Showing posts with label Stillborn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stillborn. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2016

Derick Dillard: Jill Duggar Has the Same Feet as Her Stillborn Sister! #ProLife!

Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, is under scrutiny for the bizarre way he reacted to Jill’s recent photo of her stillborn sister Jubilee.

Derick compared the tiny corpse’s feet to those of his wife … then explicitly stated that the deeply religious family will always be pro-life. 

On Friday, Derick linked to article about Jubilee Shalom Duggar, the baby Michelle Duggar lost in 2011, that included a picture of her body.

The Duggars rarely mentions the baby, but earlier this week, Jill Duggar posted a tribute to Jubilee that included controversial photos.

Jill’s Instagram post included a touching message and was accompanied by images of the stillborn fetus’ tiny feet and hands (below).

Not surprisingly, seeing the images, which were first published in 2011, provoked a dramatic range of reactions, both good and bad.

The 25-year-old Jill wrote:

“5 years ago today my mom gave birth to my youngest little sister, Jubilee Shalom Duggar and Jesus welcomed her home to Heaven!”

“She is a testimony to every life being beautiful; at 18 weeks gestation, she was a beautiful baby with little blue eyes, 10 fingers & 10 toes!”

“She weighed 4 oz. and was 6 inches long. We miss you Jubilee and look forward to meeting you one day in Heaven!”

Long before the Duggars were as famous as they are now, Jim Bob and Michelle were accused of using Jubilee’s death for publicity.

They were also criticized for trying to have a 20th child in the first place; Michelle, now 50, was already 45 with 19 biological children.

That controversy eventually passed, however, and Jill’s post was flooded with positive responses from other mothers who have miscarried.

While the images were provocative and some people weren’t hugely supportive, by and large her fans found it inspiring and uplifting.

Derick’s more recent tweet, on the other hand?

“I never got to meet my youngest sister-in-law, but I know she has my wife’s foot. The Dillards will always be #prolife… from womb to tomb,” he wrote.

Really? Jill has the same feet as Jubilee?

Derick’s Twitter followers wondered why he was using a miscarriage his future mother-in-law suffered five years ago to promote his views.

Others called for him to focus on raising his son Israel instead of spending time on Twitter telling women what to do with their bodies.

“What does pro life have to do with miscarriage? Why use [this] to push your agenda? #lifeisnotanagenda #staahpalready,” one fan wrote.

The fan was far from alone in that viewpoint.

“Why not let her rest in peace instead of using her for cheap political propaganda? You have a beautiful child … celebrate him,” another tweeted.

Derick’s wife responded by … posting a declaration of admiration for her husband on Instagram and not mentioning any of the controversy.

Sounds about right for Jill, doesn’t it?

She called Derick “the most encouraging, sweet, Godly guy in the whole world,” and “#besthubbyever” alongside a photo of them kissing (above, top).

It’s been a controversial couple of weeks for the Dillards, who are also accused of lying to fans about a possible return to Central America.

Jill and Derick originally said that they would go back there in the fall, but now they’ve decided to stay home, at least through Christmas.

Fans are wondering if what they’re doing can truly me considered missionary work if they spend more time at the Duggar family compound.

Obviously, that’s their business, but when coupled with the fact that they routinely ask fans to help fund their efforts, it’s a little suspicious.

As for the reports that Jill is pregnant with her second child, the couple has yet to confirm or deny those exciting rumors … this week.

Give it time.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Jill Dillard Shares Controversial Photos of Stillborn Jubilee Shalom Duggar

Jill Dillard is about to come under fire for a controversial move that the Duggars made back in 2011 — the sharing of photos featuring a stillborn Jubilee Shalom Duggar

In memoriam, Dillard opted to share the pics with her Instagram following of over 1 million followers, most of which who were divided on the divisive pics. 

On her Instagram page, she wrote, “5 years ago today my mom gave birth to my youngest little sister, Jubilee Shalom Duggar and Jesus welcomed her home to Heaven!”

“She is a testimony to every life being beautiful; at 18 weeks gestation, she was a beautiful baby with little blue eyes, 10 fingers & 10 toes!,” Duggar continued.

“She weighed 4 oz. and was 6 inches long.”

“We miss you Jubilee and look forward to meeting you one day in Heaven! @duggarfam #jubileeshalom #job121” 

She also shared a passage from the Bible — Job 1:21, which reads, “Naked I came out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither; the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away.” 

“Blessed be the name of the Lord,” the passage concluded.

The pics were originally taken as part of a memorial service held in honor of the stillborn baby, and stirred up tons of controversy upon release.

The Duggar family shared the miscarried fetus pic shortly after the child’s memorial service. 

Some commenters were supportive of the photos that Jill shared … others, not so much. 

One follower wrote, “So sorry for your loss but will NEVER EVER forget how beautifully your family showed the world the precious life of the unborn child – fearfully and wonderfully made sweet Jubilee – Rest In Peace in God’s Divine hands.” 

Another commented, “AMEN. I also lost a precious baby. I hope to meet that little one in heaven.” 

Others, however, weren’t as supported, and outright called the images — and Jill — crass. 

“Pictures of a dead fetus….? Really?” a commenter said, apparently disgusted.

“No happy birthday to Josie but all of a sudden, Jubilee: Memba her?” wrote another.  

On the whole, however, the Duggars received widespread support, and the naysayers were few and far between.

Instead of slamming the photos, they decided to argue religion instead.

That’s progress, if nothing else, right?

Baby Jubilee would have been five years old today, had she lived. 
