Showing posts with label Reasons'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reasons'. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

24 Reasons Why Kids are Just the Worst

Kids are the best. We all know this to be true.

Let"s face it, though: Kids are also the worst.

Yes, of course (almost) all parents will say that becoming a mother or a father is worthwhile. It"s the most rewarding role of one"s life and all that.

But it can also drive you temporarily insane, for just some of the reasons listed below…

1. They Hog the Bathroom

They hog the bathroom

And God knows what they do in there.

2. They Insist on Dressing Themselves

They insist on dressing themselves

And they just don’t understand that you can’t wear a black belt with brown shoes.

3. They’re Adorable…

Theyre adorable

… but they also fart all the time.

4. They Vomit

They vomit

A lot.

5. They Pee on Themselves

They pee on themselves

And, on many occasions, on you as well.

6. They Don’t Comprehend the Concept of Personal Space

They dont comprehend the concept of personal space

You have a crib of your own, kid.

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Monday, May 1, 2017

Selena Gomez Talks Suicide, 13 Reasons Why Controversy

For many years, Selena Gomez had to come up with a list of at least 13 reasons why she was dating a douchebag such as Justin Bieber.

No longer, however. The two have been apart for a very long time now.

But the singer has traded in that controversy for a scandal that centers on a Netflix series titled 13 Reasons Why, as she serves as a producer on the surprise smash hit.

13 Reasons Why is officially the most-Tweeted about series of 2017, with a second season very likely on the way.

It’s most popular among the same demographic that has supported Gomez for many years; that is, young and impressionable teenage girls.

And herein lies the problem, according to various mental health professionals.

The series tells the story of a high school sophomore named Hannah Baker.

We learn right away that she has committed suicide, while also having recorded a number of audio tapes that she’s handed out to those who she believes wronged her, contributing in some way to her fatal decision.

A handful of school districts around the country have sent letters home to parents, urging them to make sure their kids do not watch the show on their own.

At the same time, doctors and psychologists have taken 13 Reasons Why to task for its depiction of suicide, claiming the series glorifies the act and treats it as a form of revenge; as opposed to a serious mental health problem.

“We do not recommend that vulnerable youth, especially those who have any degree of suicidal ideation, watch this series,” The National Association of School Psychologists has said in a statement.

Those behind 13 Reasons Why have been forced to come to its defense, with lead writer Brian Yorkey saying the following:

“Many people are accusing the show of glamorizing suicide and I feel strongly – and I think everyone who made the show – feel very strongly that we did the exact opposite.

“What we did was portray suicide and we portrayed it as very ugly and very damaging.”

And now Gomez has also issued a response to the controversy.

“We stayed very true to the book and that’s initially what [author] Jay Asher created… a beautifully tragic, complicated yet suspenseful story, and I think that’s what we wanted to do,” the 24-year old  told the Associated Press, over the weekend, referencing the 2007 novel on which the show is based.

She added:

“We wanted to do it justice and, yeah, [the backlash is] going to come no matter what. It’s not an easy subject to talk about, but I’m very fortunate with how it’s doing.”

Gomez does speak from some experience here.

She has battled mental health issues, even checking into rehab last fall for about five weeks.

“Overwhelmed with the response and love @13reasonswhy is receiving,” she wrote on Instagram earlier this month, adding:

“Thank you to each beautiful person who has watched and talked about the message of our show.”

Paris Jackson, however, is among the celebrities who are wary of teenagers watching 13 Reasons Why.

The daughter of Michael Jackson has attempted suicide on multiple occasions.

She recently wrote on Instagram that 13 Reasons Why is “an extremely triggering thing to watch” and warned viewers to “only watch this show with caution and keep in mind that it may put you in a dark place.”

That’s one thing on which every viewer can agree.

If you’re looking for a laugh or for a series that doesn’t leave a lasting impact, 13 Reasons Why is not for you.


Friday, April 28, 2017

Jana Duggar: 13 Reasons Why ... She is Still Single?

Why is Jana Duggar single?

That"s a question Duggar Nation has been asking for years, and fans have not shied away from offering their two cents, and then some.

Some theories are more out there than others, obviously; Jana isn"t secretly a monster underneath her long dresses and skirts (we think).

But regardless of why the 27-year-old remains on the market, she continues to fascinate fans because WHY IS SHE ON THE MARKET?!

With Jill, Jessa and Jinger all married and Joy-Anna not far behind, the eldest Duggar daughter does her own thing. It"s a little baffling.

Here"s a look at all the rumors or reports we"ve read explaining this most unlikely phenomenon, and why they"re likely true (or false).

1. She’s not allowed to date because Jim Bob needs her as a surrogate mom.

Jana duggar on facebook

This theory is both the longest-running and the most likely, given that Jana has been taking care of her younger siblings for her entire life (when she was born, the show was called 3 & Counting … just kidding). In all seriousness, she’s been a key part of raising her brothers and sisters for years, and even now, can be seen taking care of her nieces and nephews (like Josh’s daughter, above). Whether or not this correlates with Jim Bob turning a blind eye to suitors, or her simply being so put-upon that she can’t consider courting, or some combination of both? That we may never know for sure, but Jana earned the nickname “Cinderella Duggar” for a reason.

2. She’s infertile.

Jana duggar a picture

In the Duggars’ world view, a woman’s value comes solely from the amount of babies she can crank out over the course of a lifetime, so if Jana doesn’t have that ability, she may not be “desirable” for Jim Bob and Michelle in terms of finding her a partner … and as such, she might as well be put to work, dovetailing with the above theory.

3. She’s a lesbian.

Jana duggar michaela bates

Unlikely … but it has been rumored before on several occasions, and scientifically at least, 1-2 of the Duggars’ 19 kids being gay is plausible, maybe even likely. Jana hasn’t shown any interest in courting, and we can’t imagine there wouldn’t be interest from young men … if she’s attracted to women, her family would never admit it, or she would never admit it to them, and she would enter into a life of servitude to Jim Bob and Michelle. A stretch, but crazier things have happened.

4. She’s not impressed … by the Quiverfull movement.

Jana duggar is not impressed

One fan theory is that she’s taken a Godly path, but not the controversial one espoused by her parents. Jim Bob and Michelle have embraced the “Quiverfull” movement, which basically means “be fruitful and multiply.” Jana, the theory goes, wants to embark on a path of celibacy, like the apostle Paul recommended. A little out there, but then again these are the Duggars. Can you rule that out?

5. She’s not allowed to date until John David does, or doesn’t want to.

John david and jana duggar photo

That’s just lunacy … but it is interesting that neither of the twins have entered into a courtship. Twins are known for a bond that few others understand or share. Perhaps they’re somehow looking to be paired off at the same time?

6. She’s not settling. (Or is too picky.)

Jana duggar counting on promo photo

Crazy notion, right? That a 27-year-old woman just hasn’t felt strongly enough about a particular person yet? She basically said this last fall, telling TLC: “I don’t know what the next five years will look like. In some ways you’ve got hopes and dreams. Maybe I’ll meet the one and get married and have kids and stuff. There have been different guys come along and ask, but they haven’t been the right one. It’s just one of those things. I’m not just out to get married to the first one who comes along.” Case closed?

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13 Reasons Why: Does It Glorify Suicide?

13 Reasons Why is a breakout hit for Netflix.

The streaming network never goes public with download numbers for its programs, but it came out last week that the drama has been the most Tweeted-about series of 2017.

In this day and age, there’s nearly no better metric with which to measure success.

But 13 Reasons Why has been making headlines ever since its March 31 release for reasons aside from hashtags and social media mentions.

The series has raised numerous red flags for mental health experts, many of whom believe it sends a potentially dangerous message about teenage suicide.

In short, the show centers around a high school student named Hannah.

We find out almost immediately that she’s killed herself, although she still narrates the entire first season because Hannah recorded 13 tapes prior to slitting her wrists, each of which calls out certain individuals at her high school for how they treated her.

And, therefore, how each contributed to her decision to take her own life.

The drama (co-produced by Selena Gomez) is meant to leave a strong impact on its viewers, touching on such topics as bullying, sexual assault and underage drinking.

Netflix makes it clear, via a special message, at the outset of various episodes that the upcoming content is graphic and mature in nature.

But this isn’t enough for some institutions and some doctors.

A handful of middle schools and high schools have sent letters home, urging parents to not allow their children to watch 13 Reasons Why without adult supervision.

“Suicide is a tough issue to talk about,” says Dr. Christina Conolly, who works for Maryland’s Montgomery County School District, where she helped write a letter that states “adolescents watching without an adult … could be at increased risk of self-harm.”

Dr. Conolly doesn’t necessarily call out 13 Reasons Why for any of its storylines, simply saying in general:

“Watching a suicide or knowing someone who has died by suicide can lead others to completing a suicide themselves.”

The National Association of School Psychologists agrees, declaring in its own statement:

“We do not recommend that vulnerable youth, especially those who have any degree of suicidal ideation, watch this series.”

More specifically, some in the professional field question why the show never really brings up the topic of mental health in general, while also finding fault with the way in which it paints suicide as a form of revenge.

They also have a major problem with how a guidance counselor appears to blame Hannah for having been raped by a fellow student.

It’s this conversation, Hannah herself says in one of her audio tapes, that serves as the final nail in her tragic coffin.

In the upstate New York community of Grand Island, school administrators warned that the series “sensationalizes suicide.”

Indiana’s largest school district warned in an email that the series “does not accurately model what we would want or hope individuals do if they are struggling or in crisis.”

13 Reasons Why is based on a 2007 novel by the same name.

But the TV version takes many liberties, veering far off the original script at times and expanding on many developments and character arcs.

Gomez, who has talked openly about her own emotional struggles over the years, said she was braced for a backlash upon agreeing to produce the drama.

“It’s going to come no matter what. It’s not an easy subject to talk about. But I’m very fortunate with how it’s doing,” she has said.

Brian Yorkey, who won a Tony Award and a Pulitzer Prize for the musical Next to Normal, was one of the main writers on 13 Reasons Why.

He disagrees with the critics who think the show paints suicide in any sort of positive or glamorous light. 

“Many people are accusing the show of glamorizing suicide and I feel strongly – and I think everyone who made the show – feel very strongly that we did the exact opposite,” he says, adding:

What we did was portray suicide and we portrayed it as very ugly and very damaging.”

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, suicide is the second-leading cause of death among American teens between the ages of 15 to 19.

It’s a real issue, one that those behind 13 Reasons Why say they have taken as seriously as possible.

Asked about troubled teens and their possible response to what they see on screen, including a graphic depiction of Hannah killing herself, Gomez says:

“They have to see something that’s going to shake them. This show is as real as it can possibly get.”


19 Reasons We Hate House Hunters (And Yet Can"t Stop Watching!)

House Hunters is the most addictive show on television.

Go ahead. Put it on… and then try to turn it off.

You simply can"t do it. Despite the repetitive nature of every single episode, along with controversies over how the entire series is fake and staged, HGTV has found a runaway smash hit in House Hunters.

As evidenced below, however, this doesn"t mean viewers think the show is perfect.

In fact, many Twitters users have A LOT of complaints over the couples featured, the requests they make and the responses by their realtors.

We"re guessing most folks out there can relate to the following issues, and we"re also guessing these same folks will be tuning in to House Hunters every week nonetheless!

1. When the Couple Fails to Comprehend the Concept of Money

When the couple fails to comprehend the concept of money

You have exchanged monetary amounts for goods and services before, right?

2. When Their Opinions Make No Sense

When their opinions make no sense

Who doesn’t like the sounds of birds chirping?!?

3. When They Want to Be Close to Downtown, But Not Any Human Beings

When they want to be close to downtown but not any human beings

Good luck with this!

4. You Know He Also Wants an Open Floor Plan, Though

You know he also wants an open floor plan though

They ALL want an open floor plan.

5. It Doesn’t Go on Trees?

It doesnt go on trees

Did we mention the house also has trees?!?

6. When People Get Way Too Profound

When people get way too profound

These items can’t speak.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

17 Reasons Why You Should Feel Sorry for The Kardashians

Pity the Kardashians, folks.

Break out the violins for them.

Just consider the kinds of pressing problems this family has faced over the years…

1. No Cell Service!

No cell service

No cell phone service?!? How can Kris Jenner even go on with her life?

2. Losing One’s Diamond Earring

Losing ones diamond earring

NOOO! Kim Kardashian has lost her diamond earrings in the water. Does it get any more tragic?

3. Inappropriate Selfe-Snapping

Inappropriate selfe snapping

Look, Kim Kardashian, there are appropriate times to take selfies and less appropriate times to take selfies.

4. Being Bipolar Over Hair

Being bipolar over hair

Wait… did I make the wrong hair decision? NOO!!! Say it isn’t so.

5. When Makeup Prevents Crying

When makeup prevents crying

Know when you want to cry? But you’re wearing very expensive makeup? Kim Kardashian does.

6. Having Stuff to Do

Having stuff to do

It doesn’t get much worse than this: your friend wants to hang out, but you need to do some stuff.

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Friday, March 17, 2017

19 Reasons Grandpa Should Text ALL the Time

We all love our grandparents.

They are old and sweet and they love us a whole lot.

But that doesn"t mean they ought to be permitted to communicate via text message.

Just consider the following grandfather texts as evidence that phones should be kept as far away as possible from the greatest generation…

… or that they should ONLY communicate this way.

These messages are either hilarious or embarrassing, depending on your point of view.

1. TMI, Gramps

Tmi gramps

And may we have: TM… WHY?!?

2. What Now???

What now

Coolest grandpa ever?

3. Yeah, But Otherwise?

Yeah but otherwise

Get a good nap in today?

4. Hair, Chair…

Hair chair

Give me a break, kid. I’m old!

5. Nevermind


THIS is the coolest grandpa ever.

6. Grandparent Insight

Grandparent insight

We never thought of it that way, but it’s sort of true, right?

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Friday, January 27, 2017

18 Reasons Why Wendy Williams is a Terrible Human Being

Wendy Williams appears to exist for one reason and one reason only:

To voice loud, obnoxious, often baseless rants against every celebrity out there, attempting to stir various pots and start various feuds just to increase her ratings and make her feel relevant.

It"s a lame tactic and it"s one that continually gets on our nerves.

Below, we present 18 times Wendy Williams has totally sucked as a human being for this reason:

1. She Fawned Over OJ Simpson

She fawned over oj simpson

It’s true. Check out the ESPN documentary, which features footage of Williams basically drooling over the probable killer while hosting a radio show, just because he flirted with her.

2. FAKER!!!


Wendy actually accused Kim Zolciak of faking a stroke because she believes that the reality star was trying to garner sympathy in order to stick around Dancing with the Stars. She lacked any proof or basis for this claim.

3. Wendy Williams SLAMS Bruce Jenner in Transphobic Tirade: His Poor Kids!

Wendy williams on bruce jenner sex change

Wendy Williams shocked her audience with her comments on Bruce Jenner’s sex change. Did she go too far? Click on the above headline to find out.

4. Wendy Williams SLAMS Kris Jenner: What a Greedy Viper!

Kris jenner red carpet photo

Wendy Williams has said Kris Jenner is a greedy “viper.” We don’t disagree, but what exactly have you done, Wendy? Click on the above headline to read this story.

5. Wendy Williams on Julianne Hough in Blackface: Mormonism is No Excuse!

Julianne hough halloween costume

Remember when Julianne Hough went blackface as part of her Orange is the New Black costume? Not the best idea, but not worthy of the rant Wendy goes on here. (Again, click on headline for more.)

6. Wendy Williams: Fire ALL The Real Housewives of Atlanta (and Everywhere Else)!

Wendy williams fire the real housewives

Why does Wendy believe ALL Real Housewives ought to be fired? You need to click on the story above to find out.

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

13 Reasons Why: Selena Gomez Drops First Trailer!

Selena Gomez would like you to stop focusing on her personal life for a moment.

Yes, she"s dating The Weeknd.

And, yes, she"s sort of taunting Justin Bieber.

But Selena is also producing a new show coming to Netflix, and she just dropped the trailer for it.

With Pretty Little Liars wrapping up its beloved run this spring, Gomez is hoping that 13 Reasons Why is coming along at the perfect time for those seeking a melodrama centered around teens and mysterious messages.

Based on a 2007 novel by Jay Asher, 13 Reasons Why chronicles the story of a young woman played by Katherine Langford.

She commits suicide, but not before leaving behind 13 cassette tapes for those she blames for her depression and this subsequent decision.

“A peek at a passion project I’ve been working on with @Netflix. @13ReasonsWhy arrives 3/31,” Gomez captioned the trailer on Instagram yesterday.

The 13 Reasons Why teaser introduces a handful of the show’s cast, which includes familiar names and faces such as Miles Heizer (Parenthood), Kate Walsh (Private Practice) and Brian d’Arcy James (Smash).

It opens with Langford’s Hannah saying: “I’m about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why my life ended.”

We"re intrigued! We"re in!

Check out the preview now:

13 reasons why selena gomez drops first trailer

Friday, January 20, 2017

13 Reasons to Be Hopeful About the Next Four Years

It is official:

As of January 20, 2017, Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

And while this (not so) simple fact has left many Americans way down in the doldrums, The Hollywood Gossip is here to try and make you feel better.

For the following reasons, the next four years might not be so terrible after all…

1. Star Wars: Episode VIII

Star wars episode viii

But who’s countinr, right?

2. More Alec Baldwin on SNL!

Alec baldwin on snl

It beats him screaming at reporters, doesn’t it?

3. The Kylie Jenner Sex Tape

Kylie jenner sweatshirt bra and abs

You know it’s coming. And you know Kylie will deny playing any role in its release.

4. The Kimye Divorce

Kimye on a date

You also know it’s coming. And the fallout will be epic. This may be how Kim finally breaks the Internet for real.

5. The Americans is Returning!

The americans is returning

Season 5 of the most underrated show on television premieres on March 7. (Wait… this drama is about Russian spies who have infiltrated America. Dammit.)

6. The Midterm Elections


We’ll have a chance to reorganize the government and balance out Congress in 2018. It’s not to soon to get involved.

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