was supposed to just be a simple scene of Kourtney and Larsa Pippen chatting in Kourtney"s backyard in Calabasas.

They"d chat about stuff and maybe bring up a prearranged topic.

(Honestly, a huge part of the scene"s appeal was that they were both looking great in one-pieces, to no one"s surprise)

To start things off, they laid out some towels to enjoy that Southern Californian weather.

Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 1

They start talking about their nails, which is … not necessarily the most captivating conversation.

(But, for the record, Larsa is asking if her nail polish is too "stripper"-y, since she usually only goes with white or black but decided that, now that she"s moved to L.A. she wants to try some new things)

Their conversation takes an abrupt turn, however, when the two of them notice — with some possible "help" from a producer or camera operator — that there"s a spider near them.

Specifically, a very large tarantula.

Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 4

We don"t know what time of day it is, but the shadow from their chairs and bodies nearly reach the tarantula.

So it"s safe to say that this small friend got pretty darn close to the couple.

Who .. squeal and move a short distance away, letting out nervous giggles.

Once calmed, Kourtney talks about her "infestation" problem.

Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 3

"I just don"t even know what to do," she laments.

Then, speaking alone with the camera, Kourtney says:

"I swear, we"re, like, outside, like, 50 percent of the time, and I"ve already had the exterminator come out and spray."

So it doesn"t sound like the tarantulas are going into her house. It sounds like they"re just … minding their own business outdoors.

(Obviously, people seldom want spiders inside of their home, and I get that — I don"t either. But tarantulas aren"t a threat to humans, so why is she spraying her backyard?)

Tarantula at kourtneys house

It sounds like Kourtney has a pretty serious case of arachnophobia, because it sounds like she"s obsessing over this.

"I just won"t be able to sleep at night. I just will not feel comfortable until these tarantulas are fully gone."

While on camera, she calls the exterminator who had apparently already been out there.

The exterminator says that tarantulas are likely more active and therefore more likely to be spotted now because it"s mating season.

That doesn"t exactly seem to calm Kourtney"s nerves. Or Larsa"s.

Larsa says: "I"m going to Beverly Hills. This wild, wild west is not for me!"

Kourtney kardashian speaks on kuwtk

Plenty of folks have ethical concerns about exterminating a non-dangerous species that"s also not in your house but just happens to be nearby.

Others worry about the larger environmental impact that can come from spraying poison all over a yard, and what might happen when other species eat the tarantulas that have been poisoned to death.

Not to mention concerns over how those poisons might impact Kourtney"s young children. Especially if they spend half of their time outside, which sounds awful. (I don"t care where you live; the great outdoors are never going to be a match for the great indoors)

Watch the video below and decide for yourself if Kourtney and Larsa are overreacting.

Be ready to hear some squealing!

Kourtney kardashian my home is infested and im freaking out

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian and BF"s Relationship Is Smoothie Sailing

Kourtney Kardashian doesn’t have a new baby like most of her sisters, but she’s still rocking an ear-to-ear grin, courtesy of BF Younes Bendjima.  They were giggling like a couple of school kids while juicing up Monday in West Hollywood. The…


Kourtney Kardashian and BF"s Relationship Is Smoothie Sailing

Kourtney Kardashian doesn’t have a new baby like most of her sisters, but she’s still rocking an ear-to-ear grin, courtesy of BF Younes Bendjima.  They were giggling like a couple of school kids while juicing up Monday in West Hollywood. The…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian, Penelope and North West Hit up Central Park Ice Rink

Kourtney Kardashian was holding on to her dear life in NYC … her dear life named Penelope. Kourtney’s mommy & me day with Penelope in Central Park Sunday also included North West. They skated to “Redbone” by Childish…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Rocks String Bikini, Basically Tells Scott Disick to Suck It

We don’t typically approve of passive aggressive behavior.

Just come out and say how you feel, you know?

After viewing the following photos of Kourtney Kardashian, however, we are willing to make one exception.

And that exception is this:

Passive aggression while wearing a skimpy bikini is totally awesome and recommended!

Kardashian is currently on vacation in Punta De Mita, Mexico and, thankfully for warm-blooded men around the globe, she brought both a camera with her and the password to her Instagram account.

Oh, and she also brought her young and very handsome boyfriend with her, Younes Bendjima.

Kourtney and this attractive model have been bumping proverbial uglies for several months now, much to the extreme chagrin of Kardashian’s ex-lover and three-time baby daddy, Scott Disick.

Just this past Sunday, on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Disick exploded over Kourtney’s relationship with Bendjima.

You can see what we mean in this clip:

Fast forward a couple days and Kourtney has shared multiple pictures of herself in a two-piece bathing suit on a trip she’s taking with Bendjima.

Coincidence? We think not!

Especially when you consider the caption she included with one of the red hot images.

While sitting at a bar by herself, a leg propped up on a stool and her buttocks basically exposed, Kourtney wrote the following:

Mujer feliz.

This translates to “Happy woman.”

We’re happy to translate it even more for Disick’s sake, though.

Kourtney is essentially saying:

I am smokin, I am on vacation with a total hunk of a man, I am far away from you and I am one happy woman!

Meanwhile, just to remind the world that he’s in the tropics with his famous girlfriend, Bendjima posted the following snapshot to his Instagram page:

Good luck competing with this, Scott!

Kardashian and Bendjima were introduced during a trip to Paris in October 2016 and took their relationship public in Cannes last May.

Disick is reportedly furious that Kourtney has snagged herself a young stud muffin (Bendjima is only 24 years old), even as he parades around with Sofia Richie every chance he gets these days.

Scott and Sofia apparently have an amazing sex life, but this isn’t enough to divert his attention from the person Kardashian is banging on a regular basis.

“They had a relaxing weekend,” a source tells People Magazine of Kourtney and Bendjima’s Mexican jaunt, adding:

“The resort is in the jungle and they had a guided jungle tour. They also hung out on the beach, enjoyed room service and the spa.”

They probably also had tons of intercourse.

Sorry to break it to you, Scott, but just look at the photos below.

Ain’t no way Kourtney could resist breaking herself off a piece of THIS at every conceivable opportunity…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian"s Bikini Pic in Mexico is Perfect for Hump Day

Kourtney Kardashian’s got a contest for you– try to find the chips and guac in this photo! We’ll give you some time. Kourt’s down in Punta de Mita, Mexico vacationing with her bf, Younes Bendjima … who we should probably applaud for snapping…


Kourtney Kardashian"s Bikini Pic in Mexico is Perfect for Hump Day

Kourtney Kardashian’s got a contest for you– try to find the chips and guac in this photo! We’ll give you some time. Kourt’s down in Punta de Mita, Mexico vacationing with her bf, Younes Bendjima … who we should probably applaud for snapping…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Scott Disick Freaks Out at Kourtney Over Younes Bendjima!

These days, Scott Disick is enjoying his "nympho" girlfriend Sofia Richie and seems almost stable. But that wasn"t always the case.

Like most reality television, Keeping Up With The Kardashians airs months after its filmed. So we"re just now seeing Scott"s 2017 meltdown drama.

Which means that, as you"ll see in the video below, viewers are now treated to Scott freaking out over Kourtney"s young, hot boyfriend.

It"s no secret that Scott Disick doesn"t like Kourtney Kardashian dating Younges Bendjima. He has made that very, very clear on various Keeping Up With The Kardashians clips.

But now we"re gaining more insight into exactly how Scott uses his own bad behavior to act out for attention.

For Kourtney"s attention.

Khloe summarizes the pattern at play pretty darn well:

"So you told him you have a boyfriend, now he"s doing this ‘cause he knows that every time he does that you come over there running."

That"s a very unhealthy pattern of behavior.

Kourtney says that it"s really draining her: "I just honestly don"t have the energy."

She continues her story, speaking to Khloe and to Kim.

"So yeah I went to Scott"s house because he called me and was really out of it."

So … is that code for "drunk," or are we just guessing that because of how he spent so much of 2017?

Alarmingly, it sounds like Scott"s freakout was enough to drive Kourtney away.

"He was just very aggressive. And then I was like, ‘I"m leaving!""

Weird that Scott had no problem banging his way through a bunch of hot models born in 1998, but the moment that he finds out that Kourtney"s enjoying a model of a 1993 vintage, he starts to freak out.

Kourtney didn"t appreciate that one bit.

"And then I just started crying and I was like, ‘I do not need to even be here.""

She"s right. You do not need to babysit your ex just because his man feelings are hurt.

It sounds like Scott worried her enough that she had to instruct him.

"And then I was like, ‘Just sit down!" Literally, you have talk to him like crazy, otherwise he won"t listen."

Like … like a dog?

"So I"m like, ‘Sit down across the room from me."

She had some serious questions for him.

"What the f–k is wrong with you? When is it going to be enough?"

Kourtney summarizes exactly why she doesn"t need to be holding the hand of a man-child.

"I have three kids to take care of.""

Exactly. Her nurturing instincts don"t need to be wasted on Scott.

Of course, like we said, this is from months ago. We know that this has a "happy" ending, since … well, Scott ends up with Sofia Richie and we guess that the relationship serves as a balm for his insecurities.

Here"s the video:

Scott disick freaks out at kourtney over younes bendjima

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Scott Disick Is PISSED I"m Dating Younes Bendjima!

At this point, we’re not even sure if Kourtney Kardashian is still dating Younes Bendjima, but for a long time, those two were inseparable.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians has a production lag-time of several months, so viewers are just now getting some insight into what Kourtney and Younes’ relationship looked like.

And not surprisingly, Scott Disick isn’t thrilled with the view.

Scott is dating Sofia Richie these days, but he still doesn’t want baby mama Kourtney to move on.

Dude has the emotional maturity of a teenager, which is fitting since the father of three is currently dating a teenager.

Anyway, we’ve known for quite some time that Scott was not happy when he found out about Kourtney and Younes, but we’re just now hearing the story from a firsthand source.

A preview from the upcoming episode of KUWTK shows Kourtney informing Khloe that Scott came to terms with the news of her new relationship as only he can–with plenty of rage and late night drunken rambling.

“Last night, Scott called me at, like, two in the morning, which he never calls me late at night,” Kourtney tells Khloe in the clip.

“He was just ranting, like, ‘What are we doing in life? What are you doing? What am I doing?’ And I go, ‘But what are you doing?’ And then he’ll say, ‘But what are you doing? Is it any better?"”

Well, if you’re gonna call someone so late at night, the least you can do is offer scintillating conversation of that caliber.

Clearly, Scott was looking for some sort of reassurance from Kourtney.

Fortunately, Kourt was having none of that.

“By the end of the conversation, I was just like, ‘I have a boyfriend and he’s 24 years old! It’s not the craziest thing that’s ever happened in the world!"” she tells her sister.

It seems the comment had the desired effect of making Scott freak the eff out:

“Then he was like, ‘He’s your boyfriend!’ Then he hung up the phone,” Kourt’s tale concludes.

Fortunately, Khloe was on hand to offer the advice that Kourtney clearly needed to hear:

“Cut the court,” she bluntly told Kourtney.

Thankfully, it seems that Kourtney and Scott have finally severed ties for good these days, which is clearly what’s best for both of them.

Damn, we just jinxed it by saying that, didn’t we?

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online for more of rich people treating each other badly.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Files Legal Docs to Get Into the Cosmetics Business

Kourtney Kardashian is getting in the makeup game … TMZ has learned. Kourtney filed legal docs to own the name “Kourt.” As for what she wants to the name for … she’s going to hawk cosmetics. The docs make it clear … her intention is to fire…
