Showing posts with label Photographed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photographed. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018 Photographed by Tyler...

Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018

Photographed by Tyler Mitchell


Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018 Photographed by Tyler...

Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018

Photographed by Tyler Mitchell


Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018 Photographed by Tyler...

Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018

Photographed by Tyler Mitchell


Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018 Photographed by Tyler...

Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018

Photographed by Tyler Mitchell


Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018 Photographed by Tyler...

Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018

Photographed by Tyler Mitchell


Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018 Photographed by Tyler...

Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018

Photographed by Tyler Mitchell


Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018 Photographed by Tyler...

Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018

Photographed by Tyler Mitchell


Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018 Photographed by Tyler...

Beyoncé for Vogue, September 2018

Photographed by Tyler Mitchell


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Infamous Poo Jogger Caught, Photographed in the Act

We all know that there are sick people in this world … but why are so many of them so-called pillars of the community?

Well, one anonymous “Poo Jogger” was horrifying an Australian neighborhood with his excrement.

But he has now been exposed. Has his reign of terror has come to an end.

Excrement Emoji

Last Septamber, a female “Mad Pooper” was terrorizing Colorado Springs. But she’s not one of a kind.

Brisbane’s Poo Jogger has been leaving his (fortunately delible) mark on a Greenslopes apartment block.

This has been going on for months. It is believed that he has struck at least 30 times.

But this villain’s campaign of olfactory and psychological torment came to an end. It seems that he never expected that one of his victims would be proactive enough to lie in wait with a camera at the ready.

After Steve Smith followed the sightings of human feces enough to get a good grasp of the Poo Jogger’s route and schedule, he hid, waiting to expose the miscreant responsible.

Was it some disaffected youth? Some impoverished man with few options? An oversized dog who also leaves toilet paper at the scene?

The Poo Jogger has been identified as Brisbane resident Andrew Douglas Macintosh.

He is 64 years old.

Macintosh is the national quality manager at a major Australian retirement community company.

He also happens to be a member of the Brisbane City Council board.

So, just like on virtually every episode of Scooby Doo, the unidentified culprit striking fear into the hearts of the innocent was just some rich guy.

Excrement Emoji Cupcakes

While Macintosh has resigned from the company at which he works — for obvious reasons — it seems unlikely that he will face real consequences.

Queensland police only charged him with a single count of “public nuisance.”

A bit of a surprise, considering that he is accused of having “nuisanced” in this neighborhood at least 30 times.

Additionally, his attorneys are reportedly negotiating this down to a fine rather than a criminal charge.

So, like we said, no real consequences for someone doing the unthinkable.

Though perhaps he’ll face some social reprisals, at least.

Hard to be a pillar of the community when you’re infamous for leaving pillars around a community.

Obviously, Twitter had a field day.

Poo Jogger Tweets

Queensland police made a frankly incredible statement, saying:

“Just before 5pm on 11th May, the man attended a unit complex on Logan road and did a poo.”

Police note that there were signs of premeditation.

“He did have toilet paper on him though. At least he made sure his bum was clean, if not the surrounding area.”

You know, there are plenty of people in this world who can’t bring themselves to even use a friend’s bathroom — let alone a stall in some public restroom.

So we question how a person could physically make themselves defecated in open areas in a neighborhood near people’s homes.

Not to mention the more pressing quesiton of why.

This world is full of worse things than any of us would care to imagine.

But they do make for some entertaining headlines sometimes.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Odell Beckham Jr. Photographed For First Time Since Season-Ending Injury

Odell Beckham Jr. hopped out of bed a week after undergoing ankle surgery and the look on his face says it all — it ain’t no fun. The New York Giants WR was seen for the first time since suffering a horrific left ankle injury last weekend…


Monday, April 17, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Photographed Partying With Mystery Woman!

Just when you think Kailyn Lowry can’t pack any more drama into her life, the Teen Mom 2 star somehow finds a way.

Last week, the Internet was already abuzz with speculation about the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy when a new bombshell dropped, fueling even more rumors about Lowry’s love life.

Reports of a Kailyn Lowry sex tape spread like wildfire on social media on the strength of a single blind item tabloid piece that seemed to suggest Lowry starred in an explicit home movie with her then-boyfriend and an unidentified female.

Kailyn has denied the tape exists, but fans seem split as to whether or not they believe her.

Fortunately for Lowry, she has at least one staunch supporter who never doubted her when she claimed the rumors are bogus.

Her ex husband, Javi Marroquin, spoke out about the sex tape over the weekend, stating unequivocally that he doesn’t believe there’s any such footage out there.

Javi’s denial came as a surprise, as he and Kailyn haven’t been on the greatest terms lately.

But the latest photos of Marroquin have led some to the conclusion that Kailyn is the only one whose still hung up on their relationship:

Yes, it could be that Javi has no problem coming to his ex’s defense these days because he’s well and truly over their relationship.

Her life maybe more drama-fueled than ever, but it seems Javi is currently taking a more relaxed approach.

Javi dated Madison Channing Walls and is rumored to have been involved in at least one other short-lived relationship in the months since his divorce was finalized.

But it seems jumping right back into a serious relationship wasn’t the answer for Javi.

Now it looks like he’s trying the opposite tack and openly playing the field.

That may not be the answer either, but if it’s a mistake, at least at looks like a fun one.

Fans have been picking apart the photos from Javi’s recent night out, trying to figure out which – if any – of the unidentified women he’s taken an interest in.

We may never know for sure, but at least he’s put the kibosh on publicly trash talking the mother of his child.

So whatever Javi is doing these days, we’d like to encourage him to go right on doing it.

Maybe going out every night trawling for strange is the best thing Marroquin can do for his relationship with Lowry.

It wouldn’t be the first time these two left us scratching our heads.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Javi and Kailyn’s many ups and downs.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Meghan Markle: Photographed With Harry! Spending Christmas With the Queen!

Meghan Markle has enjoyed quite the boost in popularity in recent weeks.

As you’ve probably heard, Markle is dating Prince Harry and tabloids on both sides of the pond are rabid for details about their romance.

We imagine it’s a lot for her to take in, as Markle was previously best known for starring in the USA network legal drama Suits.

That would be like going from a basic cable series whose audience consists entirely of dozing seniors in retirement communities to a high-profile relationship with one of the world’s most eligible bachelors.

We’re not great at analogies.

Anyway, despite countless reports of Harry and Meghan hobnobbing, galavanting, and even publicly snogging all over London, none of these very British activities have been caught on camera.

Until now …

Yes, there it is, folks.

The first image of Harry with be-hoodied figure who were told is Meghan.

And now we know what galavanting looks like.

Naturally, there’s been a good deal of speculation over whether or not Harry and MegMar plan on spending the holidays together.

Several sources have reported that Harry is planning to introduce Meghan to the Queen over wassail and figgy pudding, but now a source is telling People that that’s both poppycock and a load of rubbish.

“I very much doubt she will be there,” a royal insider tells the magazine.

“But if Harry asks for something, she would say yes as she adores him.”

“It would be a tall order for her, and possibly put her off for good!”

Yeah, imagine making small talk with a 90-year-old monarch would be a bit of a challenge:

“Hey, have you have been watching The Crown? Man, your husband was kind of a dick back in the day, right?”

You can see the difficulty.

Plus, it’s unfair to put Markle in that situation.

QE2 (as the kids call her) is old enough to have traded barbs with Churchill and her TV show is still more popular than Suits.

That must sting a little, right?


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Malia Obama: Photographed With Bong Following Pot Scandal

Summer may be over for college students all over America, but Malia Obama wisely decided to take a year off between high school and her first semester at Harvard, which means the only thing she’ll need to cram for is an introductory course on getting blazed.

And based on recent tabloid coverage of the First Daughter, we’d say Malia is thoroughly committed to her studies.

It all started when video that allegedly showed Malia smoking pot at the Lollaplooza music festival in Chicago surfaced online.

Shortly thereafter, sources claimed that Malia fled a house party moments before cops arrived and found that her fellow revelers had been smoking the demon jazz cabbage.

Hilariously, earlier this week, Malia trolled the haters and concern trolls who are far too interested in the social life of an 18-year-old girl by rocking a homemade “Smoking Kills” t-shirt at the Made in America Festival in Philadelphia.

Now, it seems that the eldest Obama daughter further demonstrated she has zero f–ks to give by partying in the presence of a ginormous bong while rocking the selfsame shirt.

Radar Online has obtained a photo of Malia standing next to a bong (complete with requisite Bob Marley sticker to ensure it won’t be mistaken for a giant test tube), reportedly while attending a Made in America afer-party.

Not only did the site publish the pic, they had a Photoshop expert examine it to make sure it hadn’t been re-touched:

“I have examined the image in detail,” analyst Alan Barry told the site.

“While what has been provided me is a very low resolution image, it is nevertheless clear to me that the image of Malia has not in any way been manipulated using photoshop or any similar software.”

Barry added:

“Specifically, her image was not added or overplayed in anyway to another image to create the final photo,” he said.

“That is, for better or worse, Malia Obama in the photo.”

Cue the Law & Order gong, this case has been blown wide open!

We now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Malia Obama occasionally hangs out with people who smoke weed.

The only question now is: why should we care?

If you have any insight as to why certain media outlets are attempting to turn this into a thing, please let us know in the comments.