Showing posts with label Slave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slave. Show all posts

Monday, March 6, 2017

Samuel L. Jackson Blasts Ben Carson Over Slave Ships, "Muthafukka Please!!!" (VIDEO)

Samuel L. Jackson just skewered Ben Carson for suggesting slaves were simply hardworking immigrants … in the most Samuel L. fashion ever. If you missed it, the new HUD Sec. gave a speech Monday where he said, “There were other immigrants who came…


Friday, February 17, 2017

Draymond Green Backtracks On Dolan "Slave Master" Dig

Draymond Green says he never meant to imply Knicks owner James Dolan was a racist with his “slave master mentality” comments … saying he describing the mindset, and not the man. Green caused a racial firestorm earlier this week when he used the…


Monday, February 13, 2017

Nick Cannon Quits America"s Got Talent, Basically Tells NBC: I"m Not Your Slave!

America may have talent.

But it will not have Nick Cannon as the host of one of its most popular reality shows any longer.

In a lengthy Instagram post (and we mean lengthy), Cannon explained on Monday morning why he’s quit his job as emcee of America’s Got Talent.

First, however, some quick background:

On his Showtime stand-up special that aired Friday night, Cannon quipped that he was losing his “black card” by hosting the family-friendly reality competition.

Apparently NBC executives took offense to this joke, to the point where discussions were held about whether Cannon breached his contract and could be fired.

In response, Cannon took to social media and basically beat the network to the punch: he resigned.

“I write this from a deeply saddened and dolorous mindset,” Cannon wrote, adding that he spent “days deliberating” after he learned the “extremely disappointing news that I was being threatened with termination by Executives because of a comedy special.”

Cannon – who typically sticks to light-hearted social media posts about Kim Kardashian and what not – wasn’t close to being finished, either.

He went on to rant against the unfair practice of censorship and how he was being treated like a piece of property.

“This has weighed heavy on my spirit,” he continued. “It was brought to my attention by my ‘team’ that NBC believed that I was in breach of contract because I had disparaged their brand.

“In my defense, I would ask how so? Or is this just another way to silence and control an outspoken voice who often battles the establishment. Recently many of my mentors have cautioned me that soon ‘The System’ would come down on me because I was speaking too many truths and being to loud about it.

“I had no idea that it all would hit so close to home. I find myself in a dark place having to make a decision that I wish I didn’t have to, but as a man, an artist, and a voice for my community I will not be silenced, controlled or treated like a piece of property.

There is no amount of money worth my dignity or my integrity.”

From there, Cannon expressed gratitude for having had a chance to host America’s Got Talent and said he loved the actual job.

But he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he continued to work for a company that treated him in this fashion.

We’ll just let Cannon’s passionate message speak for itself below:

I have loved hosting AMERICAS GOT TALENT for the last 8 seasons, watching talented, brave, and courageous Americans accomplish their dreams in front of millions has been nothing but a joy, and everyone has been a pleasure to work with but my soul won’t allow me to be in business with corporations that attempt to frown on freedom of speech, censor artists, and question cultural choices.

Not to get too detailed but this isn’t the first time executives have attempted to ‘put me in my place’ for so called unruly actions. I will not stand for it.

“My moral principles will easily walk away from the millions of dollars they hang over my head. It’s never been about the money for me, what is difficult to walk away from is the fans, the people who love me on the show. This hurts tremendously. 

I felt like I was apart of the fabric of our great nation every summer, representing every culture, age, gender, and demographic.

Now for the rug to be pulled from underneath me and to be publicly reprimanded and ridiculed over a joke about my own race is completely wrong and I have to do something about it.

I have fought many battles in my career and have never been afraid to go up against the system. I have mulled over my process for days and felt it was best to once again speak my mind about an unjust infrastructure that treat talent like they own them.

Maybe it was my mistake for signing the contract in the first place, in which I will take full responsibility and have already taken action to restructure my own team of advisors. I now have to set out on a journey of freedom as an artist.

As I was quoted in a recent interview, ‘You can’t fire a Boss!’ and that is the essence that I possess.

So I wish AGT and NBC the best in its upcoming season but I can not see myself returning. As of lately I have even questioned if I want to even be apart of an industry who ultimately treats artists in this manner. Most of us don’t realize that there are 6 major corporations that control 90 percent of media in America and the amount of minority executives is dismal.

With this being the case, true equality in our industry is impossible. There will always be a “do as I say” mentality that mirrors society’s perception of women and minorities, and only a few will stand up against it. I proudly stand as one of those few, and will gladly take on whatever repercussions that come with it.

I love art and entertainment too much to watch it be ruined by controlling corporations and big business. I believe It’s our duty as artists to make a difference and create change even if it’s one act at a time.

Dr. King said it best, ‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.



Thursday, January 19, 2017

Corinne Olympios: My Nanny is Not a Slave!

Throughout her brief and scandalous run on The Bachelor thus far, Corinne Olympios has made it clear that she has no real sense of shame.

She apparently does not have a sense of humor, either.

The clear villain of Season 21, Corinne has made no apologies for her frequent nudity or her disdain for her fellow suitors, telling hates in no uncertain terms that they can eff off.

Oh, and Olympios is seemingly proud of the fact that she has a self-described “nanny.” At the age of 24.

According to Corinne, the nanny’s name is Raquel and “she does everything for me,” Corinne has said on air.

For instance: Raquel makes Corinne’s bed and does her laundry. She makes Corinne lemon salad and cheese pasta.

Even if she were to move out of her parents’ home, in which she currently resides, Corinne has said she would take Raquel with her.

How does Nick Viall feel about his potential wife (The Bachelor Spoilers Alert!) having such a worker tending to her every daily need?

“While I certainly appreciate the potential red flags of a grown woman having a nanny, I also thought to myself, ‘Huh, what are the benefits?"” Viall joked on the January 2 episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, adding:

“If this works out, do I also get the nanny?”

We don’t know the answer to that question.

But we do know those who watch The Bachelor online or on television each week are sick and tired of the way Corinne is treating poor Raquel.

In response to all Corinne has said about her personal nanny, someone even started a GoFundMe page, stating as the fundraiser’s goal:

Raquel deserves better, we can only hope that she doesn’t already suffer from Stockholm syndrome from living under Miss Oympios.

Let’s all help Raquel get a better job, to get back on her own two feet. Let’s help #FreeRaquel. Help save a life, show your support today

The GoFundMe effort has stated that it is aiming to raise $ 100,000 through online donations.

As of this writing, it has only raised $ 30. So it has a long way to go.

But if the a side goal of the movement’s account was to piss Corinne off… well… MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

“This is not a joke anymore someone took this way too far and is trying to make money for themselves,” Corinne wrote on Instagram yesterday, adding with emphasis:

“Raquel is not a slave and my family and I treat her like part of the family. Leave it alone already it’s getting old. Grow up. #raquelisfree#celebnanny.”

Olympios included the following photo of the GoFundMe page along with her rant, drawing attention to the same cause with which she claims to take issue.


Lest you think Corinne is somehow involved in this fundraising effort, however, allow us to offer some reassurance:

The page was started by Mark Chandley, a resident of Beverly Hills, who says that Corinne is “an entitled brat who still employs her childhood nanny to do basic adult activities for her…

“In her own words she said Raquel ‘cuts her cucumber slices, makes her bed every morning, and makes her vegetable slices for lunch.’

“She even indicated that she doesn’t know how to make cheese pasta (macaroni and cheese?) or do her own laundry.”

He swears that all money donated really will go toward Raquel.

Before you stop and laugh, while also wondering who would actually hand over their hard-earned cash to this cause, consider what one person who donated $ 10 to the fund had to say in the comments section:

“I’m donating to free Raquel from the grips of Corrine, but more-so in the hopes that when she does become free, she starts a YouTube cooking series. 

“First up: Cheese pasta. #FreeRaquel2K17.”

Come on now. Who would not watch this?!?



Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Jana Duggar: Being Worked Like a Slave at the Duggar Compound?!

For years now, fans of 19 Kids and Counting and its confusingly-titled spinoff, Counting On, have been expressing their concerns for the eldest Duggar daughter, Jana.

While her younger sisters marry and start families, the so-called “Cinderella Duggar” has remained at home, helping to care for her many siblings, and babysitting her nieces and nephews.

Now, with Jill and Jessa Duggar both pregnant, and a newlywed Jinger planning on starting a family, it looks as though Jana’s workload is about to increase significantly.

Sources close to the family say the holidays are en especially hectic time for the 26-year-old, and this year was no different.

Jana decorated the massive Duggar Compound for Christmas and saw to it that the family’s funds were evenly distributed with regard to gifts for the little ones.

It’s a good thing that she doesn’t seem to mind her many responsibilities around the home, as it seems she’ll have even more to do next year … and likely every year thereafter.

Now that half of the Duggar offspring are of courtin’ age, Michelle and Jim Bob’s kids are about to unleash a one-family baby boom.

And with the possible exception of the taxpayers of Arkansas (that reality TV cash ain’t gonna last forever, y’all!), no one will feel the burden more than poor Jana.

Jinger Duggar pregnancy rumors have begun already, and while they’ve yet to be confirmed, it seems all but certain that she and Jeremy Vuolo will sire their first offspring before 2017 is out.

Sources say Jana enjoys being single, but when she talks about her relationship status in interviews, she wistfully notes that she simply hasn’t found the right guy.

“It can be tempting, like, ‘Oh, I really want to be married,’ because in those moments, your siblings that are married and have little ones are going on dates and doing their thing,” she told TLC cameras at one point.

“It’s like this weird in-between stage. I’m not a younger one, but I’m not an older, married one with kids.

“There have been different guys who have come along and asked, but they haven’t been, I don’t know, the right one.”

Sadly, simply moving out on her own and being single without all the responsibilities of a mother of 19 isn’t an option for Jana, due to her religious beliefs.

For her sake, we’re still holding out hope that there’s some truth to those rumors about Jana courting Tim Tebow.

Now, there’s a spin-off waiting to happen!


Friday, July 1, 2016

Stacey Dash: Jesse Williams is a Hollywood Plantation Slave!

Safe to say Stacey Dash was not a big fan of Jesse Williams’ impassioned, viral speech at the BET Awards last weekend. At all.

Dash called Williams racist … and didn’t stop there.

“You’ve just seen the perfect example of a HOLLYWOOD plantation slave!” Dash wrote on her blog, excoriating the actor’s remarks.

“Sorry, Mr. Williams. But the fact that you were on that stage at THOSE awards tells people you really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Just spewing hate and anger.”

Williams stars on Grey’s Anatomy and is also the executive producer of the documentary Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement.

At the BET Awards, he delivered a poignant, and at times pointed, speech about the still-prevailing racism in today’s volatile society.

Citing examples of police brutality and invoking images of slavery as well as the Black Lives Matter movement, Williams earned raves.

“We’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind.”

“Extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment … ghettoizing and demeaning our creations, then stealing them, gentrifying our genius.”

Accepting his humanitarian award, Williams added, “The thing is, though, just because we’re magic, doesn’t mean we’re not real.”

Dash, however, saw it a bit differently.

From her standpoint, Williams’ speech was divisive rhetoric, another obstacle keeping America from coming together as a united nation.

“That chip on the shoulders of people like you will weigh you down and keep you from flying free,” she wrote. “But true freedom is never free.”

“You have to know how to fly. If anyone is making you feel this way its you. Living in a psychological prison of your own making.”

“If anyone is GHETTO-IZING anyone, it’s people like you letting the BETs and other media outlets portray us in stereotypes.”

Her beef with the network is ongoing.

During last winter’s #OscarsSoWhite controversy, Dash stated on Fox & Friends that she couldn’t grasp why BET still existed.

“I think it’s ludicrous,” the 49-year-old said. “We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration.”

Dash says it’s all a double standard:

“If we don’t want segregation, then we have to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards, where you’re only awarded if you’re black.”

Dash also incurred the wrath of Twitter for comments about Prince not being a black artist, so in certain situations she really is clueless.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Justin Bieber Wanders Around Shoeless, Refuses to Be Your Slave

Justin Bieber is in a weird place these days.

The singer recently went off about how God is awesome and how he’s only a humble servant of The Big Man Upstairs.

Then, he got a face tattoo.

Then, Bieber ranted on Instagram about how he’ll no longer pose for any photos with any fans because he’s sick of feeling like a “zoo animal” and he needs to keep his “sanity.”

And then Justin was just spotted out in Boston, wandering around a park downtown without any shoes on and feeding some local squirrels.

The artist is in town ahead of a pair of shows at TD Garden and he was photographed by a couple of residents also enjoying the weather on this fine spring day.

To wit:

“WHEN U WALKIN HOME FROM WORK AND @justinbieber IS TOO,” wrote Instagram user Windsor Dalton as a caption to the above photo.

According to others, Justin did give them a hard time when they wanted him to pose for a picture or a video.

But then, after he asked one young woman to put her phone away, “he talked to us for 5 mins,” she wrote on Twitter.

As for what set Bieber off… as for why he made the public declaration about never taking pictures with fans again… we now know what set him off.

Bieber and a pal were playing pool at Lucky Strike Lanes Tuesday afternoon when a group of relatives supposedly demanded that he pose for a photo.

This is how a rep for the website Just Jared explains what happened:

“It was toward the end of their last game that a family, also at the venue, began trying to get to Justin, acting like they were looking for the bathroom and eventually confronting him and demanding photos, implying they were owed a photo because they had bought Justin’s albums.” 

A few hours later, Bieber wrote his Instagram post about never again posting for such photos, specifically citing how some folks out there think they are entitled to these images because they purchased his album.

Not every follower out there is a fan of Bieber’s new policy, of course.

In response to one fan’s objection on Instagram, this is what Bieber wrote:

I wanna enjoy life and not be a slave to the world and their demands of what they think I need to do!!

I love the fact that I am able to make people happy but cmon if you truly were in my position you would understand how tiring it is (boo hoo Justin get over it)

I’m going to keep making decisions I feel are fit for my growth and no human being will make me feel bad for it.

What do you think of Bieber’s photo stance?

And, more urgently, what does Chris Brown think?!?