Thursday, September 17, 2015

Shawne Merriman -- America Doesn"t Know Donald Trump Like I Do ... He Should Win! (VIDEO)



Donald Trump is covered on offense AND defense — on the same day Tom Brady backed him, we got ex-stud linebacker Shawne “Lights Out” Merriman … declaring his “friend” deserves to be prez.

Merriman was in Hollywood Wednesday when we asked him about Brady’s endorsement of Trump, and he not only co-signed … he revealed Trump has “always been a good friend” of his, and someone he can call at anytime.

It’s unclear how Shawne and Donald first hooked up, but based on this clip … sounds like they’re really tight. Merriman also defended some of Trump’s controversial comments, telling us … “That’s not the Donald Trump that I know.” 

There is one thing about Trump that Merriman isn’t crazy about. Watch and listen to his reaction when our photog first mentions Brady. 

Linebackers and QBs — kinda like Republicans and Democrats.

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