Showing posts with label Kylie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kylie. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Buy $13.45 Million Beverly Hills Mansion

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott are ready to live in the Hills — Beverly Hills, that is … where they just dropped a fortune on a new home. TMZ has confirmed that the new parents recently purchased a mansion together in the Beverly…


Kylie Jenner Faces a Crisis in This KUWTK Clip

Note to Kylie Jenner:

If you want sympathy from viewers of your family"s reality show, do not film a scene inside of a closet that is bigger than most one-bedroom apartments in New York City.

On this Sunday"s new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian will pay her younger half-sister a visit.

The two will end up sitting among giant piles of Kylie"s clothing in Kylie"s enormous closet while they bond over the challenge of losing weight after having a baby.

(For the record, we know this is a legitimate challenge for women. We just also know it"s often all the Kardashians talk about and that they have personal chefs and personal trainers and need to stop setting a poor example for other new mothers by making it sound like nothing else in the world matters.

/end rant.)

"Like nothing in my closet fits me," Kylie says in the clip featured here, to which Kim tells her,: You"re looking like really skinny!"

"Thank you, I"m getting rid of stuff that I just feel like"s never gonna fit me," Kylie responds, adding:

"I know I"m not gonna fit into like a 25 jean ever again and after our shoot, I"m just feeling a little insecure."

For emphasis, Kylie says again:

"Like my favorite jeans, they"re never going to fit me again."

We know now this isn"t the case, of course.

The episode was filmed months ago and Jenner has been posting an endless array of photos that show off her slimmed-down physique.

Kim has been there, of course.

She has given birth to two kids and shared the same fears as her sibling is sharing in this sneak peek.

"I know, curves are hard," Kim says. "It"s just figuring it out."

There are so many "body shamers" out there who just "don"t get it," Kim continues, telling Jenner:

"Trust me I get it. But the pressure to snap back like, it took me a good six to eight months. Once I got there, I was like, "OK I"m never leaving.""

She then did her best to comfort Kylie:

"I know it"s really early and Stormi"s so little, but you just have to roll with it. You just have to be confident, get some things that make you feel good about yourself and find your balance."

How did Jenner respond to this advice?

Watch the footage here to find out!

Kylie jenner faces a crisis in this keeping up with the kardashi

Monday, October 22, 2018

Kylie Jenner Sued For Stealing "Born to Sparkle" Makeup Line

Kylie Jenner is being sued for straight-up jacking another cosmetic line. A company named Sheree Cosmetics is suing Kylie and her company, Kylie Cosmetics, for allegedly stealing its “Born to Sparkle” makeup line. In docs, obtained by TMZ,…


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner: Let"s Have Another Baby!

Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner are reportedly doing it raw nearly every night these days.

Or at least on the nights where Kylie is most fertile.

Sorry to be all graphic there, readers, but a new article comes right out and states that the reality star and the rapper are hoping to give daughter Stormi a sibling.

“They’re actively trying for another,” says an Us Weekly insider simply.

Such a report runs a bit counter to what Jenner recently said herself.

In a social media question and answer segment, the reality star and makeup mogul was asked about having more kids and she replied as follows:

“Am I going to have another baby? I want another baby but, ‘When?’ is the question and I’m definitely not ready right this second.”

However, Kylie also acknowledged that she wants another daughter and has even started thinking about baby names.

So maybe she isn’t ready right now, as she says?

But first she has to get pregnant and then she has to wait about nine months until the child enters the world…

… so perhaps both this report and Kylie’s own words are accurate.

Jenner and Scott welcomed Stormi back in April, following a very quiet few months in which Kylie went totally dark.

She didn’t share photos of her baby bump and she didn’t gush over her pregnancy on Instagram.

Most people assumed this was because the baby was unplanned and Kylie was FREAKING THE EFF OUT over motherhood — and that still may have been the case,.

But Kylie later released a statement in which she claimed to have simply needed time to herself to prepare for such an important change to her life.

And that also may be true. We have no way of knowing for certain.

We can say, however, that Jenner and Scott appear to be very hands-on parents who are totally smitten with little Stormi.

Just look at how psyched Scott is about his child learning to walk!

There’s also been chatter over Scott and Jenner planning to wed, which would increase the likelihood that they procreate again.

Granted, this is now always how it works in this family.

Kourtney Kardashian has three children and zero wedding rings on her rings.

But it still stands to reason that a couple who wants numerous kids would also want to be husband and wife.

So while Kylie keeps an eye on her ovulation calendar, we should all be keeping an eye on whether these two exchange vows in the near future.

That may give us a firm idea about their plans on getting pregnant again.


Kylie Jenner: I Don"t Need Family Anymore! I"m a Billionaire!

New mom Kylie Jenner has been stunning the world with her post-baby bikini body, but she’s more focused on her baby and her business these days.

In fact, she may be a little too busy to slum it with her siblings on the reality show that catapulted them all to stardom.

A new report says that Kylie wants to drop Keeping Up With The Kardashians because she’s a billionaire.

RadarOnline reports that Kylie may quit KUWTK. (Try saying that five times rapidly)

“Kris is desperate to keep Kylie on the show,” the insider warns.

The show is built on the power of their entire family. Unlike, say, Rob, viewers would miss seeing Kylie.

“And,” the source says, Kris “thinks that she is essential to renegotiating” how much they are paid and how much control the family maintains over production and editing.

That is, after all, something that Momager Kris will need to do “after the contracts end.”

But Kylie’s status as the world’s most powerful influencer may not be the leverage that Kris is seeking.

“But,” the insider notes. “She has a billion dollars already.”

Or close enough. Kylie Cosmetics is worth enough to make your eyes bleed, and the value keeps going up every year.

“She doesn’t need the show at all anymore,” the source reveals.

That could spell trouble for the family’s signature series.

Kylie hasn’t needed the show for a while. But now, she just has other priorities.

“Kylie wants to focus on her baby and her cosmetics line instead,” the insider explains.

Reality stardom has reportedly been getting old. Probably because she’s been at it for half of her life.

“She hasn’t been into the show in a while,” the source reports.

“And,” the insider continues. “It just has been really difficult for her to fit it into her already super busy schedule.”

If this report is true, it is understandable that Kylie feels this way.

Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, and Kris all signed up for Keeping Up With The Kardashians. They were grown adults. They had a choice.

Kylie was just a kid. This life path has been massively rewarding, but it’s not something that she chose for herself.

Kylie Cosmetics, however, is her baby. Stormi, in a much more literal sense, is also her baby.

It would make a lot of sense for her to focus on the things that she really wants in life instead of upon the things that were thrust upon her.

Especially if she doesn’t need that reality show paycheck to pay the bills.

But let’s look at this from another angle — and consider whether this report is true.

First of all, Kylie may feel some sense of familial obligation to help keep the show going. She’s certainly helped out her family before.

(Well, she helped out Rob before — he’s arguably the only adult in the family who really needs help with anything)

Second of all, we should remember that all of the Kardashian projects are inextricably tied to their respective brands.

That means that their bodies, their social media presence, their products, and their reality television appearances do not exist within a vacuum.

Kylie may fear that abandoning her family’s show could eventually cause her company to lose value.

There’s another huge factor.

Back in July, we learned that Life of Kylie was renewed.

If Kylie is really too fatigued to continue being on a show on which she is part of an ensemble cast, is she really going to keep doing a show on which she is the star?

We’re not suggesting that anyone place bets one way or the other, but while Kylie may feel conflicted, we wouldn’t be surprised if she sticks with KUWTK.

At least, we don’t expect her to jump ship until the show goes even further downhill.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Kylie Jenner Just Implied That She May Be Married to Travis Scott

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott may have pulled one over on a distracted public.

While most of the free world has been wondering for weeks whether or not Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are husband and wife, Jenner jumped on Instagram over the weekend and hinted that she actually might be married to her rapper of a baby daddy.

Like, she strongly hinted.

Some might say Kylie came right out and made the announcement.

We’re simply not sure what to make of a photo and very basic message that Jenner left on her social media page in response to Scott performing as the musical guest on Saturday Night Live.

Sharing a picture of her man from the show, along with a few happy/heart emojis, Kylie penned a single word that has all of the Internet buzzing:


Yes, that would be a shorter version of the word husband.

her hubby

Yes, this would seem to imply that Kylie and Travis exchanged legal vows at some point in the recent past.

Kylie could, of course, just be messing with everyone.

She had to know the response such a post woud generate.

For whatever it’s worth, she followed up this picture and caption with another picture from the same performance and a drooling emoji face.

So regardless of whether or not Jenner is wed to Scott, she definitely finds him attractive.

drool over scott

Elsewhere, Jenner made other Scott-related headlines this weekend during a Snapchat Q&A with her best friend Jordyn Woods.

“Am I going to have another baby? I want another baby but, ‘When?’ is the question and I’m definitely not ready right this second,” Kylie said, for understandable reasons.

Little Stormi only just turned eight months old, after all.

“Have I thought of baby names for my next baby? I have, but I haven’t found anything that I ‘love’ love,” she continued.

Bucking the trend of those who prefer one of each gender, Jenner then confessed that she wants a sister for Stormi, telling her followers:

“I definitely want another girl, hopefully, and I want her to have a really feminine name.”

Would she have this second daughter with Scott?

It stands to reason, right? Especially if they really are married?

For such a famous couple, the reality star and the rapper actually keep their relationship pretty quiet. They don’t go around gushing about each other or sharing many public displays of affection.

This could mean they value their privacy or it could mean they aren’t really in love; they are just staying together for the good of their child and/or for PR reasons.

We really don’t know for sure.

But this much we can confirm: Stormi Webster is a cutie!


Monday, October 1, 2018

Kylie Jenner Shows Off Curves in Spandex on Miami Luxury Yacht

Here’s Kylie Jenner covering up and staying modest in Miami and … JUST KIDDING, LOOK AT HER CURVES IN BLACK SPANDEX!!! There’s no doubt about it, MILFdom looks better than ever on KJ, who showed off all her assets while chilling on Miami mogul…


Monday, September 24, 2018

Rob Kardashian: HOMELESS After Being Kicked Out By Kylie Jenner?!

For the most part, the offspring of Kris Jenner are doing incredibly well for themselves these days.

Kylie is almost a billionaire; Kendall is one of the world’s most sought-after runway models, and Kim is planning to have a fourth child by an eccentric sneaker mogul.

In fact, all of Kris’ kids are crushing it in their own way — with one notable exception.

Yes, we’re talking about perennial f–k-up Rob Kardashian.

No, before you scroll down to the comments and point out that whoever gets paid to examine Rob’s bank statements is probably looking at some pretty sizable sums, allow us to clarify what we mean when we say Dream’s dad flat-out sucks.

Yes, he has far more money than your typical 31-year-old — but by most accounts, he’s an unconscionable douche bag.

Look no further than Rob’s revenge porn campaign against the mother of his daughter for evidence of said douche-baggery.

Anyway, unlike the women in his family, Rob is burdened with an aversion to work, but fortunately, he never has to go far to find a helping hand offered by a gullible relative.

For a while, Rob lived with Khloe rent-free.

When she understandably got tired of dust-busting blunt roaches and Crunch Berries out from between her couch cushions every morning, she gave him the boot.

And now, it seems Kylie has followed her sister’s sage example.

Not surprisingly, the ludicrously wealthy Kylie owns several homes, including a $ 6 million 7,000 square foot mansion that, until recently, had served as Rob’s abode.

Radar Online is reporting that Kylie recently decided to sell the property, leaving Rob in a lurch.

The site claims that Rob is living in in less-than-ideal conditions at his mother’s house, and although he’s working on turning his life around, he and Kris are reportedly getting on one another’s nerves.

“He is apparently working out a lot and looks really good,” a source tells the site.

“He just doesn’t want to be associated with his sisters and their drama right now and is focusing on his daughter, Dream.”

Rob is currently house-hunting, the insider adds, and while fights with Kris have been frequent, the momager has assured her son that she won’t allow him to end up on the street.

“Rob and Kris will always have a special bond and she will always take care of him however she needs to,” the source says.

Here’s hoping she never actually said those words to Rob.

Dude will almost certainly hold her to that promise.


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Kylie Jenner"s Milk Discovery Inspires Dairy Farmer to Name Baby Cow After Her

Kylie Jenner’s discovery — that putting milk on cereal is pretty fantastic — was so moooooving to a California dairy farmer, he decided to pay tribute … by naming his baby cow after her. David Jones — whose family owns Jones Farms in Stevinson,…


Kylie Jenner"s Cereal Will Never Go Milk-Less Again Thanks to Almond Breeze

Kylie Jenner is about to go from milk-less to milk overload thanks in part to her very public decree over how to drench her cereal. Jenner sparked the equivalent of a social media riot Tuesday when she tweeted, “last night I had cereal with milk for…


daily-celebrities: Kylie Jenner


Kylie Jenner


daily-celebrities: Kylie Jenner


Kylie Jenner
