Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jon Hamm & January Jones: Hooking Up?!

Over the weekend, Jon Hamm won his first Emmy after being nominated an astonishing 16 times.

Of course, throughout his seven seasons of portraying Don Draper on the critically adored AMC series Mad Men, the narrative about Hamm was that he was nothing like his boozy, philandering onscreen alter ego.

Whereas Draper was a drunk, a primadonna, and a serial adulterer, Hamm was said to be a schlubby, self-deprecating everyman, hopelessly devoted to his longtime girlfriend, Jennifer Westfedlt.

Part of that might still be true, but it looks like years of stepping into Dick Whitman’s skin left a mark on the once-humble Hamm.

When Hamm entered rehab for alcohol addiction, many speculated about the emotional impact of playing a depressed, self-destructive drunk for the better part of a decade. (Hamm dismissed their concerns.)

When he broke up with Jennifer Westfeldt after years together, jokes about Don-esque infidelity were everywhere on social media.

Now, it looks like Hamm may have completed the Draper trifecta by banging all of his co-workers.

First, there were rumors about Hamm and Elisabeth Moss (who played Peggy Olson on Mad Men) and now, sources are claiming that Hamm and former onscreen wife January Jones were spotted getting awfully close at an Emmys after-party.

The timing is significant as it was first reported that Jones and Will Forte broke up just days before the ceremony.

Yes, Don and Betty Draper found themselves both newly single and celebrating both his Emmy success and the final season of Mad Men at a series of lavish Hollywood parties. 

Is there any possibility that they didn’t hook up?