Showing posts with label Universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Universe. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Miss Germany Rips Into Miss Universe Outcome

We have another twist in the 2015 Miss Universe pageant saga.

On Sunday night, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach was crowned the winner of this year"s Miss Universe competition.

But that reveal came after host Steve Harvey actually announced Miss Colombia as the winner, forcing him to awkwardly go back out on stage and explain his major faux pas.

OOPS! His bad, huh?

The mistake even promoted Donald Trump to weigh in, although it doesn"t really take much for Donald Trump to weigh in on anything these days.

How did the other contestants feel about the snafu?

Sarah-Lorraine Riek, who represented Germany in the pageant and who did not place among the top spots, spoke to Missosology about the outcome…

… and is clearly displeased about the champion.

“I really couldn’t believe it. I was so upset," Miss Germany says in this interview adding:

"For me [Miss Colombia was robbed] as the real winner … I was very happy for Miss Colombia because she really deserved it. I’m really not happy with the result and so are the other girls, I’m sorry to say it."

She goes on to explain why the contestants chose to comfort Miss Colombia following the mistaken announcement, as opposed to congratulations Miss Philippines.

What a total mess. Watch the exchange now:

Miss germany rips into miss philippines victory

Monday, December 21, 2015

Donald Trump on Miss Universe Mix-Up: Here"s What Steve Harvey SHOULD"VE Done!

As you"ve probably heard, Steve Harvey blundered in epic fashion last night when he announced the wrong winner while hosting the Miss Universe pageant in front of a live television audience. 

The scene was awkward and embarrassing for everyone involved, so naturally Donald Trump – the king of all things embarrassing – is butting in, and surprisingly, he has yet to refer to the runner-up as a yuuuuge low-energy loser.

Trump, of course, loves all things glamorous and gaudy and slightly sexist, so he"s invested in several beauty pageants over the years.

Following Trump"s remarks about Mexican immigrants during his campaign announcement speech back in June, he was publicly pressured to bow out of the pageant business, and he wound up selling the rights to Miss Universe to the William Morris talent agency.

But if you thought the fact that he doesn"t own the event anymore would keep the Donald from commenting on last night"s debacle, then you don"t know Trump.

Early this morning, Trump tweeted:

"Very sad what happened last night at the Miss Universe Pageant. I sold it 6 months ago for a record price. This would never have happened!"

Shortly thereafter, Trump called into the Today show to give his two cents on the matter, and astonishingly, he actually has a good idea for how to resolve the situation.

Yes, we just said Donald Trump had a good idea. We imagine the weather in hell is downright blustery right now.

Donald trump on miss universe mix up heres what steve harvey sho

Steve Harvey Announces WRONG Miss Universe Winner: Watch This!

Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant … then awkwardly corrected himself MINUTES later.

Seriously, you gotta see this video to truly appreciate it.

Ultimately, he crowned Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach Miss Universe, as the representative of the Philippines rightfully won the title.

But not before the Miss Universe host dramatically informed Miss Colombia, Ariadna Gutierrez, that she"d come out on top. 

And watched her celebrate and cry all the tears of joy.

The field had been narrowed to just these final two, one of whom would be named Miss Universe and the other first runner-up.

Perhaps the term "first runner-up" threw Steve off? Who the heck knows, but in any case, he named Miss Colombia THE WINNER!!!!

Gutierrez received a standing ovation from the crowd and claimed her crown and sash and bouquet of flowers, basking in the moment.

She did it! She was Miss Universe 2015 … for two minutes and change until the music stopped and the MC awkwardly pulled a 180.

The look on Miss Colombia"s face – and Miss Philippines" face – when Harvey announced his EPIC mistake? Pretty astounding.

Harvey, to his credit, we supposed, owned the error.

Taking responsibility for flubbing the results, he made it clear that the correct version was on the card and that the epic fail was his alone.

He later took to Twitter to continue his mea culpa.

"I"d like to apologize wholeheartedly to Miss Colombia & Miss Philippines for my huge mistake. I feel terrible," Steve wrote.

"Secondly, I"d like to apologize to the viewers at that I disappointed as well. Again it was an honest mistake."

"I don"t want to take away from this amazing night and pageant. As well as the wonderful contestants. They were all amazing."

If nothing else, this at least took some of the attention away from the fact that Donald Trump owns the Miss Universe pageant.

Silver linings, right? Well, unless you"re Gutierrez.

Steve harvey announces wrong miss universe winner

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Jenelle Evans Sparks Pregnancy Rumors, Universe Braces For Impact

Everyone more or less freaked TF out when they read Jenelle Evans’ December 1st tweet.

“Killed it at the gym today… Feeling great but feel like throwing up… Love it lmao,” the Teen Mom 2 star wrote.

The wheels on the speculation wagon started to roll after that, with even getting a response!

“Throwing up…Hmm…Pregant [sic] again? user @kathyvaliquette asked.

“No sweetheart, it’s called a good workout,” Evans shot back.  “You should try it.”


“People thought she was pregnant but Jenelle is actually on birth control,” a friend of Evans told Radar Online.

“She definitely does not want to have another kid right now.”

This would have proved useless ten years ago, but then we wouldn’t have Barbara.

Evans is mom to Kaiser, 17 months (dad is Nathan Griffith) and Jace, 6, from her time with Keifer/Keifah Delp.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Donald Trump -- Miss Universe Organization ... It"s All Mine Now


breaking news

0911-trump-nbc-universe-tmz-01Donald Trump has settled his legal disputes with NBCUniversal and Univision by using his best resource … money, money, money.

The Donald just announced he bought out NBC’s half share of the Miss Universe Organization … making him 100% owner.

Trump threatened NBC with a lawsuit after they yanked the Miss USA pageant off the air, following his remarks about Mexicans. Miss USA is a part of the Miss Universe Org. He sued Univision for $ 500 million, which also pulled the plug on the pageant.

Donald Trump … now king of the Universe.