Monday, January 25, 2016

Nathan Griffith Steals Jenelle Evans" Car For The Strangest Reason

With a 7th season of Teen Mom 2 definitely happening, Jenelle Evans has fans fired up about the trouble she’s causing.

First, we hear that her mother, Barbara got into a fight with Evans’ boyfriend, David Eason, to the point where the cops had to be called to the house.

Evans was allegedly doing her makeup in the bathroom when Eason and Barb got into it, forcing a call to be made to the cops.

“Kaiser was never taken from my house… I was in the bathroom doing my makeup to go to lunch with my mom,” Evans tweeted after the incident.

“Kaiser was in David’s arms and she kept yelling so he asked her to leave and she didn’t… Simple.”

Evans then later tweeted another update, teasing fans about Teen Mom 2′s upcoming season.

Then, on January 23rd Evans took to Twitter to accuse her ex, Nathan Griffith of stealing her car while she and Eason were in Miami.

Here are the series of tweets, captured by Starcasm because it appears that Evans deleted after the fact.

“I cannot BELIEVE you stole my car while I was gone,” she tweeted.”

“I get it.. U wanted all of kaisers stuff to prove in court u ‘bought’ him [Kaiser] things.  Thanks for taking the stroller.”

It went on…

“Thanks for taking my property that’s in my car, would call u but got scared when that cop called and shut off your phone.  damn thank god I took the car seat out and left it at home, u should buy one.. Not like you ever have.

“And u know what, you can have the f–king car becuz you ARENT getting me arrested again.”

Griffith lost his license after more than few DUIs, so Evans wondered who helped him with the heist.

“you STILL don’t even have a drivers license LMFAO,” she wrote.