Showing posts with label Markle's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Markle's. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Photos Surface in Sheer Black Dress

Photos of Meghan Markle striking some sexy poses raise one very important question — what the hell took Prince Harry so long to propose??? Megs posed for the photo shoot back in 2013 for a Canadian magazine called Sharp. She was already starring in…


Prince Harry & Meghan Markle"s Wedding Will Be Televised

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be saying their “I dos” at Windsor Castle on live TV for the whole world to see … just like his brother, William, and sister-in-law, Kate Middleton. Harry and Meghan’s wedding is still in the early…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Engagement to Harry, Royal Title And Citizenship Up in the Air

Meghan Markle will become part of the Royal Family next Spring … the question is whether she’ll be able to use the title Her Royal Highness. As you know, Meghan’s an American citizen and the protocol is … you have to live in England for 5 years…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Prince Harry: Did Meghan Markle"s Dad Give Him Permission to Propose?

If you’ve been following news of the couple, then you know that a Prince Harry-Meghan Markle engagement announcement is expected any day now.

Many believe Harry and Meghan are already engaged and currently preparing suitably royal announcement, while others think Harry has yet to pop the question.

Whatever the case, it seems pretty clear that both parties are prepared to take the next step in their relationship.

Harry was in Toronto for the Invictus Games last week, and it’s been rumored that he took some steps toward making Meghan his wife during his time on this side of the pond.

Toronto is not only Meghan’s adopted hometown due to the fact that Suits is filmed there, it’s also where several of her family members permanently reside.

Most significantly, Meghan’s father lives in Toronto, and sources that claimed that old-fashioned Harry seized the chance to ask Thomas Markle for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

“Harry asked Meghan’s father for her hand in marriage the last time he was in Canada, and Thomas was very happy to give his blessing,” an insider tells Hollywood Life.

“Thomas loves Harry, as do all of Meghan’s family, and he especially loves how happy his daughter is, and how much Harry clearly adores her.”

The source adds that Harry has already secured permission to propose to Meghan from the most prominent member of his own family.

“Harry has also asked his grandmother for permission to marry, which she has granted,” says the insider.

“The Queen met Meghan earlier this month, and was quite taken with her. So, she is very happy for [Meghan] to join the family,” the source adds.

Yes, it sounds like this thing is really happening.

Obviously, women all over the world are heartbroken by the prospect of the world’s most eligible bachelor being taken off the market for good, but let’s take a moment to remember the real victims here.

We’re talking, of course, about those us who were holding out hope for a second season of I Want to Marry Harry.

The new round of contestants will never believe a married prince would go on a reality show to find a new wife.

Of course, we wouldn’t have believed they’d be able to find a group of women who would believe that an unmarried prince would go on a reality show to find a wife, so who knows?

Either way, our premature congrats go out to Harry and Meghan.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Prince Harry Meets Meghan Markle"s Dad; Engagement on the Way?!

At this point, there’s little doubt that things are getting serious between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

But are they “she should probably get used to introducing herself by her royal title” serious?

Let’s examine the evidence:

Initial reports claimed that Harry and Meghan started dating in September, but now it appears they’ve been together considerably longer than that.

Meghan has met Harry’s family and appears to be spending the bulk of her free time in London these days.

So it’s not hard to see why rumors of Harry and Meghan getting engaged began circulating pretty much immediately after the world learned they were dating.

This relationship has inspired strong opinions (many from the eternally butthurt) from the very start, and everyone seems to agree that the Playboy Prince actually seems ready to settle down.

Now, it looks as though the HarGhan ‘shippers and haters (of whom there’s a disturbing number on social media) are about to get even louder, as we have reason to believe that Harry might be gearing up to pop the question:

Speaking with the Daily Mail, Meghan’s brother, Thomas Markle, Jr., recently revealed that Harry traveled to Canada to meet Meg’s father six freakin’ months ago!

“My dad knew about [the relationship] from the start,” Thomas says.

“He first met Prince Harry about six months ago out in Toronto. He goes once every couple of months – [Meghan and Thomas Markle Sr] are very close and they stay in close contact.

“He’s pretty happy about Harry and he’s extremely proud of her. They have an amazing relationship, they’re very close and they always have been.”

So what have we learned from this revelation?

Well, if Harry was already meeting the parents six months ago, clearly he and Meghan were in item well before September.

More importantly, the news that Harry goes trans-continental “every couple months” just to hand with Meghan’s dad is being taken by many as a sign that he’s preparing to get down on one knee.

We imagine Meghan’s first order of business after becoming part of the royal family will be to give up her role on the USA network drama Suits.

Not because acting is beneath her as a royal, but because she’s one of only four people on the planet who’s aware that Suits is an actual television show.

True story. We looked it up.
