Showing posts with label Villa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Villa. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 13 Recap: Livin" La Villa Loca

Cynthia Bailey wanted to go all out for her 50th birthday celebrations on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 13

That’s why she and most of her gal pals made their way to Barcelona. Kim Zolciak decided against the event because her husband was not allowed to attend. 

Kenya Moore decided against it because, well, she’s a bit all over the place right now and tends to get herself embroiled in all the drama. 

When the ladies touched down in Barcelona, they were shocked to learn the place they were staying was not ready for them to arrive. 

That meant they got to go to a hotel to indulge in some fine dining and talk some smack about their co-stars. 

Shamea wasted no time in getting some goodies from Eva aka the newest housewife on the block. Shamea wanted to know what Eva’s boyfriend thought about Eva dating women. 

That’s when Eva snapped. She reiterated that she had sexual relations with females, but confirmed she had never dated women. 

It was hilarious and a bit out there that Shamea would even bring it up, but she needed to make a lasting impression on the producers. 

NeNe Leakes then took Cynthia to task for believing her boyfriend, Will over Porsha Williams. If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will know that NeNe and Porsha have been at odds for some time. 

That’s why it was bizarre for NeNe to open up about it and publicly defend one of her sworn enemies. Cynthia confirmed the reason she did not believe Porsha was because she has lied in the past. 

That may be the case, but there was more than just Porsha there. Cynthia then stooped to a new low when she said that Kandi tried to drug and rape her. 

Porsha was pissed that everything was being brought back up, and decided to exit the dinner date. There are only so many times your name can be dragged through the mud, it seems. 

NeNe continued to try and stir up some drama between her and Kim. She brought up the fact that Kim has a knack for promoting her life as perfect. 

She then went on to say that Kim had a stroke, heart surgery, and cancer. 

That was enough to make Porsha, Sheree and Shamea call up Kim from around the world to let her know NeNe was trashing her to everyone. 

“She’s f—king scum, and I won’t even acknowledge it,” Kim said after denying everything. “What she really needs to worry about is the f—king roaches in her house!”

All seemed to be calm … until Kim sent a scathing text message to the ladies at the next event. 

“NeNe is sick and disgusting,” she began. “She lives in a f—king roach nest.” Kim then shared the video of the roaches apparently inside NeNe’s house. 

“F—k Kim, OK?” Nene said. “All of my s—t is brand new!” 

Kim then sent a picture of NeNe parked in an accessible parking spot and NeNe was mad. 

She called Kim a “disgusting, bald-head bitch.”

Yes, the feud is still going on, you guys!

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below. 


Monday, January 29, 2018

Joy Villa Dons Fetus Dress, Makes Pro-Life Statement at the Grammys

Joy Villa did not win any Grammy Awards on Sunday night.

But the little-known artist did win many headlines following the event, considering the very unusual dress she chose to wear on the red carpet.

That’s what happens when your attire features a fetus.

Yes, a fetus.

One year after surprising attendees by strolling around the Grammys in a Make America Great Again outfit, Villa once again turned head via her strong fashion statement.

In Sunday night’s case, it featured a hand-pained “Choose Life” purse, along with a white gown on which a rainbow was drawn in the shape of a womb.

On Villa’s head was a crown and inside the womb was an unborn child.

She told Fox News that she painted the designs herself and then explained her motivation for this ensemble on Instagram.

“I believe in loving the child and the mother, and I am proudly #ProLife,” Villa said, adding:

“There is so much pain out there, but I choose to spread love and hope.

“I hand painted my @pronovias gown with a hand painted (by me) recreation of my daughter portrait I painted in 2007 at 20 years old 8 months pregnant with my beautiful daughter, whom I adopted out to a wonderful family.”

Yes, Villa says she got pregnant and then gave the baby up for adoption.

“I’m incredibly blessed to have given life, and I hope to encourage anyone in a similar situation to choose adoption,” she continued.

Since posing on the Grammys red carpet a year ago in her pro-Donald Trump outfit, Villa has visited the White House and appeared as a Fox News contributor.

She has used her platform to espouse her conservative values and plans on doing so as long as she can.

(The artist also sued ex-Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski in December, alleging that he smacked her twice on the butt at a Washington, D.C, event in November.)

Speaking to the aforementioned cable news network about the event and about her stance in general, Villas said yesterday:

“I’m a pro-life woman. This year I chose to make a statement on the red carpet like I always do. I’m all about life.”

Regarding Trump and his first year in office?

“I love what he is doing; unemployment is down. I am totally for President Trump, and it’s only been one year. I can’t wait for the next seven years!”

What do you think of this outfit?

What do you think of Villa’s decision to use red carpets in this manner?

Wrong time and wrong place?

Or this is the epitome of America, one having the freedom to express one’s views at any time and place without legal repercussions?


Monday, February 13, 2017

Joy Villa at the Grammys: Make America Great Again!

Joy Villa made quite a fashion statement on the red carpet of the 2017 Grammy Awards.

By showing a lot of skin? By going with a bold color? By choosing an unusual hairstyle?

Nope, nope and nope.

The singer/songwriter did so by wearing a red, white and blue dress that has "Make America Great Again" written on the front and "TRUMP" written along the back.

As you might expect, the outfit earned Villa a great deal of derision on social media, with one Twitter user noting:

"Someone who calls herself a feminist in her Twitter bio is wearing a Make America Great Again dress to the Grammys."

Judge the ensemble for yourself via the following photo gallery:


Joy villa

Joy Villa made quite the impression at the 2017 Grammy. She wants to Make America Great Again, apparently.

2. Sending a Message

Joy villa make america great again

Joy Villa is a Donald Trump supporter. What other conclusion can we draw from this dress?

3. A Bold Statement

Joy villa dress

Do you need us to finish the rest of this dress? There’s a “P” blocked from this photo. The back reads “Trump.”

4. A Fashion Winner or Loser?

Joy villa at the grammys

Make America Great Again. It’s a slogan that singer Joy Villa can evidently get behind.

5. I Just Want to Make Headlines!

Joy villa picture

Joy Villa turned heads at the 2017 Grammy Awards. That’s what happens when you wear a Make America Great Again dress.

6. Did Trump Pay Her for This?

Joy villa grammy pics

That’s what some Twitter users are wondering.

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