Saturday, September 19, 2015

Joel McHale Takes On Donald Trump, Tiny Penises, & Presidential Code Names With The Help Of Terry Crews On The Soup! Watch Here!

What does Donald Trump have in common with a tiny penis? They were both discussed on Friday’s The Soup!

Joel McHale discussed the hottest topics of the week, which included the second Republican Presidential Debate and Trump’s unsurprising comment that he was “going to be looking at” removing Muslims from our country!

Video: Joel McHale Recaps The Sit Down Between Caitlyn Jenner & Kris Jenner

The bizarre clip didn’t require any commentary to justify it’s hilarity, but Terry Crews still made a funny cameo as a secret service officer! Watch (below)!

Also, if you’ve been searching for the perfect ode to microscopic male genitalia, look no further! McHale has the perfect bedroom slow jam for you (below):

LOLz! Watch The Soup Fridays on E!

[Image via YouTube.]