Monday, January 25, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Slams Rob Kardashian For Hooking Up With Blac Chyna!

Earlier today, we reported that Rob Kardashian is hooking up with Blac Chyna.

Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but Blac posted some pretty solid photographic evidence to her Instagram page this morning, and now we have more proof in the form of a pissed-off reaction from Khloe Kardashian:

You see, for Khloe, it’s not just about the fact Blac is feuding with Kylie Jenner.

No, Khloe probably feels doubly betrayed as she has her own beef with Amber Rose, Blac’s longtime BFF.

Needless to say,  he’s understandably pissed about Rob putting her in a bit of an awkward position by getting romantcally involved with one of her family’s biggest rivals.

So as the Kard clan’s official attack dog, Khloe took to social media this morning to make her feelings known:

“You can do anything. But never go against the family,” she tweeted.

When fans reacted to her apparent diss against Rob, Khloe “clarified” things with the following tweet:

“You guys do know I have about 100 family members correct? I was referring to a family member who just bailed out of doing my talk show today.”

Yeah, we’re not buying it. “Never go against family” is a little melodramatic for someone canceling on you last minute, don’t ya think?

Perhaps sensing that she was setting off BS detectors all over the country, Khloe later admitted that her comments could be applied to Rob, tweeting, “But hey, maybe my quote can go towards a few people today.”

We’ll take that as an official confirmation that Rob and Blac are a thing.