Friday, September 25, 2015

Kim Kardashian Admits To Kylie Jenner That She"s "Dethroned" Her & Talks About THOSE Engagement Rumors!

We’re not super surprised by this one!

Kylie Jenner recently released a video on her website where she’s in bed talking with her big sis Kim Kardashian West.

Related: We Swear You Won’t Recognize Kylie Jenner In THIS Old Photo! Take A Look!

The two are just being sisterly and chatting it up about gossip and popularity — oh to be a Kardashian — when Kim admits:

“How do you feel now that you have dethroned me?”

Kylie shuts this down by saying it’s impossible, to which Kim acts a little relieved saying:

“I mean honey, let’s be real you got to put in a few years before you actually dethrone me.”

Even though Kylie’s not quite there yet, she’s definitely on the cusp and Kim has no problem having her 18-year-old sister follow in her footsteps as she says:

“You guys, this is amazing. I give Kylie all my tricks, I give her all my tips. I give her everything, and more. She is so, like, deserving. If I would want anyone to follow in my footsteps, anyone to borrow my clothes, anyone to like share my glam team it is Kylie, King Kylie”

But the two didn’t stop there!

While being Chatty Cathys, the reality stars also brought up those only slightly crazy engagement rumors from yesterday!

ICYMI: The rumor mill was abuzz yesterday after Kylie posted a video to Snapchat of her man calling her his fiancée! The rumors were already squashed but Kylie explained in the video:

“He was making fun of an Instagram he posted 30 minutes before. He knew there was this guy who was on Instagram who was like, ‘I don’t like nobody. I just play with my fiancee and my little dog.”

What do you think? Is Kylie ready to take over as the most popular Kardashian — don’t worry Kris, we said “popular” not “powerful” — or does she need a bit more experience?

[Image via Instagram.]