Showing posts with label Soup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soup. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Kenny Smith Calls J.R. Smith"s Soup Throwing Incident "Ultimate Disrespect" to Damon Jones

Kenny Smith says J.R. Smith’s soup-throwing incident could create some MAJOR issues with the Cavs’ chemistry … telling TMZ Sports J.R.’s actions will affect the whole team. We spoke with the Jet about J.R.’s 1-game suspension for reportedly…


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Soup: Canceled By E! Somehow Not Canceled in 2012!

Despite uneven ratings and countless personnel changes over the years, E! network stalwart The Soup maintained a small but loyal following for an astonishing 21 seasons.

Sadly, it was announced today that E! is pulling the plug on the low-budget reality show clip aggregator, and The Soup will ladle out its last serving of droll Kardashian-bashing on December 18.

We imagine some of you are in mourning, and others in shock that the show was still on.

It’s hard to overstate The Soup’s influence on other late night basic cable series, as TV personalities such as Daniel Tosh and Chris Hardwick (former host of the spinoff Web Soup) have admitted to borrowing the formats for their Comedy Central series straight from The Soup’s playbook.

Despite the popularity of Millennial-friendly host Joel McHale (who co-starred on the critically-adored Community for much of his tenure on The Soup), the show’s ratings had been in steady decline, as the Internet began to offer countless options for reality-based snark.

Beginning as Talk Soup in 1991, the show featured hosts Greg Kinnear, John Henson, Hal Sparks and Aisha Tyler before McHale began his 12-year run in 2004.

“The Soup has delivered countless laughs and unforgettable episodes, and we are grateful to the talented team’s fearless wit and clever approach week after week,” said E! exec Jeff Olde in a statement.

“Joel took the show to new heights for more than a decade, and his irreverent humor and unique brand of comedy as captured so perfectly on The Soup will be missed.”  

Here’s hoping Kim and Kanye make a cameo to laugh at themselves in the finale. Yeah, that’s probably not gonna happen…

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Joel McHale Takes On Donald Trump, Tiny Penises, & Presidential Code Names With The Help Of Terry Crews On The Soup! Watch Here!

What does Donald Trump have in common with a tiny penis? They were both discussed on Friday’s The Soup!

Joel McHale discussed the hottest topics of the week, which included the second Republican Presidential Debate and Trump’s unsurprising comment that he was “going to be looking at” removing Muslims from our country!

Video: Joel McHale Recaps The Sit Down Between Caitlyn Jenner & Kris Jenner

The bizarre clip didn’t require any commentary to justify it’s hilarity, but Terry Crews still made a funny cameo as a secret service officer! Watch (below)!

Also, if you’ve been searching for the perfect ode to microscopic male genitalia, look no further! McHale has the perfect bedroom slow jam for you (below):

LOLz! Watch The Soup Fridays on E!

[Image via YouTube.]

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Joel McHale Recaps The Sit Down Between Caitlyn Jenner & Kris Jenner — And As Always, The Soup Does It Right!

You go, Joel McHale!

The host of The Soup has his finger on the pulse of trashy TV pop culture, so he knows exactly how to deal with things like baby pictures, alien shows, and… Kris Jenner.

[ Related: Demi Lovato Mistakenly Gave The Best Interview Answer EVER ]

This week on The Soup, Joel recounted the sit-down between Kris and Caitlyn Jenner on I Am Cait, which you can watch (below)!!!

Oh, and if that’s not enough for you, he also took on Ancient Aliens:

And — because what would The Soup be without making things weird — the comedian decided to reenact celebrity baby pictures in the best way possible! Poor, poor Justin Timberlake:

Ah, Joel McHale… the equal opportunity offensive jokester! LOLz!!!

At least it always makes for a good Friday night!

[Image via E!/YouTube.]