Saturday, September 26, 2015

Kim Zolciak"s Stroke May Have Saved Her Life! Doctors Apparently Discovered A Life-Threatening Heart Condition During Her Hospital Stay

We are so thankful she’s OK!!

After Kim Zolciak-Biermann‘s mini-stroke on Thursday, she went home to recover and it appeared that a scary episode was behind her for good.

Related: Kim Got Botox Right Before DWTS!

Now, though, it turns out we are only just learning how scary the health problem really was — and how close it came to being truly life-threatening!

As it turns out Kim had a procedure done on her heart following the mini-stroke when doctors discovered an underlying heart issue, which had it not been completed, could’ve ended up claiming her life.

In a bizarre way, the stroke actually turned out to be a good thing for Kim — had she not gone to the hospital on Thursday, she likely would have never found out about the heart issue, and doctors apparently are saying that if it hadn’t been treated when it was this week, it certainly would’ve been life threatening.

Kim likely won’t be on DWTS on Monday night, but that’s certainly insignificant at this point — we are just very very thankful she’s on the mend!

[Image via Kim Zolciak-Biermann/Instagram.]