Friday, September 25, 2015

Celebrity Mean Tweet Week Concludes with George Clooney, More Hilarity

Mean Tweets Week has come to an end on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Throughout the past few days, Hollywood’s biggest stars (George Clooney! Halle Berry!) stopped by the talk show in order to do what so many celebrities have done in the past:

Read mean Tweets about themselves in hilarious fashion.

“Halle Barrie’s boobs are lopsided,” @ashton_ wrote about Berry, to which the Extant star offered up the perfect response: “Well, when they’re real, that happens.”

We’ve included a compilation of the latest Mean Tweet readings (done live, in front of the studio audience) as the first video in the above rundown.

It includes the following gem to George Clooney:

“Hey George Clooney, ur haricut suxz. Oh and so does ur sense of humor. I’m on you all night f–k boy….”

Who was slammed the hardest? Who gave it back the best? Who the heck is out there writing this random stuff to people they have never met?!?

Our heads will start hurting way too much if we ponder that last question for too long.

Below is a photographic rundown of some of the best Mean Tweet examples as well: