Showing posts with label Somehow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Somehow. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2016

13 Reality TV Lies People Somehow Believe

Think what you"ve been watching on reality TV is 100 percent real? Okay, we really hope not at this point, but if so … think again!

In all seriousness, most TV is scripted and edited to a degree, but you"ll be shocked at just how contrived many hit programs are.

Behold, 13 of the biggest lies in reality TV:

13. Storage Wars’ wars are more like set-up arguments

Storage wars photo

Yuuuuup, Dave Hester basically blew the lid off this one, suing A&E and alleging that the network plants material inside a storage unit the teams bid on, for story purposes, and makes sure everyone is flush with cash to do the bidding. They settled out of court without ever denying any of this.

12. Hardcore pawn is pretty hard to believe

Hardcore pawn is pretty hard to believe

Hardcore Pawn has somehow been on TV for more than nine seasons featuring the likes of over-the-top customers getting into brawls with pawn shop owners in the Detroit area … where these altercations are completely scripted and staged beyond comprehension. Seriously, this is beyond ridiculous.

11. The Duck Dynasty beards are real

The duck dynasty stars without beards

They’re not fake beards in the sense that they’re literally from the costume department, but Duck Dynasty has become a huge hit for A&E in part because the portrayal of the Robertson family as a Bible-believing, uncultured group of wealthy rednecks is … exaggerated dramatically. Prior to the show, they looked like anybody else, and their silly antics are staged ahead of time. Jase is still the f–king man though.

10. The youngans Breaking Amish already broke Amish

Breaking amish girls

Breaking Amish promises to take you inside the experiences of Amish youth leaving their farms for the first time and seeing what life in Manhattan is like. Will they stay? Will they return? In truth, the kids had already left Amish life behind – for good – by the time the cameras got involved and are reenacting it all for your entertainment.

9. Bear Grylls is actually semi-hard

Bear grylls photo

To be sure, we would not f–k with Bear Grylls. But the British military veteran known for being dropped into harsh “Man vs. Wild” landscapes and surviving on his own occasionally stays in hotels overnight and receives help from his crew.

8. American I-don’t know if these personal bios are true or not

Jermaine jones on american idol

Relying extensively on sob stories in addition to vocal talent is a calling card for singing competition shows, but American Idol and Jermaine Jones took this to a ridiculous extreme when he claimed his dad abandoned him as a child … and his dad objected, and the show booted Jones out as the controversy intensified.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Soup: Canceled By E! Somehow Not Canceled in 2012!

Despite uneven ratings and countless personnel changes over the years, E! network stalwart The Soup maintained a small but loyal following for an astonishing 21 seasons.

Sadly, it was announced today that E! is pulling the plug on the low-budget reality show clip aggregator, and The Soup will ladle out its last serving of droll Kardashian-bashing on December 18.

We imagine some of you are in mourning, and others in shock that the show was still on.

It’s hard to overstate The Soup’s influence on other late night basic cable series, as TV personalities such as Daniel Tosh and Chris Hardwick (former host of the spinoff Web Soup) have admitted to borrowing the formats for their Comedy Central series straight from The Soup’s playbook.

Despite the popularity of Millennial-friendly host Joel McHale (who co-starred on the critically-adored Community for much of his tenure on The Soup), the show’s ratings had been in steady decline, as the Internet began to offer countless options for reality-based snark.

Beginning as Talk Soup in 1991, the show featured hosts Greg Kinnear, John Henson, Hal Sparks and Aisha Tyler before McHale began his 12-year run in 2004.

“The Soup has delivered countless laughs and unforgettable episodes, and we are grateful to the talented team’s fearless wit and clever approach week after week,” said E! exec Jeff Olde in a statement.

“Joel took the show to new heights for more than a decade, and his irreverent humor and unique brand of comedy as captured so perfectly on The Soup will be missed.”  

Here’s hoping Kim and Kanye make a cameo to laugh at themselves in the finale. Yeah, that’s probably not gonna happen…

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Texas Teacher Draws Penis on Student"s Paper, Keeps Job Somehow

Talk about a dick move! Literally!

An El Paso, Texas school teacher is in the news this week because she drew a penis on a student"s assignment, yet will somehow not lose her job as a result of this action.

The student’s mother, Sandra Green, discovered the phallic piece of “art” work on her sons’s social media account and told her local ABC affiliate that Chapin High School language arts teacher Kim Juzdowski admitted to the drawing in a contrite email.

She apparently went through with it the student "wasn’t doing anything in class.” Which we guess is a metaphor for jerking off. 

She gets points for originality. But loses many more points for being totally out of line and possibly a tad mentally unbalanced.

A spokesperson with the  El Paso Independent School District told The Huffington Post that Juzdowski "understands that the drawing was in bad taste and that it was inappropriate for the type of relationship a teacher should have with a student."

That"s reportedly it, however. She will not face any kind of discipline.

Green believes the lack of punishment is rather absurd and is looking to have her son transferred.

And she brings up a pretty good point in the following video report:

Imagine if gender roles were reversed here. Imagine if a male teacher drew a pair of breasts or a vagina on a female student"s paper.

It"s not a question then whether or not the teacher would be fired. It"s only a question of how hard the door would hit him on the way out.

Texas woman draws penis on students paper keeps job somehow

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Playboy to Ditch Nude Photos, Still Exist Somehow

Try to imagine Kim Kardashian without giant boobs. Or Taylor Swift without her guitar. What about Justin Bieber with a shirt on?

Or, as crazy as it sounds, Playboy Magazine without photos of naked woman inside. Totally insane, right?

Actually… not so much.

Hugh Hefner and company decided during a meeting last month that the publication will no longer feature fully nude woman, with Playboy chief executive Scott Flanders explaining the decision thusly to The New York Times:

“You are now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And so it’s just passe at this juncture.”

It’s true. Heck, you are one click away from seeing NUDE PHOTOS right now on The Hollywood Gossip.

Playboy does assure readers that women will still be featured in “provocative poses,” but they will not be donning their birthday suits in 2016.

Moreover, there will still be a Playmate of the Month, but the photos of her will be “PG-13,” the magazine’s content manager, Cory Jones, says.

It has not yet been decided whether there will still be a centerfold.

Playboy has been in existence since 1953 and had a circulation of 5.6 million in the 1970s. But that figure has plummeted to 800,000 these days.

Call us crazy, but LESS nudity may not help that number grow.