Monday, September 28, 2015

Mathew Knowles -- Here"s a Switch ... Screw Your Accountant!



0922-matthew-knowles-getty-01Mathew Knowles has a knack for finding financial trouble … he just got socked with a big judgment by a company he hired to get him out of the money hole he dug for himself.

Check this out … Beyonce‘s dad hired Platinum Tax Defenders to deal with Uncle Sam, who was all over his ass.  

But Platinum doesn’t come cheap … charging more than $ 62,000 for 3 months work. Mr. Knowles paid a skosh over $ 37,000 and that’s all she wrote … so claims the tax company.

So, Platinum sued and Knowles was a no-show in court, so he got socked with a judgment north of $ 20k.

Despite the judgement, an attorney for Knowles tells us he still vehemently denies the allegations in the complaint.

Aluminum Tax Defenders … beware.