Showing posts with label Executive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Executive. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

President Trump Says He"ll Sign Executive Order to Keep Immigrant Families Together

The national outrage has been heard, and President Trump says he will act immediately and stop separating immigrant families at the border. During a meeting with Republican lawmakers, POTUS said he will be “signing an executive order” that will…


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Ronda Rousey: I"m Still in the Fight Game ... as an Executive Producer!!

Ronda Rousey still loves fighting … but she doesn’t have to break arms to be in the scene. The semi-retired UFC mega-star gave us the low-down on her latest project — an executive producer gig for the docuseries “Why We Fight.” Rousey told TMZ…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

CBS Executive Actually Slams Las Vegas Shooting Victims, Gets Fired

CBS has fired the company’s lead attorney after she responded to Sunday night’s horrific shooting in Las Vegas by essentially saying the victims deserved to die.

Conversing with friends and follows about the tragic event, Hayley Geftman-Gold wrote on her Facebook page that she was not sympathetic to the 59 concert goers who lost their lives in the heinous attack.


Because, she reasoned, most of them were likely Republicans.

“If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing,” Geftman-Gold wrote, referring here to the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut and the inaction of politicians since to enact any kind of gun control legislation.

This, by itself, would not have caused much of an uproar.

Plenty of folks are pessimistic about the prospects of Congress defying the NRA and passing new gun laws.

But then Geftman-Gold wrote the following:

“I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters.”



vegas papers

The wildly inappropriate comments were deleted soon after they went live… but not before they were picked up on a number of right-wing blogs and websites.

From there, a petition was posted online that called for the lawyer’s firing, a decision CBS Corp. went forward with on Monday night.

Said a spokesperson for the company:

“This individual, who was with us for approximately one year, violated the standards of our company and is no longer an employee of CBS.

“Her views as expressed on social media are deeply unacceptable to all of us at CBS.

“Our hearts go out to the victims in Las Vegas and their families.”

Geftman-Gold did not attempt to defend her remarks, either.

“Earlier today I posted an indefensible post in a Facebook discussion thread concerning the tragic Las Vegas shooting, a statement I sincerely regret,” she wrote in response to this scandal, elaborating as follows:

“I am deeply sorry for diminishing the significance of every life affected by Stephen Paddock’s terrorism last night and for the pain my words have inflicted on the loved ones of the victims.

“My shameful comments do not reflect the beliefs of my former employer, colleagues, family, and friends.

“Nor do they reflect my actual beliefs – this senseless violence warrants the deepest empathy.

“I understand and accept all consequences that my words have incurred.”

As has been covered in depth, Stephen Paddock opened fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino late Sunday night.

He killed 59 people attending a country music festival and injured well over 500 others.

lawyer post

Paddock then took his own life inside a hotel room that authorities later discovered was holding 23 weapons.

In the 24 hours or so since, there have been many thoughts and prayers offered online, along with pleas for new gun control legislation.

President Donald Trump has also spoken on the massacre, saying it was an act of “pure evil.”

He is expected to visit Las Vegas on Wednesday.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Ryan Seacrest"s Hosting Gig with "American Idol" Held Up Over Executive Producer Credit

Ryan Seacrest’s “done deal” to host the reboot of “American Idol” has hit a snag … but it’s not over money. TMZ broke the story … Seacrest and Fremantle Media and Core Media — the producers of “American Idol”– have agreed on his salary…


Friday, March 31, 2017

President Trump Forgets to Sign Executive Orders at Exec. Order Signing Ceremony (VIDEO)

Gotta hand it to Vice Prez Mike Pence — he tried like hell to save President Trump from a senior moment during an executive order ceremony … but still came up short. Trump and his veep assembled media at the White House for the usual dog and…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jon Stewart Issues Executive Orders, Offers Country Hope

Jon Stewart made his return to late-night television on Tuesday.

But he didn"t exactly offer viewers a moment of zen.

Wearing a dead rodent on his head and a giant tie, the former Daily Show host appeared as a guest opposite his good friend and former colleague, Stephen Colbert.

“Jon, I have to say: I love your outfit. Is this your Donald Trump impression?” Colbert asked, to which Stewart replied in all seriousness:

“I thought this is how men dress now. The president sets men’s fashion and, ugh, I saw the inauguration. Super long tie, dead animal on head. Boom.”

Stewart then took a cue from Trump banning most Muslims from entering the United States by previewing a series of future executive orders.

We"ll be stealing China"s Great Wall and making Mexico sign for it, for example.

Oh, and "bullsh-t" will be the new official language.

Later, Stewart did a quasi impression of Trump, detailing just how mentally draining it has been to keep up with everything the new President has done and said… over the course a mere 11 days.

"I, Donald J. Trump, do declare by executive order that I, Donald J. Trump, am exhausting,” Stewart said. “It has been eleven days, Stephen. Eleven f–king days. Eleven!

"The presidency is supposed to age the president, not the public. The reason that I, Donald J. Trump… am exhausting is that every instinct and fiber of my pathological self regard calls me to abuse power…

"I, Donald J. Trump, am exhausting because it is going to take relentless stamina, vigilance and every institutional check and balance that this great country can muster to keep me, Donald J. Trump, from going full Palpatine."

While clearly angry and upset and concerned about the state of the country, however, Stewart managed to weave a message of hope into his appearance and impersonation.

"We have never faced this before," he said, adding:

"Purposeful, vindictive chaos. But perhaps therein lies the saving grace of my, Donald J. Trump’s, presidency. No one action will be adequate.

"All actions will be necessary, and if we do not allow Donald Trump to exhaust our fight, and somehow come through this presidency calamity-less, and constitutionally, partially intact, then I, Donald J. Trump, will have demonstrated the greatness of America, just not the way I thought I was going to."

Watch the full interview below:

Jon stewart impersonates donald trump issues more executive orde

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Rose McGowan: I Was Raped by a Hollywood Executive

With the issue of sexual assault unfortunately making headlines on a near-daily basis, due to the candidacy of Donald Trump, Rose McGowan has come out with a series of shocking Tweets.

In these messages, the actress says she was once raped by a major Hollywood executive.

In a series of strongly worded posts on Thursday, McGowan called out the film industry for failing to support her after she was sexually assaulted by an unnamed studio head.

Using hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport, McGowan wrote the following:

“A (female) criminal attorney said because I’d done a sex scene in a film I would never win against the studio head.”

McGowan went on to say that this shouldn’t come as news to many big-time players in the movie world.

“Because it’s been an open secret in Hollywood/media & they shamed me while adulating my rapist.”

She added: “Because my ex sold our movie to my rapist for distribution.”

Clearly (and rightfully, assuming her story is true) irritated, McGowan concluded:

“It is time for some goddamned honesty in this world.”

This subject is being raised around the country right now because Donald Trump has been accused of sexual abuse and/or sexual assault by many women.

On the campaign trail, one of the ways in which the Republican nominees has tried to shoot down these allegations is by wondering what took the accusers so long to come out.

We’ll leave it up to voters decide if they believe Trump is a decent person who would never grope a woman against her will.

But it is ignorant and dangerous to suggest that a woman who waits weeks, months or even years to make an accusation is therefore lying.

Go ahead and ask McGowan. Go ahead and ask many, many other females.

There are endless challenges and obstacles (to one’s career, to one’s profession) for women who make these kinds of allegations against rich and powerful men.

Rose McGowan Tweets

Those who are in the process of doing so against Trump are finding this out for themselves at the moment.

McGowan, meanwhile, has often been outspoken on issues of sexual assault.

She recently compared her experience walking the red carpet at Hollywood events as “visual rape.”

Is that an extreme way to look at it? Maybe. But what do we know?

Unlike McGowan, we’ve never walked a red carpet.

And also unlike McGowan, we’ve never been the victim of sexual assault. We’re not about to judge anything she says or does in regard to this topic.

Are you?
