Showing posts with label Sophia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sophia. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2016

"Momager" Farrah Abraham Parades Sophia Around Fashion Week

At the tender age of six, Sophia Abraham has gotten her first taste of fame.

"This is Sophia’s first Fashion Week,” Farrah Abraham told Us Weekly at Bound by the Crown"s fashion show on February 13.

Sophia was unable to walk in the show because her flight from Texas got in late that morning (the worst, amiright?), but she did get to sit front-row in an outfit designed by Game of Crowns star, Susanna Paliotta.

It"ll take a solid two hours to remove all that makeup from Sophia"s face, PS.

1. "Smile For The Camera"

Farrah abraham and daughter bound to the crown runway

‘Mom, I want to do this more and I want to do more modeling,"” Sophia told her mom.

2. Glinda? Is that you?

Farrah and sophia abraham pose with ms united nations

What’s a red carpet without Ms. United Nations?

3. #Poise

Farrah and sophia abraham front row at bound to the crown show

“Sophia is really professional,” Abraham told Us. “I’m not surprised because I know how well behaved my daughter is and I’m so thankful. Bless me!”

4. She’s Not a Momager, So Get Over It.

Farrah and sophia abraham new york fashion week

But she does love a good fight. “I’m just about social justice,” Abraham said of her battles with other celebrities. “Amen to women like me!”

5. A Normal Pose for a Six-Year-Old

Sophia abraham models for bound by the crown

“If my daughter says she doesn’t like something, I don’t do it,” Abraham claimed. “It’s up to Sophia.”

6. "I Need More Bunny. Give Me More Bunny!"

Sophai abraham bunny face at photoshoot for bound to the crown

Heavy is the hand that applied the eyeliner.

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Friday, February 12, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Criticized For Photo of Daughter Sophia

Farrah Abraham has made a number of questionable parenting decisions over the years, but few have outraged fans quite like her latest photo of 7-year-old daughter Sophia.

If you watched Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 7 this week, you know there was some controversy regarding Sophia’s “decision” to wear makeup at school.

Not content to simply piss off fans through television, Farrah tweeted the above photo as the episode was airing, along with a caption reading, “Don’t hate on #Hair #Makeup @MTV So cute.”

It seems a bit like Farrah is using her daughter to troll her social media followers, but maybe she just wanted to share her pride over her little girl’s first controversy on social media.

Whatever the case, people were not pleased. 

“Let your daughter be a child. She shouldn’t wear make up period,” wrote one commenter.

“Totally agree 100%, only wear it if she’s playing around at HOME!” wrote another.

Yes, it was the biggest Sophia moment since the girl slapped Farrah on an episode of Teen Mom.

And again, most of the criticism centered around the fact that Farrah seems more concerned with fame and being her daughter’s friend than with being a mom.

You can put makeup on her all you want, Farrah, it’s still gonna be at least a decade before Sophia is ready to get photographed at the hottest clubs with you.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive all of Farrah’s iffy parenting decisions,

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Stormie Clark to Farrah Abraham: I Didn"t Steal Sophia, Skank!

The recently rekindled feud between Farrah Abraham and Derek Underwood’s mom Stormie Clark rages on, with no end in sight.

If you watch Teen Mom online, you’re aware that Abraham’s relations with her late boyfriend’s family have been icy at best from the start.

Tensions had been dormant for a time, but never went away.

This is clearly evidenced by Farrah’s feud with Derek’s mom this week, in which all kinds of bad blood boiled back up to the surface.

Stormie is on the warpath after Farrah labeled her a “crazed pill popping mom” who once “stole” Sophia from a babysitter’s residence.

Let’s turn it over to aptly-named Stormie in her own words:

“STOP LYING! @F1abraham @starcasm #SLANDER!!! Keep lying about me, and I will take your ass back to court!” Clark threatened.

“Listen Skank! You know damn well that I Didn’t steal Sophia from a babysitter! My DAUGHTER’S & I found her @ a PARK!”

“I don’t do drugs! Can you say the same?? #Loser” 

After sharing the above pic of herself and Sophia to prove her point, she continued railing against the Teen Mom star and porn queen:

“@F1abraham @stormieclarke1 Why are you Lying? I STOLE SOPHIA?? Haha!! I should have! Where is Sophia? Oh! That’s right.”

“NOT WITH YOU, HUH?? Yep! She looks kidnapped at 6 months old, huh? Who took the pic? Cops? #LIAR!! She looks SO happy w/me!”

Damn. We know Farrah is a piece of work (and a pathological liar) but this is a grown-ass grandma making these comments. On Twitter.

It should be noted that Farrah has since deleted her tweets calling out Clark as a “pill popping mom” who “kills people & ruins families.”

Farrah’s original IG post remains live, however.

In response to Starcasm’s story about Stormie being upset at MTV calling Derek’s dad Jerry’s wife Debbie “Derek’s mom,” she wrote: 

“@stormieclarke1 I don’t falsely inform my daughter. She knows you stole her from a babysitters house at 6months & took me to court #criminal”

“& you wonder why Debbie is more of a good role model as a grandparent then you will ever be…. Believe me Sophia knows it all #stoplieing”

Wow. Just … wow.

Farrah has yet to address not allowing Sophia to meet Derek’s grandmother Rose, but this beef shows no signs of dying down soon.

Stormie did re-tweet a follower who came to her defense by quoting a “fan” who says Farrah told her she rails adderalls before appearances.

She also re-tweeted Nicki Minaj’s epic slam of Farrah from a couple of weeks ago, so really, the ball is squarely in Abraham’s court.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Stevie Ryan: Comedian Mocks Farrah Abraham, Daughter Sophia

You may remember Stevie Ryan from the time she exposed Nathan Griffith when he was attempting to cheat on Jenelle Evans.

So we already know that Stevie thinks Nathan is an idiot, and now the comedian is sharing other not-so-controversial opinions about Teen Mom"s biggest trainwrecks.

Hey, just because they"re easy targets doesn"t mean you shouldn"t take the shot.

Some will say that Stevie"s latest Instagram video (below) goes too far, as it pokes some fun at Farrah Abraham"s 6-year-old daughter, Sophia.

Of course, what Stevie is really making fun is Farrah herself, as well as her willingness to involve her offspring in random celebrity feuds.

In case you"re a Teen Mom fan who somehow wasn"t aware, Farrah is beefing with Nicki Minaj at the moment.

Naturally, the semi-literate Farrah is getting owned by Nicki, who basically talks smack for a living, so in a recent moment of desperation, the always-classy Ms. Abraham recorded her daughter calling Nicki a "loser."

So when she busts out her Sophia impression in this clip, Stevie is really mocking Farrah and her willingness to settle her disputes by having her first grader bust out Donald Trump"s favorite insult on social media.

Did Stevie cross a line? Maybe. But Farrah definitely had this coming.

Stevie ryan comedian mocks farrah abraham daughter sophia

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Farrah Abraham Berates Debra, Gets Slapped By Sophia

This show is so friggin" sad.

In a new clip from Teen Mom OG (premiering January 4th on MTV), Farrah Abraham treated her mother, Debra so horribly that I had to call my mom afterwards to tell her I loved her.

Abraham was preparing to go to the UK for a month to film Celebrity Big Brother, so Debra would be watching her six-year-old daughter, Sophia.

"Just so you know, there are rules in my house," Abraham told Debra.

"Sometimes you like to put the laundry in there with two things and waste soap."

Cripes, Farrah.

When Debbo got sarcastic and assured Abraham she would bring her own laundry soap, the fangs came out.

"If that"s a bitchy comment, you should probably hold it back," Abraham said bitingly.

"Don"t come at me like that."

Debbo tried to calm her down, but it didn"t work.

"I want my mom to listen to me and understand and not be a bitch to me when I say how I like things done," Abraham griped.

Then Sophia started repeatedly slapping Abraham and claimed, "you are having a bad attitude."

Abraham didn"t even blink.

"Get your shoes on and stop hitting people," she told Sophia.

Meanwhile, Debbo was healing her fresh wounds.

"Nobody loves you more on this earth than me," she assured Abraham.

"You know what? I don"t even care about love," Abraham shot back.

She then told her mother that she could hire a blind person who "could do a better job" than her.

"You don"t need to be mean to me," a tearful Debbo cried.

"It"s not about you right now," Abraham scolded her.


Farrah abraham berates her mom gets slapped by daughter

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Farrah Abraham to Daughter Sophia: You"re Immature & Selfish!

We don"t even know where to start with this one.

For starters, Farrah Abraham might be the most selfish and immature human being currently drawing breath.

Add to that the fact that her daughter Sophia is six years old and the clip below becomes even more mind-bogglingly ridiculous.

Yes, the latest trailer for the upcoming episode of Teen Mom: OG features Farrah telling her little girl, "You"re selfish and immature, and you don"t think about other people but yourself."

We were hoping she"d go on: 

"And you"re a compulsive liar; you use your child as a prop; and you insist on attempting to convince people that there"s a difference between porn and sex tapes," and then we"d see that it"s actually Farrah berating herself in front of a mirror.

Sadly, that"s not the case, and this clip actually features Farrah tearing down the first-grader who"s already surpassed her in terms of intelligence and maturity.

Of course, this clip comes on the heels of news that Farrah wants to adopt a second child, so it"s fitting that MTV released a public reminder of exactly why Farrah shouldn"t even have one child.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to see Farrah at her worst, and check out the clip below for a quick refresher on hos badly Farrah sucks.

Farrah abraham to daughter sophia youre immature and selfish