Showing posts with label McGowan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McGowan. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Rose McGowan -- Divorce Finalized ... Destroy Our Embryos

Rose McGowan and her ex-husband aren’t just walking away from their marriage … they’re abandoning their attempts at having babies through in vitro … TMZ has learned. Rose and artist David Leavitt’s final divorce judgement was filed Thursday…


Rose McGowan -- Divorce Finalized ... Destroy Our Embryos

Rose McGowan and her ex-husband aren’t just walking away from their marriage … they’re abandoning their attempts at having babies through in vitro … TMZ has learned. Rose and artist David Leavitt’s final divorce judgement was filed Thursday…


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Rose McGowan -- CMA Bosses ... "A Bunch of Chicken S****s"

Rose McGowan is disgusted at the people who posted racist comments about Beyonce and the Dixie Chicks, but she’s even more pissed off at the CMA honchos who bowed to the “deplorables” by scrubbing of all things Bey and Chicks. Rose is…


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rose McGowan to Hollywood: Stop Rewarding Sociopaths!

Rose McGowan is making a passionate plea.

And she really hopes those in charge of the movie and television industry are listening.

A few days after McGowan raised eyebrows and made headlines for saying she was raped by a top executive in Tinseltown, the actress has once again opened on social media.

This time, she has tried to send a very important message to the head honchos who control much of the entertainment industry.

And she’s also addressed those who work under these individuals, such as her fellow actors and actresses.

Starting her Twitter note Monday with “Dear Hollywood,” McGowan encouraged her colleagues to “be brave.”

She wrote:

“Do not work with those you know to be offenders or you are no better than they.

“You are culpable for your actions. Stop rewarding sociopaths. Every time you sanction abhorrent behavior, you are aiding and abetting a crime, that makes you no better than the criminal.”

Sharing her story last week with the hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport, McGowan called out those who she claims knew all about her sexual assault… yet failed to provide any support.

In her new tweet, the stars wonders what it will take to “stop rewarding men that are predators?”

It’s sadly a good question, and it can be applied beyond Hollywood.

Rose McGowan message

“Why are you so cowardly that you would take the softer, easier way out? I can tell you this, your soul is a blighted one if you do so. Your personal legacy, the very fabric of your being, is at stake, so fight for it,” the 43-year-old wrote.

“I know you have it in you to be better. I know you have it in you to break free from the bonds of secrecy. So do it.”

In a series of harshly-worded posts last Thursday, McGowan called out the movie world for failing to have her back after she was raped by an unnamed studio head.

Among her messages last week, McGowan said that her rape was “an open secret in Hollywood/media & they shamed me while adulating my rapist.”

She added that “our ex sold our movie to my rapist for distribution.”

Concluded McGowan, simply and straightforwardly: “It is time for some goddamned honesty in this world.”

The hashtag of “WhyWomenDontReport” sprung up last week after Donald Trump spent several days shaming those who have accused him of sexual assault.

He openly wondered at campaign rallies why it took these alleged victims so many years to come forward with their stories.

While some could be lying, of course, the idea that a woman’s sexual assault claim is disqualified just because she took a long time to make it is clearly ridiculous, ignorant and even dangerous.

Trump has no idea the challenges that women who make these sorts of allegations face, both at work and at home, especially when they make them against someone who is rich and powerful.

We have no reason not to believe McGowan in this case.

And we applaud her for speaking out on such an important topic.


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Rose McGowan: I Was Raped by a Hollywood Executive

With the issue of sexual assault unfortunately making headlines on a near-daily basis, due to the candidacy of Donald Trump, Rose McGowan has come out with a series of shocking Tweets.

In these messages, the actress says she was once raped by a major Hollywood executive.

In a series of strongly worded posts on Thursday, McGowan called out the film industry for failing to support her after she was sexually assaulted by an unnamed studio head.

Using hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport, McGowan wrote the following:

“A (female) criminal attorney said because I’d done a sex scene in a film I would never win against the studio head.”

McGowan went on to say that this shouldn’t come as news to many big-time players in the movie world.

“Because it’s been an open secret in Hollywood/media & they shamed me while adulating my rapist.”

She added: “Because my ex sold our movie to my rapist for distribution.”

Clearly (and rightfully, assuming her story is true) irritated, McGowan concluded:

“It is time for some goddamned honesty in this world.”

This subject is being raised around the country right now because Donald Trump has been accused of sexual abuse and/or sexual assault by many women.

On the campaign trail, one of the ways in which the Republican nominees has tried to shoot down these allegations is by wondering what took the accusers so long to come out.

We’ll leave it up to voters decide if they believe Trump is a decent person who would never grope a woman against her will.

But it is ignorant and dangerous to suggest that a woman who waits weeks, months or even years to make an accusation is therefore lying.

Go ahead and ask McGowan. Go ahead and ask many, many other females.

There are endless challenges and obstacles (to one’s career, to one’s profession) for women who make these kinds of allegations against rich and powerful men.

Rose McGowan Tweets

Those who are in the process of doing so against Trump are finding this out for themselves at the moment.

McGowan, meanwhile, has often been outspoken on issues of sexual assault.

She recently compared her experience walking the red carpet at Hollywood events as “visual rape.”

Is that an extreme way to look at it? Maybe. But what do we know?

Unlike McGowan, we’ve never walked a red carpet.

And also unlike McGowan, we’ve never been the victim of sexual assault. We’re not about to judge anything she says or does in regard to this topic.

Are you?


Friday, June 3, 2016

Rose McGowan SLAMS X-Men Billboard for Promoting Violence Against Women

A billboard for X-Men: Apocalypse is causing a major stir among critics, the most vocal of which is Rose McGowan.

The controversial billboard depicts Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse choking Jennifer Lawrence’s character Mystique in the movie.

While the X-Men films all contain plenty of destruction, citizens say this image, seen out of context, promotes violence against women.

In a Facebook post to The Hollywood Reporter, McGowan speaks out against the ad and the subtle yet powerful message it implies.

“There is a major problem when the men and women at 20th Century Fox think casual violence against women is the way to market a film,” she wrote. 

“There is no context in the ad, just a woman getting strangled,” the actress continued. “The fact that no one flagged this is offensive and frankly, stupid.” 

“The geniuses behind this, and I use that term lightly, need to to take a long hard look at the mirror and see how they are contributing to society.” 

McGowan then compares the sexist poster to other forms of bigotry, like racism and homophobia – and she has a point.

“Imagine if it were a black man being strangled by a white man, or a gay male being strangled by a hetero?” she ask. “The outcry would be enormous.” 

Although the premise of the comic book franchise is all about bad guys fighting good guys – and, ahem, gals – the isolated image of a man strangling a woman can be viewed as disturbing, especially if seen by children.

The actress shared a conversation a friend had with his 9-year-old daughter about the billboard.

“I’ll close with a text my friend sent, a conversation with his daughter. It follows: ‘My daughter and I were just having a deep discussion on the brutality of that hideous X-Men poster yesterday,"” she shared. 

“‘Her words: ‘Dad, why is that monster man committing violence against a woman?’ This from a 9-year-old. If she can see it, why can’t Fox?” 

Not an encouraging image for a little girl to see.

McGowan asked the studio to get rid of the billboard to avoid any potential further damage.

“So let’s right this wrong. 20th Century Fox, since you can’t manage to put any women directors on your slate for the next two years, how about you at least replace your ad?”

McGowan has not been shy about coming out against Hollywood sexism and misogyny.

Last year, she blasted Adam Sandler for including sexist requests on a casting call notice she received for one of his movies.

Rose McGowan SLAMS X-Men Billboard for Promoting Violence Against Women

A billboard for X-Men: Apocalypse is causing a major stir among critics, the most vocal of which is Rose McGowan.

The controversial billboard depicts Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse choking Jennifer Lawrence’s character Mystique in the movie.

While the X-Men films all contain plenty of destruction, citizens say this image, seen out of context, promotes violence against women.

In a Facebook post to The Hollywood Reporter, McGowan speaks out against the ad and the subtle yet powerful message it implies.

“There is a major problem when the men and women at 20th Century Fox think casual violence against women is the way to market a film,” she wrote. 

“There is no context in the ad, just a woman getting strangled,” the actress continued. “The fact that no one flagged this is offensive and frankly, stupid.” 

“The geniuses behind this, and I use that term lightly, need to to take a long hard look at the mirror and see how they are contributing to society.” 

McGowan then compares the sexist poster to other forms of bigotry, like racism and homophobia – and she has a point.

“Imagine if it were a black man being strangled by a white man, or a gay male being strangled by a hetero?” she ask. “The outcry would be enormous.” 

Although the premise of the comic book franchise is all about bad guys fighting good guys – and, ahem, gals – the isolated image of a man strangling a woman can be viewed as disturbing, especially if seen by children.

The actress shared a conversation a friend had with his 9-year-old daughter about the billboard.

“I’ll close with a text my friend sent, a conversation with his daughter. It follows: ‘My daughter and I were just having a deep discussion on the brutality of that hideous X-Men poster yesterday,"” she shared. 

“‘Her words: ‘Dad, why is that monster man committing violence against a woman?’ This from a 9-year-old. If she can see it, why can’t Fox?” 

Not an encouraging image for a little girl to see.

McGowan asked the studio to get rid of the billboard to avoid any potential further damage.

“So let’s right this wrong. 20th Century Fox, since you can’t manage to put any women directors on your slate for the next two years, how about you at least replace your ad?”

McGowan has not been shy about coming out against Hollywood sexism and misogyny.

Last year, she blasted Adam Sandler for including sexist requests on a casting call notice she received for one of his movies.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Rose McGowan and Davey Detail: It"s Over!

It is all over for Rose McGowan and husband Davey Detail.

The 42-year old actress cited “irreconcilable differences” in her divorce paper filing and also noted that she and her husband have been separated since last May.

Based on a previous agreement, neither side can seek spousal support.

They got married in October 2013 after a just over a year of dating.

“Hell to the yeah! I’m a Mrs.! What?! AWESOME!” the former Charmed star Tweeted after the ceremony. “Love to you all!!!!!”

Things can change quickly when it comes to romance and relationships, however.

“I’m very happy. We are good friends. I had the experience of being married and decided it wasn’t for me,” McGowan tells Gossip Cop of the official split, adding:

“I’m super happy! I only wanted to be married for a year and so I did exactly that!”

Hey, that pesky detail about until death doing you part isn’t for everyone, okay?

She then reiterated this viewpoint on Twitter Thursday night, telling followers:

“Here’s the deal, I only wanted to married for a short period of time. If I don’t conform to other societal norms, why would I have a traditional marriage?”

McGowan (who recently shaved her head, referring to the act as “liberating”) had previously been engaged to Marilyn Manson and her Grindhouse director Robert Rodriguez.

This was her first marriage.