Showing posts with label Pure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pure. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian to Kim: You Are Pure Evil!

This just in, Keeping Up with the Kardashians fans:

Season 15 of this oddly beloved reality series is going to be lit.

And Kourtney Kardashian might actually explode at one point during it.

In a previously-published sneak peek at this Sunday"s premiere, we witnessed Kourtney Kardashian absolutely blast her sisters, referring to Khloe and Kim as "born bitches."

What, exactly, was the cause of the tension between supposed loved ones?

You can watch for yourself HERE to find out.

Now, in a new clip from this upcoming episode, we pick up right where the aforementioned fight left off, right after Kourtney stormed away from her siblings.

In the video featured on this page, Kourtney calls up Khloe and is instantly triggered.

“I’m not here to be mistreated by my f-cing bitch family,” she says, on speakerphone of course.

She continues:

“Kim saying that I’m the least interesting to look at – who even speaks like that? You don’t say things like that.

"You guys just have really different values than me. I choose to be a mother to my three kids. I’m not here looking for another job. I already work enough – more than I would like to.”

As you might expect, Kourtney implying (heck, stating) that she is the only sister who cares more about her children than her occupation sets Kim off.

"YOU DON"T DO SHIT!" Kim screams, adding:

“You would honestly think that we have more jobs, so [you should] work around our schedule.

You do whatever the f-ck you want to do and you don’t do shit, so be accommodating to the people that actually do shit.”

“You’re a very distraught, evil human being,” Kourtney replies. “I don’t want to see you, okay? I don’t agree with who you are as a human being.”

Amazing, right?

The producers have really outdone themselves with the writing for this premiere.

Kim then tells Kourtney to eff herself, yelling and ranting and raving:

“Clearly you’re going through something else, because you’re acting like a f-cking lunatic.

So maybe deal with that. What I said to you was rude and I wasn’t even being serious, so I said I’m sorry for that. But you’re the most f-cking entitled person on the planet when you work the least.”

Again: Amazing!

If you need to catch up, you can go watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online now.

If you wanna see how this spat ends, you can tune in to E! at 9/8c on Sunday, August 5.

Kourtney kardashian lashes out as evil sister

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Russell Simmons Says Jane Doe Rape Lawsuit is Pure Extortion

Russell Simmons says the vile allegations against him in a lawsuit filed by Jane Doe are pure fiction, and an extortion attempt to extract money from a rich man. Simmons filed new legal docs in the case where a woman claimed he raped her after…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Farrah Abraham"s Family Is Pure TRASH!

The feud between Farrah Abraham and Catelynn Lowell has been simmering for several years, but only in the last few months has it truly erupted.

As is so often the case, things really got bad after Farrah ran her mouth in one of her signature semi-coherent tirades.

Farrah expressed her unfounded belief that Catelynn is on drugs and that her husband, Tyler Baltierra, is gay.

It didn"t come out of nowhere, obviously, but the rant left many fans wondering just what Catelynn and Tyler did to make Farrah so very mad.

Now, it looks like we"re finally getting some background information on what"s shaping up to be one of the great Teen Mom fueds of all time!

1. It’s Been Fun, Farrah!

Farrah abraham blonde photo

Farrah was recently fired by Teen Mom OG producers due to her refusal to stop performing in online sex shows. Abraham’s continued involvement in the adult entertainment world has long been a point of contention for her employers.

2. Making Enemies

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

Of course, several of Farrah’s castmates were happy to see her go, including Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra, who have been the targets of Abraham’s embittered vitriol several times in the past few months.

3. Farrah Lets Loose

Farrah lynn abraham

Back in December, Farrah went off on Lowell and Baltierra in a seemingly unprovoked Twitter tirade. “Catelynn smokes weed in her car, Tyler’s gay still doesn’t admit it, I travel the world & know how to run businesses,” Farrah wrote.

4. Why the Beef?

Farrah abraham red hair

Obviously, Farrah’s insults were pretty weak (very few young people would be offended by being called gay or a pothead these days), but still, fans were intrigued, and many wondered why Farrah was so angry at Tyler and Catelynn.

5. No Help Here

Tyler baltierra teen mom og

Catelynn was in a rehab facility at the time of the attack, but Tyler clapped back on Twitter. Unfortunately, his reply didn’t shed much light on the matter. “In order for her to really insult me, I would first need to value her opinion and the lion does not dwell on the opinions of sheep,” he tweeted.

6. The Truth Is Out There

Farrah abraham castle selfie

At first, the most common theory was jealousy. Tyler and Catelynn had recently launched a business venture, and Ms. Abraham likes to think of herself as the only true mogul on the cast. Now, however, we know that there was far more going on than we realized at the time…

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Farrah Abraham Shuts Down Mental Illness Claim: My Mom is Pure Evil!

In a recent interview, zero-time mom-of-the-year Debra Danielsen claimed that Farrah Abraham is suffering from multiple mental illnesses.

While mental illness doesn’t deserve its stigma, offering an armchair diagnosis of your famous daughter is … inexcusable.

Farrah is now responding by firing back at her mother.

As you may recall, Debra shared her “compassionate” words about Farrah in an interview.

“If you have Borderline Personality Disorder, if you have narcissism, any of these kinds of things, they’re all highly treatable.”

Whether or not you imagine that someone is having symptoms of something, it’s irresponsible to assign them a diagnosis. Um, especially in an interview.

“All is not lost, but I will say that deep down inside I know my daughter. She is kind, loving and she is sweet and very compassionate.”

Despite her upbringing, we guess.

“I think she works extremely hard, I think she just needs to step back a moment, and take some time and get healthy and take time for her so she can heal.”

Farrah tells People that it is “sad to hear my own mother would say these untrue things about her own child.”

We should keep in mind that Farrah has claimed that Debra has Asperger’s … which is also not an okay thing to guess in an interview, and seems better designed to malign the autistic community than anything else.

But Farrah goes in on her mother’s words.

“It’s evil and alarming. After all these years, I still have her best interests at heart.”

Evil is a very strong word, but honestly … people don’t use it enough. Not for the right things, anyway.

Farrah is perhaps not the best judge of what is and is not reasonable, but she’s right about this being a crappy stunt to pull on her mother’s part.

Farrah goes on to reveal how she views her mental health.

“Clinically & honestly, none of my TV show therapists & personal therapist have all said I’m balanced.”

That’s … an interestingly worded statement, but we think that she means to say that her therapists all say that she’s fine.

We’re not saying that they really said that, we’re just saying that this is what Farrah meant to say. Obviously, we don’t know what her therapists have told her, only how she’s apparently interpreted it.

“I started therapy in my past at the age of 14 due to my mother and I not getting along as our family therapist sided with me about my safety and my life choices that my mother has never been supportive or caring to help guide her own children.”

In the past, Farrah has accused her mother of terrible abuse. Which might explain some of Farrah’s … quirks … but not excuse things like Farrah’s race-fueled rants.

Farrah then shares that her therapists “have come to the conclusion my mother is jealous” of Farrah.

“I always wish my mother the best as I attended her wedding supporting her.”

As Farrah continues to talk about her mother, her sentence structure takes on exciting new forms.

“Saying horrible things about your own child after I’m the only one who has ever strived to overlook her demons she fights daily against.”

You know, Farrah’s said that she’s going into scripted television now that she was fired from Teen Mom OG. “Farrah Abraham: Demon-Slayer” sounds like an amazing trainwreck that I would watch every week. Just saying.

Farrah continues.

“This brings sadness to our family and I wish her all the best for the sake of my health & safety I wish her all the best.”

So … she wishes her mother the best … for the sake of her own health. Not very selfless, but that probably is healthy if Farrah means it.

That said, Farrah says that she and her daughter are getting the hell out of Dodge.

“I hope she has enjoyed the Teen Mom MTV ride that Sophia brought to her life as I’m moving on from that toxic environment she dwells in.”

In other words, Farrah plans to cut off Debra from her granddaughter after this.

“I hope she ceases talking about me since she does not love me she does not need to speak about me to stay relevant in a disgustingly hateful way. God Bless.”

Don’t worry, Debra … at least you’ll always have your bond with Amber Portwood, right?


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

13 Famous Relationships That Were Pure BS

Not every celebrity relationship out there can reach Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard-like levels of love, commitment and all around cuteness.

Inspired by the questions that hounded Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston throughout their rumored romance we"ve compiled a list of famous couples who may have just been smiling for camera…

… or who may have just been putting on a pretend happy face.

1. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Tom cruise and katie holmes

The classic example. Most people believe Holmes was selected by Scientology higher-ups who have always controlled Cruise’s love life. The way these two have acted since their split only serves to highlight this rumor.

2. Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron

Vanessa hudgens and zac efron

Hmmm… was it a coincidence that the romance between these High School Musical stars lasted basically as long as that Disney movie franchise?

3. Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough

Ryan seacrest and julianne hough

Seacrest started dating Hough soon after rumors sprang up that questioned his heterosexuality. After they split, Ryan allegedly bought his ex a $ 3 million mansion… as a thank you?

4. Taylor Swift and Harry Styles

Taylor swift and harry styles

Some folks believe Swift jumped in while the One Direction iron as hot with Styles, pretending she was dating the rising boy band singer before he truly made it big. Those stage photo ops only served to fuel this rumor.

5. John Travola and Kelly Preston

John travola and kelly preston

These two have been married for years and have kids together. But gay rumors continue to follow Travolta around, making many think Preston has simply agreed to be his “beard.”

6. Shailene Woodley and Theo James

Shailene woodley and theo james

They never came out as a couple. But did they pretend to flirt, pretend to have some kind of romantic interest, in order to drive up ticket sales for the Divergent franchse?

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Monday, February 6, 2017

Lady Gaga"s Super Bowl Crib in Houston Was a Pure Gem (PHOTO GALLERY)

Lady Gaga’s crash pad in Houston for Super Bowl week is big enough for true Patriots … as in the entire team! Gaga’s staying in a $ 10,000 a night palace … nearly 10,000 square feet, with a Renaissance-style stone spiral staircase for grand…


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Drake Birthday Tribute: 29 Photos and Videos That Are Pure Drizzy

Whether he"s getting his fighting Diddy outside of a club or murdering Meek Mill on wax, we here at THG like to celebrate Drake year-round.

If you"re a Seinfeld fan, you might say we love the Drake. If you have no idea what that means, then let"s just say we enjoy everything Aubrey Drake Graham has done from his time on Degrassi up through his mixtape with Future.

We"re even fans of the infamous video of a young Drake hassling his mom over a tuna fish sandwich.

So in honor of the 6 God and his loyal woes, please enjoy this tribute to the man they call Drizzy:


1. The Drake Stare

The drake stare

Drake stares down his audience in this concert photo. He gets a big following wherever he goes.

2. Drake Laughing

Drake laughing

The Six God knows how to enjoy himself – especially when he’s courtside with his woes.

3. Drake Got Swag

Drake got swag

Or something. We’ll try to give him the benefit of the doubt despite this fashion choice.

4. Madonna Kisses Drake at Coachella

Madonna kisses drake at coachella

Madonna kissed Drake during her performance at Coachella. Clearly, the rapper did not appreciate the show of affection.

5. Drake and Nicki Minaj

Drake and nicki minaj

This pic is from before Drizzy started beefing with Nicki’s dude, Meek Mill. These days, you might say nothing is the same.

6. Drake – Hold On (We’re Going Home)

Drake hold on were going home

The video for Drake’s “Started From the Bottom.” An instant classic, and one of the biggest hits of his career.

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