Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Jana Duggar: Being Worked Like a Slave at the Duggar Compound?!

For years now, fans of 19 Kids and Counting and its confusingly-titled spinoff, Counting On, have been expressing their concerns for the eldest Duggar daughter, Jana.

While her younger sisters marry and start families, the so-called “Cinderella Duggar” has remained at home, helping to care for her many siblings, and babysitting her nieces and nephews.

Now, with Jill and Jessa Duggar both pregnant, and a newlywed Jinger planning on starting a family, it looks as though Jana’s workload is about to increase significantly.

Sources close to the family say the holidays are en especially hectic time for the 26-year-old, and this year was no different.

Jana decorated the massive Duggar Compound for Christmas and saw to it that the family’s funds were evenly distributed with regard to gifts for the little ones.

It’s a good thing that she doesn’t seem to mind her many responsibilities around the home, as it seems she’ll have even more to do next year … and likely every year thereafter.

Now that half of the Duggar offspring are of courtin’ age, Michelle and Jim Bob’s kids are about to unleash a one-family baby boom.

And with the possible exception of the taxpayers of Arkansas (that reality TV cash ain’t gonna last forever, y’all!), no one will feel the burden more than poor Jana.

Jinger Duggar pregnancy rumors have begun already, and while they’ve yet to be confirmed, it seems all but certain that she and Jeremy Vuolo will sire their first offspring before 2017 is out.

Sources say Jana enjoys being single, but when she talks about her relationship status in interviews, she wistfully notes that she simply hasn’t found the right guy.

“It can be tempting, like, ‘Oh, I really want to be married,’ because in those moments, your siblings that are married and have little ones are going on dates and doing their thing,” she told TLC cameras at one point.

“It’s like this weird in-between stage. I’m not a younger one, but I’m not an older, married one with kids.

“There have been different guys who have come along and asked, but they haven’t been, I don’t know, the right one.”

Sadly, simply moving out on her own and being single without all the responsibilities of a mother of 19 isn’t an option for Jana, due to her religious beliefs.

For her sake, we’re still holding out hope that there’s some truth to those rumors about Jana courting Tim Tebow.

Now, there’s a spin-off waiting to happen!
