Showing posts with label REIGN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REIGN. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Scott Disick: Kourtney Was Cheating! Reign Is Not My Son!

Throughout his relationship with Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick was frequently unfaithful.

But now, it seems the Lord is having anxiety over the possibility that his lady was stepping out on him toward the end of their time together.

Insiders have noticed that Scott is closer with his older two children than with his youngest son, Reign–and there are some interesting theories as to why that might be,

“This sounds horrible to say, but Scott is closest to Mason and then Penelope,” one insider tells Life & Style.

The source notes that while Scott has a bond with Reign, “it’s not the same as the one he had with Mason when he was that young.”

Part of the problem could be that Scott simply isn’t as involved in the life of his youngest child.

Though he’s always been an unrepentant partier, Scott assumed the role of an attentive father when Mason was born.

He put on his dad hat again when Penelope entered the world.

With Reign, however, the circumstances were very different.

It wasn’t long after the birth of Scott and Kourtney’s third child that their relationship fell apart.

Scott and Kourtney split for good in 2015, when Reign was just six months old.

Shortly thereafter, Scott embarked on an epic bender, traveling the world in the company of increasingly younger starlets.

These days Disick is dating Sofia Richie, and his relationship reportedly takes up the bulk of his time.

So there are many factors pl why Scott might not be as close with his youngest kid.

But insiders say the biggest reason is that Disick has doubts about whether Reign is really his son.

“Reign was conceived when Kourtney and Scott were going through a rough patch. At the time, Scott didn’t question whether he was the father, but that soon changed,” explains the source.

“It didn’t take long for Scott to start having doubts as to whether Reign is actually his child.”

“What really got under Scott’s skin is when family members said that Reign didn’t look like him,” says the insider.

“Penelope and Mason are dead ringers for Scott, but Reign looks more like Kourtney.”

The source adds that in the months before Reign was conceived, Scott and Kourtney often spent long stretches of time apart.

“There were countless times when they’d split up and not see each other for weeks. And whenever they had a huge argument,” says the source.

The insider adds that during that time, Kourtney often “went out of her way to seek revenge. She’d often party with her pals and close guy friends.” 

Scott has reportedly addressed these concerns with Kourtney, but it seems she refuses to acknowledge his suspicions.

“Kourtney didn’t want to hear it when Scott asked if he’s really the father,” says the insider.

“She outright denied [that Reign could be someone else’s],” the source adds.

“During the heated bust-up, Scott brought up doing a DNA test. Kourtney said no, which has only heightened his suspicions.”

So it seems the matter will remain a mystery–unless, of course, Kris Jenner can talk Kourtney into doing a DNA test for TV ratings.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Matt Lauer Had Free Reign Because "Today" Sets Its Own Rules

Matt Lauer was able to get away with a lot at the “Today” show for decades… because the show made its own rules, and routinely ignored its bosses at the network. Sources connected to both “Today” and NBC tell TMZ, a number of NBC News…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Reign Disick Rocks Ponytail, Raises a Few Questions

Kourtney Kardashian has found an effective way to distract the public from rumors about her relationship status.

Is she really back together with Scott Disick, as many have been wondering about for months and as E! News has seemingly confirmed?

It sure seems that way.

But did she put son Reign’s hair up in a ponytail this week while out and about with her toddler, causing many on the Internet to speculate as to why?

Absolutely. See for yourself:

Anyone with a young child knows how challenging it can be to do up his or her hair in the morning.

Although, to be frank, this is typically more of a problem with girls than with boys.

Why hasn’t Kourtney simply gotten Reign a haircut, considering he appears to need it badly?

We cannot say for certain.

But some are even wondering if the reality star is trying to make a statement with this picture. By placing her male child’s hair in a ponytail, is she showing subtle support for the LGBT community?

Perhaps these folks are reading too much into a simple picture, but we’d like to believe they are on to something.

Elsewhere, meanwhile, Disick took to Instagram on Tuesday to share an adorable snapshot his afternoon sledding with his three kids.

He really does have to be commended for spending a lot more time of late with his loved ones and less at the club, getting wasted.

“Fast times,” he captioned the cute sledding photo below.

fast times

As you can see, the image features Scott and his three kids sliding down a snowy slope in an inflatable candy-cane striped tube.

There’s Reign, who turns two years old on December 14, nestled in his lap… while the famous dad is also managing to hold onto a tube carrying his older kid Mason, 6, and daughter Penelope, 4.

Kourtney and Scott were clearly all about family in general this week because the former shared yet another precious picture on her social media account.

With nephew Saint West turning a year old on December 5, she shared the following photo, which was snapped on December 5, 2015.

“I can’t believe this was one year ago today. Happy birthday my little Sainty.”

Earlier this month, Kourtney came under fire for having her daughter walk down the stairs in high heels, as you can see below.

While we can see the potential for danger with that decision… come on.

There was no harm, there was no foul.

It’s difficult enough to be a parent, let alone a parent in the public eye.

Why are people so quick to judge mothers? It’s sad, really.


Monday, September 5, 2016

Big Brother Recap: The Final Four Reign Supreme

The Final Four are proving to be quite the alliance in Big Brother and it’s bringing all the drama to a halt. 

We finally got up to speed on what went down before Thursday’s live show and it was pretty spectacular. 

Meech continued to think she was super safe for the week, but she still had not talked game with Nicole, or even Corey. 

This proved she genuinely thought the target was Paul, but it’s almost like she just rolled over and let her game die. 

When Nicole revealed the truth to James and Natalie, they were pretty shocked. Neither James or Natalie had spoke game with Nicole throughout the week. 

There is such a thing as being too safe and that’s usually when people are sent packing. Michelle’s pleas for Corey and Nicole to keep her were hilarious. 

Michelle is the one who has made it crystal clear that she’s going after Nicole and Corey, so why would they vote to keep her in the game?

The mind boggles and Michelle is probably sitting in the jury house crying right now, but her going was the best strategic move for Nicole. 

If Michelle stayed, she would have joined forces with Natalie and James to take out the rest of the house. She’s too much of an emotional player to conceal her true intentions. 

It’s totally understandable why Michelle resents Nicole. It’s almost like Nicole has been inside an impenetrable bubble all season long. 

People have been playing the game, while Nicole just hung around with Corey and acted like she was on her summer vacation. On paper, it’s a terrible strategy, but look where Nicole is now. 

She’s all but guaranteed to make it to final five and she’s found love in the process. It would be intriguing if the relationship continued to flourish out of the house. 

The reality TV romances seem to have a shelf life and implode after the cameras stop rolling. 

At the HOH competition, Corey seemed to think he should throw the competition because he knew Paul and Victor were gunning for Natalie and James. 

It was a good tactic, but what if Nicole or Corey had to go up as the replacement nominee? That would have been his plan ruined. 

Also, putting his first egg in the HAVE basket pretty much proved to James and Natalie that he felt comfortable in the house. 

Nicole tried to lighten up the mood by throwing terrible jokes at her fellow houseguests and they were horrid. 

There was a time when Nicole was genuinely funny, but the way she’s acted this season has made me change my perception of her. 

Victor won his third HOH competition of the season.

Natalie was furious with James after the competition because she knew they were being picked off now. She’s livid that she actually trusted Nicole and Corey. 

The crazy thing about all of this is that James has gone back on his word multiple times, so he’s not the most reliable player. 

James trying to cut a deal with Victor was hilarious. Victor made it clear that James cut him after doing his dirty work and that’s why he was going on the block. 

Victor nominated Natalie and James.


What do you think of all the drama?

Who do you want targeted this week?

Hit the comments!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Watch Reign Online: Check Out Season 3 Episode 15

Thank you, Reign!

With so many shows wrapping up their seasons this week and then going on hiatus, it’s nice to have a series on a different schedule.

We’ve got plenty more to go on Reign Season 3, people!

On Reign Season 3 Episode 15, for example, Mary was forced to leave France quickly and quietly in order to secure safe passage to Scotland.

However, her departure was be put at risk depending on the choice she made; would she actually assist Catherine, who has been framed for murder?

Click on the above video to watch Reign online and learn the answer to this question now.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Watch Reign Online: Check Out Season 3 Episode 11!

FINALLY, right?

Following a four-month hiatus that felt even longer, Reign returned to The CW on Monday evening.

Was the wait worthwhile? What took place on Reign Season 3 Episode 11?

This entertaining hour of television took place with Charles’ coronation in the near future, a fact that forced Mary to find a suitor who could be her ally.

Meanwhile, Lola discovered who’s been poisoning Elizabeth… and the castle’s serial killer had special plans for Catherine.

Indeed, as you’ll find out when you watch Reign online via the helpful video above, the series got right back into the thick of things.

Sit back and enjoy now!

Watch Reign Online: Check Out Season 3 Episode 11!

FINALLY, right?

Following a four-month hiatus that felt even longer, Reign returned to The CW on Monday evening.

Was the wait worthwhile? What took place on Reign Season 3 Episode 11?

This entertaining hour of television took place with Charles’ coronation in the near future, a fact that forced Mary to find a suitor who could be her ally.

Meanwhile, Lola discovered who’s been poisoning Elizabeth… and the castle’s serial killer had special plans for Catherine.

Indeed, as you’ll find out when you watch Reign online via the helpful video above, the series got right back into the thick of things.

Sit back and enjoy now!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian: Is Reign Really My Baby?!

As you’ve probably heard, Kourtney Kardashian is hooking up with Justin Bieber, and Scott Disick is understandably less than thrilled with the situation.

In fact, sources say the news has led to Disick relapsing – and questioning everything he thought he knew about his relationship with Kourtney.

It was Scott cheating on Kourtney that ended the decade-long relationship, but apparently Disick is now worried that Kourtney was unfaithful to him toward the end of their time together.

Now, one insider claims Scott is questioning the paternity of Reign, the couple’s 1-year-old son.

“Scott feels like Kourtney is acting like a child and that his 36-year old former fiance may have been hooking up with Bieber or other young men while they were still together,” a source tells OK! magazine.

Many have pointed out that around the time Kourtney became pregnant with Reign, Scott was usually off drinking and partying, and it wouldn’t have been difficult for her to carry on an affair – especially since she probably suspected him of cheating, anyway.

The insider says Scott hasn’t demanded a paternity test yet, but adds that he’s told Kourtney about his doubts.

According to reports, Kourtney has denied cheating, but Scott feels that if she’s capable of hooking up with the Biebs – she’s capable of anything.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian Pays No Attention To Scott Disick"s Latest Antics As She Enjoys The Mountains With Baby Reign!

Kourtney Kardashian is handling her split from Scott Disick like a total champ!

Instead of playing into Scott’s recent cheap shot on Instagram, the reality star decided to spend some quality time in the mountains with her 10-month-old baby, Reign Disick.

Related: Kourtney Reflects On ‘Being Alone’ Months After Breaking Up With Scott!

So adorable AND refreshing!

We have a feeling Kardashian left her two other children, Penelope and Mason Disick back in El Lay with their aunties because she needs some alone time as the new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians starts.

Considering there’s a lot of emotional break-up moments in the latest installment of KUWTK, we can’t say we blame her!

The mom of two captioned the reflective and gorgeous shot:

“Yellowstone National Park. #lonemountainranch #justcallmedavycrockett.”

Ha! Great Davy Crockett impersonation, Kourt!

We just adore this Kourtney 2.0 — girl is a blast ever since she split from LD. From hanging out with friends to appreciating nature, the reality star looks like she has finally found happiness.

Enjoy the rest of your vacay!!

[Image via Instagram.]