Showing posts with label Marroquin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marroquin. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Javi Marroquin to Kailyn Lowry: Bone Estrada is Using You!!

If you thought that the long-simmering beef between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin had finally been squashed, you better think again.

We have no idea why you’d possibly think that, since that beef is extremely likely to be squashed, but hey, that’s a thing people say.

Terrible intros aside, the former spouses are feuding harder than ever these days, usually about their co-star Briana DeJesus.

Javi and Briana are dating, after all, and with things heating up between them, it’s understandably led to some tension with Kail.

Lowry has questioned their motives, as well as Briana’s intensions, but Javi isn’t buying it, calling his ex-wife out on Twitter as a result.

According to Javi, instead of worrying about Briana, the mother of his son may want to keep a closer eye on her own inner circle.

Some of her supposed friends may not be loyal.

Specifically, Kail’s best friend Bone Estrada (we did not make that name up) was the target of his oh-so-clever tweeting wrath …

Javi Tweetin

Now, Kail and Bone are extremely close.

She is often featured on Kail’s social media pages, and has stood by her friend’s side throughout all the drama she’s dealt with.

Bone was there when she went to the hospital and when she legally named her third son Lux, who she babysits as well (below).

Given their history, Javi’s message about Bone is a little perplexing … but it may date back to previous drama between the pair.

Your friends talk a big game, but forget they are the ones that told me everythinggggg,” he says, going on to make it clear who he means.

“No need to expose cause that shit is so old and for the birds. Let me go back to staying off this so no ‘bones’ are resurrected.”

In March of this year, Javi and Teen Mom 2 co-star Jenelle Evans were both under fire after somebody leaked Kail’s pregnancy news.

The narrative that Jenelle tweeted out a faux-congratulatory message as a sly, passive-aggressive maneuver was widely disseminated.

Was that really how it went down, though?

Not according to Evans, who claimed Javi was the one who revealed it to the media; Javi begs to differ, but he doesn’t blame Jenelle.

Marroquin denies blabbing to the public, but says he found out about the pregnancy because one of Kail’s close friends told him about it.

He posted a screen shot of their text message exchange in order to make his point, albeit with the name of the other party redacted.

His recent tweet seems to implicate Bone as the one who also told Javi about Kail’s pregnancy, and implies that she talked to the media.

All very interesting, to say the least.

Kailyn has yet to respond to Javi’s latest salvo (neither has Bone), but we suspect it’s only a matter of time until more shade is thrown.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Feuding with Briana DeJesus Over Javi Marroquin!

Just when you thought the situation between Kailyn Lowry, Javi Marroquin, and Briana DeJesus couldn"t get any messier …

Real quick though, why would you ever even think that?! Do you even know anything about these people?

Anyway, just when you thought things couldn"t get messier, Briana went and stirred the pot again with a very questionable Instagram post.

Here, let"s just break it all down …

1. Let’s Start at the Very Beginning …

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin pic

Kailyn and Javi used to love each other once, believe it or not. A lot. They got married, had precious little baby Lincoln, but then things started to go bad because as much as they loved each other, they were never a great fit.

2. RIP, True Love

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin kiss

We may never know exactly what happened between them — at least not until they release that book they’re writing together! — but we do know that Kailyn filed for divorce at the end of 2015, just before he left for his deployment. They tried to work it things out for a long time, but it obviously just didn’t happen. When he returned home in the summer of 2016, things were clearly over between them.

3. All the Rumors

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin

We’ve heard that she cheated on him, that he cheated on her, that they were both in relationships while still married because they both agreed it was over. We’ve heard that she divorced him because she told him didn’t want more kids and he did. We’ve heard just all sorts of things, and none of them are good.

4. Yikes

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin picture

On recent seasons of Teen Mom 2, we’ve seen Javi break into the home he used to share with Kailyn, and she even resorted to getting an order of protection against him — something he thought was pretty silly. She eventually dropped the order because it made it too difficult for them to coparent, but obviously things were extremely tense between them.

5. Getting Better!

Kailyn javi photo

At some point this year though, things changed. After she dropped the protection order, they began getting along better. They both acknowledged that things were going good between them, which was so nice to see.

6. Here Comes Trouble

Briana dejesus car selfie

But then enter Briana.

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Javi Marroquin & Briana DeJesus: Did They Spend Thanksgiving Together?

The reports that Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus are dating have been circulating for several weeks now, and the rumored couple isn’t doing much to clear things up.

Last month, Javi said he and Briana are dating, but she refuted that statement in an interview just a few days later.

Shortly thereafter, however, Briana tweeted about wanting to marry Javi, though that comment may have been made in jest.

These two are sending so many mixed signals that our clearest indications of what’s going on between them might come from Javi’s ex-wife, Kailyn Lowry.

Kailyn has expressed her belief that Briana is only dating Javi as a form of revenge, so … we guess that’s evidence that they are romantically involved?

We’re not sure anyone knows what’s going on here, and that includes Javi and Briana.

But one thing is certain–they’re spending a lot of time together while they figure out if they want to be more than “friends with benefits.”

Yesterday, Javi posted the following photo on Instagram:

“No plans are the best plans. Had a good time with you #makingmemories,” he captioned the pic.

Dog filters? Cheesy hashtags? Hanging out without plans?

These two might be hesitant to make it label themselves, but we’re gonna go ahead and make it official on their behalf–Javi and Briana are dating.

Obviously, the apparent seriousness of their relationship has raised a lot of questions:

Have they met each other’s kids? Will we be seeing them all coupled-up on the next season of Teen Mom 2?

And, of course, this time of year, one can’t look at Javi and Briana’s Instagram-documented without wondering if they’re Javiana will be spending the holidays together.

The fact that the selfie above (which has racked up a whopping 75,000 likes in less than 24 hours) was posted over Thanksgiving weekend was not lost on Javi’s followers.

Did they spend the holiday together or just the latter part of the weekend?

Did Briana travel to Delaware to see Javi, or did he hop a plane to Orlando to spend time with her?

Their Instagram pages offer no indication, but based on some recent tweets from Javi, it seems he caught a plane somehwere late last week.

He hasn’t confirmed it on social media, but our guess would be he flew to Florida and spent the entire long weekend–including Thanksgiving Day–with Briana and her family.

If that’s the case, then it’s pretty clear these two are well beyond the “just hooking up” stage.

Of course, Javi’s not the only one moving on, as Kailyn is dating Dominique Potter these days, and the relationship appears to be getting serious.

But that doesn’t mean, of course, that Lowry is happy for her ex.

In fact, we’re guessing she’d prefer to see him posting cozy, couple-y dog filter-photos with just about anyone except Briana.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from Javi’s rollercoaster love life.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Why Doesn"t He Get As Much Hate as Kailyn Lowry?!

If you"re a Kailyn Lowry fan, then you"re probably aware that the Teen Mom 2 star"s life is loaded with drama.

And you"re probably also aware that she receives a tremendous amount of hate from fans, many of whom are relentlessly brutal in their social media comments.

These days, TM2 obsessives are primarily interested in the love triangle involving Kailyn, her ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, and their co-star Briana DeJesus.

Despite doing her best to avoid getting too deeply involved in the situation, Kailyn is taking harsher criticism than ever, while Javi appears to have been let off the hook entirely.

So what"s the deal? 

Is it a sexist double standard, or is Javi actually less responsible for the deterioration of the relationship than Kail is?

Join us as we explore this question in the gallery below, and watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the wild life of Kailyn Lowry.

1. A Messy Split

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin kiss

As fans know, Kailyn and Javi went from TM2’s most celebrated couple to the show’s most bitter rivals in record time. In the year since their divorce was finalized, it appears that Lowry and Marroquin’s relationship has only worsened.

2. A Slow Deterioration

Javi and kailyn on mtv

It’s hard to believe now, but there was a time when it really looked as though Kail and Javi would be able to form a civil and amicable co-parenting relationship–an arrangement that’s been attempted by many Teen Mom couples, but rarely attained. Unfortunately, the former couple’s tenuous peace didn’t last long.

3. A Secretive Split

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin and son

Fans weren’t aware at the time, but it seems Kailyn and Javi began working out the terms of their divorce prior to his deployment with the US Air Force. It was said to be a mutual split, but it wouldn’t be long before things got ugly …

4. Cutting Up in Qatar

Javi marroquin random chick on instagram

Kailyn says Javi cheated on her repeatedly during their marriage, and while he claims he didn’t start dating until their divorce was finalized, she insists she has photographic evidence that he was with at least one another woman during his time in Qatar.

5. Javi Drama

Javi marroquin and kailyn lowrys family photo

Things rapidly got worse when Marroquin returned to the States. Within weeks, the peaceful co-parenting arrangement he and Kailyn had dreamed of had become a distant memory.

6. A Jealous Ex?


Sources say Marroquin became upset by news that Kailyn was dating again. And what happened next made him downright livid …

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Monday, November 20, 2017

Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus: We"re a Family Now!

Hey, have you heard the good news?!

Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus are officially dating!

And not only that, but they seem to be comfortable enough with each other that they"re working on merging their families into one, even though they"ve only been dating approximately three seconds!

See, over the weekend, Javi threw a birthday party for Lincoln, the son he shares with Kailyn Lowry.

He invited Briana DeJesus and her two daughters, and what happened next … well, you really just have to see it to believe it.

But first, let"s refresh our memories on this very special love story …

1. They Go Way Back!

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

It’s true, they do — even before Briana joined the cast of Teen Mom 2, she and Javi were exchanging flirty tweets. Say what you will about their relationship, but it’s had a long, long buildup.

2. Javi’s Pursuit


Though they have known each other for a while, it wasn’t until earlier this fall when Javi really began to go after Briana hard. In September, he even gave an interview to Radar in which he said that he’d “be open to dating Briana” because “she’s a really cool girl. Her whole family is awesome. She’s really beautiful. We text back and forth. We’ll see what happens.” Subtle, Javi.

3. Complicated

Kailyn lowry via instagram

The thought of the two of them actually getting together seemed a little far-fetched. After all, Javi already married a Teen Mom when he married Kailyn, and Briana just gave birth to another guy’s baby in July. Would forming a Teen Mom super couple really be the right move?

4. YES

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus picture

Apparently so: in October, Javi confirmed that he and Briana were finally officially together! It was still a little weird, because she denied it at first, but it seems she’s cool with being public now. So we’re really doing Javiana, it seems.

5. Spiteful Love

Kailyn at teen mom 2 reunion

As you can imagine, things didn’t go so well after the world found out about Javi and Briana’s love. Many reports claimed that Kailyn believed Javi’s just getting with Briana out of spite, and … yeah, we can see it. During this entire season of Teen Mom 2, Javi’s seemed heartbroken that Kailyn moved on so quickly, so it makes sense that he’d try to get under her skin any way possible.

6. The Thirst is Real

Briana dejesus car selfie

A lot of people think Briana isn’t with Javi for love — or not JUST for love, anyway. Some theorize that she’s trying to marry him to get his military benefits, others say that she just wants to settle down with a guy who would actually create a family with her, unlike her first two baby daddies. Others think that she’s just trying to cement her spot on Teen Mom 2 by bringing some high drama.

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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Briana DeJesus: I Want to MARRY Javi Marroquin!

Briana DeJesus either has seriously conflicting feelings toward Javi Marroquin, or she"s really dedicated to trolling the hell out of Kailyn Lowry.

Rumors that Briana and Javi are dating have been circulating for months, and DeJesus seems to be deriving a lot pleasure from keeping both Kailyn and the public in the dark.

So are she and Javi really in a long-distance relationship?

Is this all just an elaborate ploy to mess with Kailyn"s mind?

Does Briana actually want to marry Javi?!

Join us as we answer these questions and more in our investigation of Teen Mom 2"s most unexpected love triangle:

1. Are They or Aren’t They?

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus picture

Are Javi and Briana really dating, or are they just pretending to be in love in order to mess with Kailyn Lowry? To answer that question, we need to delve into the history of Bri and Kail’s relationship.

2. New Girl

Briana dejesus on mtv

Briana just joined the cast of Teen Mom 2 last season. Her co-stars were said to be less than thrilled with MTV’s decision to add a fifth mom to the roster.

3. A Familiar Face

Briana dejesus on teen mom 3

Bri got her start on the short-lived Teen Mom 3. So both viewers and co-stars were familiar with her past … and her ability to create drama.

4. Kail and Bri: Best Frenemies?

Kailyn at teen mom 2 reunion

Insiders who were familiar with the situation claimed that Kailyn was one of the only moms who DIDN’T hate Briana. How times have changed!

5. Surgery Sisters?

Kailyn lowry butt photo

Last year, Kailyn and Briana both underwent Brazilian butt lift procedures performed by the same doctor. Fans have cited this fact as evidence of their close friendship, but Kail says it was just a coincidence.

6. Not THAT Close

Briana picture

So it sounds like Kail and Bri knew each other, got along, but didn’t have particularly strong feelings about one another either way. That all changed when Bri got to know Javi …

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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Javi Marroquin Is Only Dating Briana DeJesus For Revenge!

There’s not a soap opera on television that can hold a candle to the drama that plays out every day on social media between Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin.

Of course, volatile relationships are nothing new in the world of reality TV, and they’re sewn into the very fabric of Teen Mom 2.

But what makes Kail and Javi’s situation so unusual is the fact that they’ve been divorced for over a year.

These days, the primary point of contention between the parents of 3-year-old Lincoln is Javi’s relationship with Briana DeJesus.

Briana, of course, is the newest addition to the TM2 cast

“Kailyn can’t help thinking that Javi‘s main reason for dating Brianna is to spite her,” says the insider.

“There are a million other girls out there, but Javi chose to hook up with another Teen Mom star, which he must have known would result in tons of publicity. It’s not even like it’s convenient for them to be together — they live over a thousand miles away from each other, so it just doesn’t make any sense to Kailyn.”

Obviously, the fact that Briana and Javi are co-stars who live far apart isn’t concrete evidence that they’re dating to spite Kail.

But if their goal is to piss off Javi’s ex, it certainly seems to be working:

“Each time she has to look at photos of the two of them together, or see yet another story about them dating, it’s like a stab in the heart, and it’s driving her crazy,” says the source.

“It must have crossed Javi’s mind that getting with Brianna would piss off Kailyn, so she really can’t stop herself from questioning his motivation.”

Kailyn may have a point, as there are times when it seems that Bri and Javi’s relationship is all for show.

Just two weeks ago, DeJesus denied dating Marroquin in an interview with E! News–but now it seems the co-stars are more serious than ever. 

On November 9, Javi tweeted, “Get to see bae this weekend,” just days after Briana publicly refuted rumors that they’re romantically involved.

It’s not hard to see why Javi and Bri’s renewed interest in one another might have less to do with romance and more to do with the fact that DeJesus is once again publicly feuding with Lowry.

Fortunately, Kailyn has no reason to be concerned.

If Javi and Briana are actually pretending to date just to get back at her for some imagined slight, then Ms. Lowry has already won this feud in decisive fashion.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kailyn and Javi’s tumultuous relationship.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: I Caught Javi Marroquin Cheating On Me 4 TIMES!

It’s been over a year since Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin finalized their divorce, but the relationship between the Teen Mom 2 co-stars remains … let’s say “complicated.”

Kailyn and Javi are capable of getting along (or at least effectively pretending to get along) for extended periods of time.

But invariably, something comes along to shatter the peace, and fortunately for fans of social media drama, Javi and Kailyn both tend to air their dirty laundry on Instagram and Twitter.

Lately, it’s been Kail’s TM2 Briana DeJesus who’s been driving a wedge between Kail and Javi.

We’re in no way laying the blame at Briana’s feet, but for whatever reason, her mere existence is enough to eff up any progress Lowry and Marroquin may have made in their efforts to form an amicable co-parenting relationship.

Kailyn is said to be royally pissed about rumors that Briana and Javi are dating, but that’s not the only reason she was a bit agitated during last night’s TM2 reunion show.

It seems Kail’s convinced that her third baby daddy, Chris Lopez, cheated on her during their time together.

Now, Kailyn has been on the receiving end of more than a few cheating allegations, so she took a bit of flak for complaining about Chris’ infidelity during last night’s reunion:

“Kail complaining about Chris cheating during the whole pregnancy is so annoying. Girl you cheated on Javi during his entire deployment. He came home to divorce papers. Fu-huuuuuck you!” tweeted one viewer.

Damn. She hit her with the two-syllable, 6 “U” f–k!

We would expect Kail to be recovering in a burn unit somewhere, but remarkably she recovered in time to clap back just a few minutes later: 

“You mean javi got divorce papers before he ever left for the deployment. and let’s not forget the 4 people he was with before we were divorced. Thanks!” Lowry tweeted.

Yes, it seems she is 100 percent not accepting any blame for the infidelity that took place during her marriage.

It’s worth noting that Kailyn never claims she didn’t sleep with anyone else while she was still with Javi.

Instead, her argument is that any infidelity on her part is immaterial, as he cheated first, and most, and by the time he left for a tour of duty in Qatar, their marriage was already a thing of the past.

So that’s Kailyn’s stand on the matter.

It’s not surprising that she’s given it a fair amount of thought.

Hopefully, she’ll give just as much thought to making sure her next man isn’t a cheater.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Kail’s tumultuous love life.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Javi Marroquin & Briana DeJesus: Still Dating, Still Pissing Off Kailyn Lowry?

At one point, Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus were dating.

Either that, or they were just pretending to hook up in order to piss off Kailyn Lowry.

Whatever the case, Briana and Javi are once again spending time together following a brief hiatus.

Join us as we try and figure out what the hell is going on with these two, and be sure to watch Teen Mom 2 online to do some detective work of your own:

1. New Girl

Briana dejesus car selfie

Briana is a new addition to the Teen Mom 2 cast, having just joined the show for its most recent season. Her co-stars were reportedly less than thrilled about the move.

2. Kailyn Lowry: An Early Bri Supporter

Kailyn and baby lo

But while the other ladies were talking smack, Bri had one noteworthy supporter in Kailyn Lowry.

3. Surgery Sisters

Briana dejesus on mtv

Fans decided that Bri and Kail must be secret besties. It was even rumored that they decided to get plastic surgery together. It was later revealed that they underwent the same procedure (Brazilian butt lift) and visited the same doctor, but at different times.

4. Javi Problems

Javi marroquin and kailyn lowrys family photo

Briana’s arrival on the show corresponded with a period of semi-reconciliation for Kailyn and Javi Marroquin. They weren’t back together romantically, but they were amicably co-parenting, and they even collaborated on several professional projects.

5. Books and Boot Camps

Kailyn lowry javi morroquin and their son

Kail and Javi wrote a pair of memoirs and even appeared on Marriage Boot Camp together. All appeared to be going well…until Briana got involved.

6. A Match Made in TM2 Heaven

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus on instagram

Bri and Javi seemed to hit it off right away. At first they claimed they were just friends…

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Friday, November 10, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Taking Son Lincoln Away from Javi Marroquin?!

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin … well, they have quite the complicated relationship.

More complicated than your average young divorced reality stars, even.

The thing with Kailyn and Javi is they just go back and forth so much — one minute they love each other and the next they can’t stand each other.

Just to break down how insane their relationship is, they split up sometime towards the end of 2015, right before Javi’s deployment.

Around this time, they both slept and/or had relationships with other people, though Javi still held out hope that they’d be able to work things out.

He came home in the summer of 2016 and she’d packed his bags for him because she was most definitely done with him, but he still wasn’t ready to end things for good.

He kept visiting her, and one point he even broke into the home they shared together, scaring her oldest son, Isaac, in the process.

Around this time, Kailyn began sleeping with a college friend, Chris Lopez, and she became pregnant.

She also got a protective order against Javi, because as she explained it, her behavior frightened her.

The order didn’t last too long though — she lifted it when she realized that they wouldn’t be able to attend their son’s soccer games at the same time.

And even through all this, it was clear that he still had feelings for her.

Like, did you see the guy’s face when he met her new son, little Lux, on Monday night’s Teen Mom 2 season finale? He looked heartbroken to see how thoroughly she’d moved on.

The whole thing is just the biggest mess that ever was.

Oh, and in the middle of all this, right before Kailyn became pregnant with another man’s child?

They filmed a season of Marriage Boot Camp together. Like you do.

Though we’re coming up on the one-year anniversary of their divorce becoming finalized, their season of Marriage Boot Camp is currently airing, and it’s been pretty tough to watch.

When they arrived at the house, they explained that they each had different reasons behind filming the show.

Kailyn wanted to learn how to coparent with Javi for the sake of their son Lincoln, but Javi wanted to try to work things out romantically with her.

It’s made for an interesting dynamic, to say the least.

He seems way more invested than she does, and she seems way angrier … it’s not good.

And in this new clip from the show, things reach a boiling point.

In the clip, we see Kailyn telling some of her cast members about a fight she and Javi just got into over Lincoln.

“He comes out of the shower,” she says, “and he’s like ‘You’re graduating this year and you want to move to Atlanta, why does Lincoln have to go with you? I think he should stay with me."”

That’s a lot of information real quick, right?

This was filmed last fall, and Kailyn graduated back in the spring with a degree in mass communications. She still lives in Delaware, but she has said that there aren’t many job opportunities for her there.

Recently she’s talked about purchasing a condo in L.A., and she has flown to Atlanta just this month, but there hasn’t been talk of a permanent move like the one referenced here.

And honestly, with three baby daddies all living in Delaware, we have a hard time imagining a big move in her immediate future.

But back to Marriage Boot Camp.

Up in his room in the house, Javi is furious, and he’s planning on leaving the house.

(Though another cast member laughs and explains that “if Javi can have Kail in the house without her being able to leave, Javi’s not going anywhere.”)

Kailyn says that she told him to just go away because she didn’t want to talk about it, but “he keeps pushing me, ‘well, I just think he should be with me, like why does he have to be with you?"”

Meanwhile, Peter Gunz tries to convince Javi to stay in the house, but he tells him “Either they’re gonna take me to the airport or I’m gonna get a cab.”

Kailyn says that their fight got so bad that she walked out on it, and he told her “F-ck this, f-ck you, you’re a piece of sh-t.” And that’s when he decided to leave.

Specifically, he decided to leave for Guatemala.

In a chat later — it looks like he didn’t go to Guatemala after all — Javi explains that he got so upset because he was “exhausted,” that it was hard being around Kailyn all the time.

What a bunch of drama, right?

Again, this was all filmed a year ago, so we know that they’ve managed to get on much better terms, which is wonderful.

But we still don’t know if Kailyn is planning on taking her kids and moving to Atlanta or L.A. or wherever, and that was the issue that started this fight to begin with.

So it looks like the drama isn’t over yet!


Friday, October 27, 2017

Briana DeJesus: I Am NOT Dating Javi Marroquin!

If the events of the past week have proven anything, it’s that Teen Mom 2 should be filmed 24/7 like the freakin’ Truman Show.

Most reality shows are already running out of steam by the time their eighth season wraps up, but thanks in part to the addition of Briana DeJesus, TM2 is just getting warmed up.

Sadly, the show isn’t currently filming, so of all the wild recent events, only the stuff that took place at Saturday’s Teen Mom 2 reunion show was caught on camera.

Fortunately, the cast has done an admirable job of documenting the drama on social media.

If you follow any of them on Twitter or Instagram, then you’ve probably already heard about David Eason drunkenly stabbing balloons and trying to fight Nathan Griffith.

That’s good stuff, but if you ask us, the Kailyn Lowry-Briana DeJesus-Javi Marroquin situation is even more fascinating.

Kailyn and Javi are about to embark on a book tour together, despite the fact that they finalized their divorce almost a year ago.

Needless to say, the situation was already fraught with emotional peril, but things are even more complex thanks to rumors that Javi is dating Briana.

There’s really no way to talk about this situation without sounding like Gretchen Wieners from Mean Girls, so please forgive us in advance:

Briand and Kailyn used to be friends, even though Briana denies it now.

Apparently, Kail was pissed about all the rumors that Briana has a thing for Javi because Lowry and DeJesus didn’t even talk at the reunion show.

Afterward, Briana threw major shade on social media, tweeting that Jenelle Evans is the only cool Teen Mom, and posting a bunch of new pics of her and Javi.

Marroquin apparently took this as a sign that he and Briana are officially dating, and he even went so far as to confirm the relationship rumors in a recent interview:

“We are dating,” Javi told People magazine earlier this week.

“We’ve been friends for a while and we weren’t in a rush.”

But in her latest interview, Briana denies that she and Javi are a couple, and she basically tells Marroquin to slow his roll:

Nothing is going on,” DeJesus bluntly tells E! News.

Adding to the speculation that she’s not seeking a relationship with Javi is a recent tweet of Briana’s that reads, “About to change my number and go ghost.” 

All of this begs the question–why was Briana acting as though she and Javi were together?

Was she just messing with Kailyn?

Is she really that pett?

For the sake of our future entertainment, we hope the answer to both those questions is “yes.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to keep up with all this craziness. The show just keeps getting better, y’all.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Briana DeJesus: I"m Dating Javi Marroquin & Kailyn Lowry Can Go to Hell!

Over the past few months, we heard non-stop rumors about a secret romance between Teen Mom 2 stars Briana DeJesus and Javi Marroquin.

For most of that time, Briana and Javi both refused to comment on reports that they’re hooking up in secret.

But as of today, it seems the cat is out of the bag, and we’re guessing Kailyn Lowry is less than thrilled by the news that her ex-husband and her newest castmate are officially a couple.

“We are dating,” Marroquin says. “We’ve been friends for a while and we weren’t in a rush.” 

Javi adds that he and Briana “decided to make it official” while they were both in Los Angeles to tape the annual Teen Mom 2 reunion show over the weekend.

As you may have already heard, it was an interesting weekend for all involved, with drama that started when David Eason pulled a knife at the pre-party and didn’t end until David Eason tried to fight Nathan Griffith after the taping.

(That dude really needs his own show.)

But while Jenelle Evans and her husband caused the biggest scenes, a low-key feud between Briana and Kailyn stirred up some trouble of their own.

Kail was talking to someone about how the cast doesn’t really get along anymore, and Briana must have assumed Kail was making a dig at her,” one witness tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

“From there things got ugly.”

A loud argument ensued, and while the source doesn’t know exactly what was said, it’s believed the co-stars were fighting about Javi.

“Briana’s mom was in the room with her and she jumped into the argument,” the source says.

“Then Brittany [Briana’s sister] heard what was going on and came into the room and jumped in too.”

Apparently, the confrontation got so intense that other cast memebers got involved–and it didn’t end well for them:

“Leah [Messer] was there, too, and was kind of caught in the middle,” the source added.

“She ended up leaving the room in tears because of what was said to her.”

The incident was reportedly caught on camera, and the source adds that the entire reunion was unusually hostile.

“It was incredibly tense and uncomfortable for pretty much all of the cast members on Saturday because most of the cast does not get along,” says the witness.

It doesn’t look like Briana has any regrets about antagonizing Kailyn, however.

In fact, it seems she’s doubling down:

That’s Briana’s new profile picture on Twitter.

As you can see, she appears to be very comfortable with Kailyn’s ex-husband these days.

Interestingly, Briana deleted all of her tweets at some point in the last 24 hours, so it’s possible she hasn’t been enjoying the reaction she’s received from Kailyn’s fans.

Whatever the case, it doesn’t look as though these former friends will be calling a truce anytime soon.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on this complex love triangle.


Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus: Yes, We"re Dating!

The rumors have become a reality.

The speculation has turned into confirmation.

We can now report with complete accuracy and confidence: Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus are a romantic item!

Following a few weeks of social media hints by both Teen Mom personalities, along with eyewitness accounts of the pair hanging out at a nightclub together, Marroquin has come right out and made the announcement:

There’s some scandalous boning going on!

“We are dating,” Javi tells People Magazine, adding:

“We’ve been friends for a while and we weren’t in a rush.”

(DeJesus and MTV did not respond to a request for comment, according to the publication.)

Perhaps not. But Marroquin hasn’t exactly been hiding his feelings or his desires, either.

Consider what he told Radar Online just last month:

“I would be open to dating Briana. She’s a really cool girl. Her whole family is awesome. She’s really beautiful. We text back and forth. We’ll see what happens.”

Shortly after making these comments, Marroquin emphasized that he and DeJesus has “talked” about taking their relationship to the next level, but decided to give it time.

A few weeks, apparently, is all they needed.

While Briana has not spoken directly on the new romance, she did caption a picture of the stars with the words “Daddy Javi” on Sunday.

She then followed this up with a second picture and the caption “Daddy Javi p2.”

For his part, Marroquin shared the first image posted above and hashtagged the heck out it, referencing his new girlfriend in the process:

“ have a 6 pack from laughing so hard these last couple of days #IMY#SCORPION #BAE#CHICKENFINGERS&BBQ #GAPING#BOUJEE #YOUCHANGEDINLA#PLAYTHATCARDIIIIB.

Loyal Teen Mom viewers, of course, are aware of why this relationship is sure to stir up some serious tension and controversy.

DeJesus has two daughters: a six-year-old daughter named Nova with ex-boyfriend Devoin Austin; and a three-month-old daughter Stella with ex-boyfriend Luis Hernandez.

She only recently joined the cast of Teen Mom 2 after her previous appearance on the short-lived Teen Mom 3.

Marroquin, meanwhile, shares three-year-old son Lincoln with ex-wife Kailyn Lowry… who also stars on Teen Mom 2. Opposite DeJesus. 

Should make for some fun future episodes, right?!?

As you can see, Instagram followers have quite the mixed bag of reactions to this dating bombshell:

Javi and Kailyn are even appearing these days on Marriage Boot Camp, as they try to maintain some kind of healthy connection after several months of fighting and insulting.

it’s been a toxic relationship and we’re both scared and excited to see how Lowry reacts to this Javi/Briana news.

“Despite everything that happened between us I’m happy we are at a place where we can go to events..have a good time and be civil,” Marroquin wrote of his ex this month, adding:

“We’re doing a pretty good job raising these kids @kaillowry #oneteam.”

That’s nice to hear.

Nice and boring, that is!

Let’s hope the DeJesus relationship turns up the drama a bit between Javi and Kailyn.

Because while we do want to see Lincoln raised in a happy and healthy environment, we also want to see shade being thrown and accusations being hurled on social media.

Don’t you?


Monday, October 23, 2017

Kailyn Lowry LOSES IT After Seeing Javi Marroquin on Life Support!

If you"ve been following the couple"s bizarre trajectory from married parents of a young boy to bitter enemies to eager partners in a wide array of professional projects, then you"re probably already aware that Kailyn and Javi appear in the current season of Marriage Boot Camp.

The minor detail that they"re not married–and thus, presumably not in need of the boot camp treatment–apparently didn"t serve as a deal-breaker for either the show"s producers or the former couple.

That"s probably a good thing, as MBC is really just a platform for celebrity couples to air their dirty laundry, and not much in the way of actual marital counseling takes place on the series.

True to its name, however, when the show does feature exercises designed to bring its subjects closer together, it takes the Full Metal Jacket approach by reducing the participants to emotional puddles on the floor.

Take, for example, a scene from this week"s episode in which the crew makes it look like Javi is dying so that Kailyn can somehow benefit from the trauma of seeing her son"s father on life support.

“This is f–ked up!” she shouts, leaving the room while crying. “This is f–ked up!”

In a leap of logic that"s gargantuan even by the extremely lofty standards of Marriage Boot Camp, host Dr. V proceeded to glean a whole lot of information from Kailyn"s reaction to what was essentially a customized haunted house:

“Seeing him on life support has brought up all these emotions and all these memories,” Dr. V said. “I bet there’s still some life in that relationship.”

That"s a bit like putting a rubber spider on someone"s shoulder, waiting for them to jump and then being like, "Clearly, your issues with your father have eight legs."

Bear witness to the dubious practices of the Marriage Boot Camp medical experts in the clip below:


Kailyn lowry loses it after seeing javi marroquin on life suppor